Twenty Nine

383 14 6

Renjun POV

We all laugh, talk, and drink our beverages. We are just about done and ready to head back up to our apartment. 

"Well I'm going to head out. It was nice seeing you again Renjun. Nice meeting you Jeno and Jaemin." Kun says

"Oh and renjun here's my number just in case these two do something stupid and hurt you. Okay?" He says handing me a paper.

I just nod and he waves goodbye to us. We head into the elevator and press our floor and I realized that none of us were talking.

"What did Kun-hyung tell you?" Jaemin says tilting his head.

"Hm? Oh don't worry too much about it." I say patting his head as he pouts.

"Hey that's not fair injunnie......" he says whining. We both laugh at him acting like a little kid.

"Oh injunnie I forgot to ask what did Kun-hyung write on the paper he gave you?" Jeno asks.

"Nothing you have to be concerned about." I say with a smirk.

The elevator dings and we get off on our floor. We open the door and I immediately crash on the couch and stay like that for a minute until someone pokes me.

"You still alive princess?" Jaemin asks and my face goes read but since I'm face down on the couch he can't see.



I'm taken by suprised when he grabs me by my waist and positions me on his lap so that I make eye contact with him. My face is badically a tomato now.....

"Hi princess." He says with a smirk going closer to my face.

"What a flirt......" I say grabbing his face and push him a way and make bolt to my room but to my lovely surprise someone picks me up bridal style just before I reach the door.

"Woah where are you going?" Jeno says smiling.

"To my room?"

"But whyyyyyyy??? We're out here so stayyyyyyyyy." Jaemin says running towards us.

"But I don't want to...."

"What why?" Jeno asks.

"Because this is too much love and affection for my face and heart. My heart just feels like constant butterflies....." I say softer and softer.

"Aww is our little princess shy right now?" Jeno says smiling at me.

"O-of cour-course not!" 

"Good because I want to watch a show and cuddle." Jaemin says already grabbing pillows, blankets, and snacks.

"What show?" I ask

"Whatever you want injunnie." He says patting my head.

"Can we watch a movie instead?"

"Yah of course. What do you have in mind?"

"A silent voice........"

"Ok then let's watch it!" Jaemin say running full speed into the blankets. Jeno places me down gently by jaemin and sits besides me. We set up the movie and watch the movie intently.

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