Chapter Seventeen :]

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Tommy had left to go out with Eryn and Freddie, I didn't go as I wasn't feeling the greatest. I sit in my new room, which with the help of James, I had moved everything in here. Everything is peaceful and quiet, and i'm on my phone, until I hear "THOMAS SIMONS!" Being yelled by Riona.

It alarmed me at how loud she yelled it. I come down the stairs and into the kitchen, as of course i would love to see why my boyfriend's name was getting yelled and echoed around the house by his mother. i stand, leaning on the door frame to see what the racket was, the door creaked a little as i leant on it. Both of their heads turned to me. My heart stopped, Tommy's face was beat up. "Tom..?" I say, my eyes having widened at the sight of my boyfriends face being so bloody.

"Can you believe it y/n? He got in a fight! You are grounded Thomas!" Riona says, quite obviously angry. "Mum! He said he was gonna hurt y/n I-" Tommy tries to explain. "Nope! I'm not listening, you are grounded and not allowed to come out of your room or see y/n for 2 days! I'll bring you up food but you're not allowed out. I'll let you two have 5 minutes." Riona says, her voice firm as she leaves the room.

Tommy looks to me. "I'm sorry y/n..I just-". He gets cut off by me throwing my arms around him. "C'mere.." I say, pulling him over to the counter where I sit up on and pull him between my legs. My eyes scan his raw face. "It's okay, I'm not mad I'm just surprised.." I say, gently caressing his cheek. "I don't know why my mum is banning me from seeing you, i just don't know why she thinks that's a reasonable punishment, none of this was your fault.." he says, pushing hair out of my face. i hug him tightly, burying my face in his neck, being careful not to touch any sore spots.

"Times up!" Riona says from the living room. Tom goes to walk away but I grab his sleeve. i give him a pleading look, he knew what it was. He smiles and cups my face, letting his soft lips press up against mine. "I love you y/n," he says, giving my hand a squeeze before walking away with his mum upstairs. "i love you too tom," i say as he leaves.

this is gonna be so annoying, i literally cant communicate with him in any way. it's different cause usually if he's grounded i can walk across the bridge and sit at his window to talk to him, but seeing as the fact i don't have keys to my old house and the bridge is getting chopped down, that doesn't seem possible. he's gonna have his phone and pc taken off him too. plus i would slip notes under his door but 1. his door is so close to the floor i don't know if it's possible and 2. tom's writing is extremely hard to read.

I sigh before heading upstairs to where Riona is closing Tommy's door. "You alright y/n?" She asks. "i'm fine." I reply. I walk to my room and close the door. i grab my phone and slop down onto my bed.

Why does Riona go to such extremes as this? Her son is 17, not 11. It annoys me, why am i used as a punishment for him? it just doesn't make any sense to me.

[Timeskip 1 day]

i'm really only realising now how big of an impact tom has on me on a daily basis. i've been surviving off the chocolate bars in my room for the last 24 hours, i've went down for dinner yesterday and i've been scrolling through tiktok all the time.

A knock comes to the door and Riona pops her head in. "you okay y/n?" she asks. i nod and she leaves again. i watch all of these cute relationship tiktoks. jesus tiktok you assholes what a time to show me these.

i create some tiktoks, but making them becomes boring very quickly. i watch netflix for a while before my phone dies. "are you actually kidding me," i groan at my phone. i plug it in for it to charge before sitting on my bed for a moment.

I get up and walk to my desk. I grab my pen and begin writing, everything that was on my mind was wrote onto the page. I always did this then painted over it. It was like a way of forgetting about stupid things that made me upset. My eyes closely scanned across the page as I wrote every word that was on my mind. I push out from my desk and walk to my drawers searching for my dark blue paint.

It catches my eye and I grab it. I walk back over and squeeze a bit on the page. I use my brush to lightly paint over all my worries, and I could already feel myself becoming calmer, but one thing hard to get out of my brain is Tommy. i heard him crash into his wall earlier, don't even ask me how that is possible because i just don't know. it's tom for christ's sake, anything is possible with him.

[Timeskip till when Tommy is allowed out]

[Tom POV]

My door swings open as I lay with a bouncy ball I found under my bed bouncing in my hand. "You can come out now Tom," my mum says. My eyes light up and I get up and walk out the door. "does y/n know i'm out?" i ask my mum quietly. "nope, i haven't seen her very much since you've been in there, she really does love you tom, go on and get her," my mum taps my back and she goes downstairs.

I creep up to the door and knock, hearing a "come in,". I open the door and the girl is sitting on her bed, with her phone in her hand. She looks up and her eyes widen. She jumps up and hugs me. "Tom.." she whispers. "Hello love." I reply, feeling her hand on my cheek.

I walk over to her bed and she sits on my lap. "did you miss me?" i smirk. "no, i didn't," she says sarcastically. i gasp and slap my hand against my chest. "i'm joking, of course i did. though i heard you clash against the wall and that was enough to tell me you were living in there," she nods. "did you hear that?" i laugh, blushing with embarrassment. "fuck yeah i did, what the hell happened you?" she laughs too. "i tripped over a bouncy ball i found," i go red with embarrassment. she laughs at me. "only you tom, only you," she pats my shoulder while smiling. i lean in and press my lips into hers, and i realise now how much i actually missed her kisses.

she hugs me tightly, humming a little. she taps my back with her fingers, still holding the hug.

"Y/n have you slept?" I ask her, if it wasn't for me, this bitch would have no sleep. "no i stayed up watching netflix all night, for both nights." she shrugs. "jesus christ, you're so lucky to have me as a boyfriend so i can make sure you sleep," i roll my eyes at her.

"it was reasonable.. i was intrigued in the show and i didn't know what time it was!" she exclaims. "you are a weird weird girl," i shake my head. "and i am also your girlfriend, if you haven't forgotten," she blows a raspberry at me. "fuck off y/n!" i whine. "never," she gives me the middle finger.

Idea I came up with in the shower, bit odd but it's alright.
[1.3K words]

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