Chapter Seven :]

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I keep telling myself to tell Tommy but I just can't bring myself to it. I know he likes me too but, still it's hard to just confess. But I'm gonna do it.

I fiddle with my fingers anxiously and Tommy places his hand ontop of both of mine and says "you alright?", looking quite worried. "Huh? Oh I'm fine, I was just daydreaming," I say, with a small smile. He smiles back, a tint of red coming to his cheeks.

I take a deep breath and turn to him saying "do you reckon you'll get a girlfriend soon?". He looks back at me and says "not really, no one really seems to like me,". He shrugs and waits for me to say something. "well I do,". His eyes slightly widen and he blushes.

"You- you do?" He stutters out. I nod slightly and look away, afraid I ruined our friendship. I feel a hand under my chin, it pulls my face towards where it's coming from, drawing me in slightly. i look up to see the ocean blue eyes looking into mine.

Tommy's free hand moves to my waist. We are quite close now. And his eyes flicker to my lips and he says, just above a whisper "can I?". I nod, my heart skipping beats like you wouldn't believe.

His lips softly press up against mine, my heart beating fast. I bring one of my hands to his chest, placing it there. He pulls away and I step back, slightly. He smiles like an idiot, so I do too. "I take it you knew I liked you?" He asks. I nod and he curses "fucks sake mum!". I giggle and smile. He smiles back at me.

He walks back over to me and hugs me, then taking my hand and opening his window. Bringing me out onto the bridge where the sun shone brightly. He takes my hand in his slightly bigger one and smiles.

"Fuck you Y/N Y/L/N," he says, shaking his head and smiling. "What?" I say, confused. "For making me feel this way," he says, leaning forward and kissing me again. But picking me up by my waist and setting me on the rails of the bridge, so I was a better height. I pull away and he smiles nervously before asking "Y/n? Will you be my girlfriend?".

My heart skips quite a few beats before saying "yes!", happily. He smiles like an idiot again and takes my hand. We come back inside and I'm confused as he takes a black marker and walks to the polaroids. I'm alarmed that he's drawing on them, until I realise. He took a photo of us kissing on his Polaroid camera when we were outside. I watch as he pins it up, draws on the date and puts a love heart beside it.

My heart melts and I look to him, and he was smiling. What an actual idiot. But I guess now I can say hes my idiot, and that is all that matters.

[Tommy POV]

I can't believe it, she is actually my girlfriend now. i didn't expect her to like me at all until i overheard that conversation her and my mum had downstairs.

I sit on my bed, and y/n comes and sits on my lap, looking at me to check it was okay. I nod and she gets comfortable, before pressing a kiss to my cheek and burying her face into my neck. I wrap my arm around her waist and I feel her smile into my neck. It made me smile too.

I wondered on how to tell my parents about it, I mean they were gonna find out sooner or later but, I think telling them will be nice. But that's not what I'm worrying about right now.

I love her, but it's too soon to say that, I mean she only confessed around 20 minutes ago now. So yeah, bit soon if you ask me. plus she'll think i'm obsessed with her, which i am not. well not in a creepy way no, not really in a non-creepy way either but..

I wonder how in the world I charmed her, like I mean she's fell for a few good looking guys over the years but me? I would have never thought. As much as I would have hated to admit it, I had a crush on y/n when we were 9, I just thought she was awfully pretty and cute. But I think I've always had it since then, just never willing to own up to it. Here I am now though, eight years later and she's mine.

That's weird to say, I didn't mean it like I owned her, jesus that would be weird but like, we're together. And to me, that's all that matters.

I play with the girl's hair, braiding and twisting it. I hear her laugh a few times, then she takes her head out of my neck and looks at my hands which were fidgeting with her hair. Both of hers connect with mine as she takes them and intertwines our fingers.

She giggles and I say "stop being so fucking cute you little shit,". "No, If it makes you happy I shall continue for eternity," she replies. That was adorable, I just have let out a small 'awh' because y/n squeezes my hand.

"Out of topic but your hands are tiny," I say, with a laugh. "There was 0 need to start bullying me because of my small hands you prick," she says, hitting the back of my head. "There was every need in the world to do that, 'prick'," I say, with a sarcastic smile. She grumbles and I laugh, when she gives up in a fight you know you've won over her.

But she gets all grumpy and shit after. "Dont be grumpy with me pleaseeee," I beg her, not wanting her to be upset with me. "Alright, only because you are you and you are cute," she says, causing my face to heat up and I hide in my hands. "No. Show me your face bitch!" She says, tugging at my hands but they don't move, causing me to laugh at her efforts to move my hands. "Fuckkk," she whines, but I could tell she was smiling.

Everyone has been waiting for this chapter, or so I think but here you go! Another chapter will be out later tonight!
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