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Renjun POV


Does she know it's me??? 

"Excuse me are you just going to stand there or are you going to take my order and clean up the mess?" She gives me a stink eye

"Oh right I'm terribly sorry ma'am" I say bowing to mother my voice kind of trembling. I don't think she knows it's me because I have a mask on.... thank goodness

I start cleaning the mess and I hear my mother on the phone. 

"Mhm yes, I can't believe what terrible cashier here so clumsy and wastes other peoples time. In fact they never even took my order so can you cover for me at work........Thank you."

I finished cleaning up the coffee and then take my mothers order. "Sorry for taking so long to clean that spill up what can I get for you ma'am"

"Finally... I will have a black coffee and a moomin cookie" She says scoffing.

I quickly make her order so she can leave before she knows who I am. "Here you go ma'am I hope you enjoy your meal and have a good day." I say bowing.

She walks away and takes a sip from the coffee and immediately takes it back stomping back to the counter, "I WANTED ICED COFFEE!!! YOU GAVE ME HOT COFFEE!! HOW COULD YOU BE SO STUPID!!" She yells at me and I feel like everything going black for a second. I guess she never changed. I'm paralyzed I'm scared to say anything or move.

"HELLO??!!! ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO ME???!!" I snap out of it and finally can move and talk, "I-I'm sorry I t-thought you meant hot coffee because you didn't specify." I say shivering on the verge of tears.

"ARE YOU TALKING BACK TO ME????!!" she screams 

"No....I'm so sorry here let me take it back and make an ice coffee." I say holding out my hand to grab the coffee.

She holds the bottom of the cup and hands me the coffee and just as she lets go she hits the bottom of the cup and all the hot coffee spills on my hands and face. 

"oops.." she says smirking.

~The Cut String~ NorenminWhere stories live. Discover now