Chapter Two :]

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My mum comes and knocks on my door, while me and Tommy are talking on my bed. Both of our heads turn to the door.

"Hi kids! Me and your father are going out y/n, be careful!" She says, nodding at us. "Okay mum!" I reply. She closes the door and Tommy asks "do they go out often? When I come here I never see them anymore,". "Uhm yeah, they have become quite the pair for going out recently, without me. But's okay, sometimes being alone is alright.." I say, trying to act normal.

"Y/n. don't bullshit me. I've known you for the last 17 years. You hate it being alone, look. When your parents leave and you ever feel anxious, come and give a simple knock to my window. I care about you so much y/n, I'll keep you company," Tommy says, looking into my glistening e/c eyes. "Thank much Tommy," I say, beginning to break down into tears. "Hey hey hey, it's okay.. don't cry. I've got you.." he says, pulling me into his lap and cuddling me, and wiping my tears away.

Me and Tommy had always been there for each other if we ever broke down. Actually, a few weeks ago Tommy broke down, sobbing because he thought I hated him, because of the whole broken wrist incident. I was there and I calmed him down, telling him everything was fine and I forgave him.

I hadn't broke down in years, I always kept it to myself as to not be a bother to him. But letting it all out felt nice and I felt free almost.

"Why didn't you tell me.." Tommy whispers, brushing hair out of my face. "I didn't want to overload you with my problems, you have enough to worry about.." I admit, playing with my necklace anxiously. "Y/n, please tell me next time. Don't ever feel like that, I care about you and you will never overload me with your problems, okay?" He says, I nod and he smiles.

After I calm down, Tommy takes out his phone with me on his chest, his yellow and white baseball shirt stained with my tears. He scrolls through TikTok, keeping the phone at a level where I can see it.

He keeps scrolling, watching the videos the whole way through incase I was interested because he knew I didn't like to talk after breaking down like this.

This is the Tommy that the internet doesn't get to see, the one that always checks up on you and makes sure you're doing okay. I get a little lost in thought, when Tommy turns off his phone and I hear a soft hum, I snap back into reality. Tom was humming some song that i couldn't figure out

I check the time. It was 23:01. I yawn and Tommy says "tired eh bitch girl? me too, let's get to bed.". I don't even fight him for calling me that, I just take a pair of shorts of mine and a T-shirt and head to the bathroom to get changed.

I unlock the door again and walk back to my own room. Tommy was changed, wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants. He looks up and smiles at me. He fixes the pillows on the bed. We were allowed to sleep on the same bed, if one of us sleep under the quilt and the other on the top of it. "You take the inside y/n," Tommy says, pulling back the quilt so I could climb in. I smile weakly at him and get in, feeling him hug me from behind. It was kinda like spooning, we all spoon our best mates... right? My eyes give in and I drift off, thinking of nothing but the boy behind me.

Tommy POV-

Y/n's breathing slows, showing she's asleep. I smile at her, and my arms around her. I hated physical touch, such as hugs, kisses etc. Yet the little gremlin girl has a way into my heart and she makes me go all soft and shit. But today, I went soft on purpose. I didn't know her parents did that, but her reasons for not telling me were valid and I wasn't gonna be rude.

Thinking of all me and y/n's memories, I smile. She really meant a whole pile to me, and I mean that. Without her I would be lost, lonely and sad. But with her energetic, bubbly and happy. I guess that's just the impact she has on me.

I move slowly, my arms loosening around her body incase I was crushing her. I hate the way I care so much for her, but I love it at the same time.

She moves and faces me. Her peaceful sleeping face brings a smile to my face, how couldn't it? Being her best mate was amazing, because she is a awesome person, always full of energy and loves physical touch, she knows I hate it so she doesn't ask for it, but I give her it anyways because I can't just not give it to her, she softens me up too much for my own good. She always has.

[TimeSkip- Morning]

I wake up, alone in the bed. I'm guessing y/n got up. I check the time on y/n's clock. 8:29, on a Saturday? And she was up already, this bitch is so weird sometimes i wonder how ive even lasted 17 years with her annoying ass. I slowly make my way downstairs, quietly too. I knew every creak in y/n's stairs. I make it to the bottom without sound. I make my way up the hall and peek my head into the kitchen. Y/n is eating cereal with her back facing me.

I sneak up behind her and hold back my laughter before saying "BOO!". She jumps and turns around, seeing it was me her expression changes. "Tom you asshole! jesus christ.." She says, hitting my shoulder. "you're welcome bitch girl," I say, blowing a kiss at her sarcastically. "i hate you so so much." she spits at me. "calm down, you love me really," I say, smirking at the girl. "Debatable." She says, turning back around. I scoff and roll my eyes at the girl. jesus she can be so annoying but i love her for it.

Was meant to upload this last night, but I was exhausted from my birthday party <3
[Words- 1.2k]

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