Chapter Twenty-Three :]

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I've just got out of the shower and Tommy is in there. I pick up the baby pink dress I had wanted to wear for ages but I just couldn't find an occasion. I guess this was the time.

It fell just above my knees and had thin straps over my shoulders. I slip it on, trying not to mess up my pretty curled hair. I smile at myself, a little happier because I looked better than I thought I would. I slip on my white shoes and grab my phone. I slip on the heart locket necklace Tommy bought for me when we were 14.

I slip on the sliver plated bracelet and head downstairs. Tommy at this stage had gone into his room to get ready. I see Riona with a beautiful red velvet dress on.

She turns around as she hears me hit the bottom stair. "Woah y/n! Gorgeous!" She says. James walks up behind her with a suit on and he smiles at me. I hear someone else coming down the stairs and I look around and see Tommy, who had stopped dead in his tracks and was staring at me in awe.

"You- You look stunning y/n.."he says, looking completely mesmerised. "You look really handsome tom," I say, blushing. his suit and jacket fit him perfectly. He smiles at me, and I could see his face filling up with pink.

We walk to the restaurant, as it wasn't even that far from Tommy's house. He was walking close to me, protecting me from anything that could come my way. When we make it there I can't help but notice another male customer staring at me. it was quite uncomfy, but i ignored him because surely he'd stop.

We take our seats and I'm beside tommy. I'm still in view of the boy, and he's still staring. He's not here with anyone, he's by himself. "Toms.." I whisper softly, it was really worrying me now. "Yes?" He replies, looking to me. I nudge my head to where the boy is looking at me, still. "What the fuck is he looking at?" Tommy says, quite blankly annoyed. I place my hand ontop of his on the table and say "don't get so angry tom, i just don't like the way he's been looking at me,". He loosens his previously tense body at my gentle touch. "Is murder legal?" He asks me through gritted teeth. "Tom." I warn, my voice more stern now. "sorry.." he says quietly.

The waitress comes over and asks for our orders, which we give to her. And she goes to tell them to the chef. The man is still looking at me, but I wasn't gonna let some 25 year old man ruin this night by staring at me. "He's still staring? Man he's obsessed." Tommy grunts, holding my hand. "It's getting a bit creepy now.." I admit. "I know love, but don't give him the attention he wants." He replies, reassuring me. "You're right, I should leave him be, let him stare." I say.

The man gets up and walks toward us. "Oh for fucks sake." Tommy says, pulling me close to him. The man walks straight up to the table and says "hey baby girl, this your family? Well it's about to be mine aswell, because your hot and I want you.". riona and james look shocked. I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out, so Tommy speaks for me "actually dickhead. She is not my sister, she's my girlfriend. Now I think she'd appreciate it if you stopped staring because she is not interested in you and she's only 17, now get to fuck and hit on a girl your own age." He snorts, being protective over me.

The mans mouth dropped and he says "well let the girl decide is she wants me or you, I mean your just a weird tall blonde guy, who would want you?.". "Well I think it's pretty damn obvious who I want." I say, the man smirks. "What are you smirking at? It's not you anyway." I snap. His smirk fades and he looks offended. I kiss Tommy, holding it for a few seconds. "Now fuck off you pedophile." I roll my eyes.

The man leaves and Riona and James look certainly shocked. "You handled that well, i was about to step in," James says, shaking his head at the man. Tommy looks upset slightly, but I take his hand and rub circles on it. He looks up and gives a weak smile. I wasn't sure why he was upset, but if he was fake smiling like that it wasn't good.

The waitress brings our food to us and we thank her before eating it. It was very nice, I will say. But Tommy's mood was still off. He seemed put off by something, I wasn't sure.

Did the man say something about him that I didn't hear? I don't know but it sure as hell didn't make him very happy did it?


It's been an hour now since we got home from the restaurant and I haven't seen Tommy. I assumed he was going to play minecraft with his friends, but I didn't hear his voice booming throughout the house. I begin to get worried so I walk up to his door and hear sniffling.

My heart immediately drops then I hear "What if he's right? What if I am just some weird tall guy that doesn't deserve anything? What if y/n doesn't really like me and just pretends that she loves me because she feels bad...". That's when I walk in, i cant let him down talk himself. His head whips around to the door. "Tom..." I whisper, showing worry on my face. "You didn't hear that did you..?" He asks, sounding afraid. "I did, I'm not mad I just want you to explain what happened, i don't think i heard him," I say, calmly so I didn't stress him out too much.

He nods and sits down on his bed. I sit beside him, taking his hand. "The- The man in the restaurant told me I was just a tall and weird guy.. and for some reason it just didn't sit well with me.." he admits.

My heart aches. "Tom love, look at me okay?" I say, the boys eyes locking with mine. "you're perfect the way you are okay? Don't let anyone, and I mean anyone tell you otherwise because they are full of bullshit and are completely and utterly wrong." I say, my eyes not looking away from the boy's.

"Thank you.." Tommy whispers, breaking down into hot tears. "Shush shush shush, it's okay Tom.." I hush him as he cries into my shoulder. "i love you so so much, and i don't pretend that i love you, at all. i've never loved someone so much in my entire life," i comfort him.

"i love you so so much more y/n, i'm so scared of losing you if i do something stupid because i know that you bring the better out of me, and i don't know if i'd be able to ever live without you," he says, his teary blue eyes looking in mine. "you'll never lose me tom, okay? i'll always be here, your girlfriend and best friend, no matter what happens i'll be by your side, okay?" i kiss his cheek and hug him.

He calms down, his breathing slowing. I knew i was helping him calm down. "Tom, if you ever feel like this always come to me, I may not be a therapist but I can do my best for you," I say, rubbing circles on his back.

"I love you y/n, thank you for everything." He says with a smile, into my ear. "I love you too Tom, I'll always be here for you. That's what being a good girlfriend does, okay?" I say, kissing his forehead.

I have an Irish exam tomorrow, uh oh-
[1.2k words]

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