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Third Person POV

Jeno breaks from the hug and puts Renjun on his back. Jeno, Jaemin, and Renjun get there stuff to leave the cafe.

"Wait a minute I forgot I have another job!!! I can't go home yet!" Renjun realizes and tries to get off Jeno's back.

"Mhm about that you're not going today. Hon, have you seen how you are right now. I will call the place you work at and tell them you can't work for a week." Yeri says shrugging.


"No buts...OH and you have the week off from the cafe too......In fact I forbid you to come back until you FULLY heal. Now you three go home and you two" She says pointing at Jeno and Jaemin.

"You better take care of him alright?"

They nod and she nods in return. The three boys head out of the cafe and talk on the way to the apartment dorm.

"Hey um.....I can walk by myself you know....you don't have to cary me." Renjun slightly blushes.

"Absolutely not this is my 'I'm sorry I couldn't protect you gift'" Jeno declares which makes the all laugh a little.

"Yeah we're really sorry we weren't there to protect you." Jaemin says looking down. 

"No don't be sorry it was my fault for getting that ladies order wrong.....you guys shouldn't blame yourselves.....but why are you guys so nice to me?" Renjun asks tilting his head.

"Well it's because we care about you so much. When we see you sad it breaks our hearts to see you hurting. We will always care about you.....because you're special to us and you always will be." Jaemin says taking Renjun's hand smiling while Jeno nods at the statement. 

Renjun was caught off guard by that statement blushing like crazy. He buried his face into Jeno's back which made Jeno and Jaemin giggle.

Jeno and Jaemin keep talking until they hear soft snoring coming from Jeno's back. 

"He's adorable, but I wish we would get the hint that we are interested in him." Jaemin says letting out a sigh and chuckle.

"Well we've only known him for like about 2-3 weeks now. I think we should see what happens because if we just said we like him after a short time our feelings could change." Jeno says kind of seriously.

"Nuh uh I wouldn't stop liking him unless he rejected me then I'd eventually stop." Jaemin says looking determined.

"What I mean is I want to let my feelings grow and if he really is worth waiting for which I believe he is then I would wait for him. As the saying goes the best things in life take time." Jeno remarks.

"Plus there is so much we don't know about him and hopefully if he gets more comfortable to sharing his problems then we can help him." Jaemin says smiling still very determined.

"You are adorable as well y'know" Jeno says kissing Jaemin's cheek.

It catches Jaemin off guard a bit so his ears turn red but he still responds with a confident "I know" whilst making Jeno laugh.

They finally enter the apartment and head to Renjun's room putting him down on his bed. When they leave to go to sleep he whispers "Don't leave please" they both stop at the door.

"What should we do" Jaemin whispers to Jeno

"I dunno"

They go over to the bed and Renjun unconsciously takes Jeno's hand and says "Don't leave please"

"Jeno I think he wants you to stay by his side. I'm gonna head to bead." Jaemin says laughing softly getting up to leave.

Just before Jaemin gets up to leave Renjun also grabs his hand and says "Don't leave please" and Jeno laughs responds with "I think he also wants you be by his side."

"Jenooooooo he's adorableeeeeeee" Jaemin says giving him puppy eyes.

"I know but so are you" He pats Jaemins head.

They both go to each end of the bed and cuddle Renjun. While they cuddle Jaemin places his hand on Renjun's cheek caressing it and looking at the burns on his face. "I can't believe someone would do something like this to Injunnie" Jaemin says shedding a tear.

"Jaemin it's okay well technically it's no- but what I mean is that we won't let something like that happen again." Jeno says whipping away his tear and Jaemin nods.

"I'm gonna go to sleep now. Good night Injunnie. Good night Jeno"

"Good night to you both as well. Love you Nana"

"Love you too nono"

And just like that they drifted off to sleep each holding Renjun in their arms.

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