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"Hello? Hello? Are you the people who arrived with Huang Renjun?" A tall man starts to gently shake them awake.

Mark slowly opens his eyes and notices it is his mentor. He hastily fixes his appearance embarrassed that he was sleeping on the job. "oH uMmm-ahem yes sorry this is Lee Jeno and Na Jaemin. I'm so sorry I fell asleep on the job I should've helped out mo-"

"Dude chill I'm not a cop.......I noticed you all had puffy eyes and were tired so I figured you must know the patient as well. Plus you did a good job keeping these two calm and reassured. Good job bro." Dr. Johnny says while keeping his playful manner with mark. The couple was confused.

"Mark is this guy your friend? How come your nervous around him?" Mark turns bright red while johnny dying of laughter.

"Ok so mark over here is always like 'lEtS bE prOFFeSSionaL aT woRK' so he talks to me here like I am his actual senior. He is like a son to me he is my north american bro." Johnny says messing up marks head. 

"Anyways I came to get you to let you know that Renjun's injuries have been patched up and he is stable now. Not exactly at average his vitals haven't decreased or increased. I am afraid we have to monitor him further to gain more insight into a result." Johnny says a bit more seriously.

"Can we go and see him?" Jaemin says breaking the silence while looking down.

"Of course."

They walk to room 16 as they enter they see renjun on the bed. Jeno and Jaemin rush to his side. He was hooked up to 3 machines. A tube to supply oxygen, a heart monitor, and a blood transfuser. He looked so pale, had bruises everywhere, and was in a hospital gown. 

Jaemin POV

I wish I could've swapped places with you......if I had just been in front of you wouldn't need to be hooked up to all these machines. If i had just ran fast enough maybe in could've kept you safe. I would get to see your smile right now. You have no idea how much your smile can brighten my day. I'm sorry.......I'm so sorry......please get up......i need you.....we need you......please injunnie....i can't take it.....

I caressed his hand while tear fall silently down my face. His hands.....they always were cold but yet i always felt this warmth from're so frail now.....i want hold you again.....

I feel a weight on my back Jeno is hugging my back. "He'll be okay...Injunnie is the strongest....and when he wakes up we can all be in our apartment watching movies, cooking, laughing, cuddling, and just enjoy each others company." Jeno's voice was breaking Incould hear it but I knew that Jeno believed every word that left his own mouth. He truky believed renjun is going to wake up.

"Promise?" I say holding out my pinkie.

"Promise." Jeno interlocks our pinkies. We smile at each other softly but then....I feel my other pinkie interlock. I look down and see renjuns finger slowly interlock. I am in utter shock but one word that is so soft i might've imagined snaps me out of it.


~The Cut String~ NorenminWhere stories live. Discover now