Chapter Sixteen :]

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[Tommy POV]

It's 3:25pm and I'm looking through Instagram, with y/n on my lap. Her eyes were on my phone.

My mum walks in and says "y/n your parents have come to talk to you and Tom,". Y/n nods and looks to me, I nod aswell and we both get up, me holding y/n's hand because she wasn't fully able to walk yet. She was wearing a hoodie of mine and her own sweats. We make it to the living room and I look to her before pushing open the door and sitting down across from her and my parents.

"Hey y/n.." her mother says. "hi.." she replies, not looking to her mum. "We've came to say that we have found a new house and well.. you can't live with us and we are selling the house next door..." her father says. I watch as the girl's eyes widen in horror. I was quite shocked myself. "W-where will I go?" She stutters out, I squeeze her hand and she shuffles closer to me. "We could always make the guest room yours y/n?" My mum offers. "If that's okay.. then okay and thank you," y/n says, looking up to my mum.

My mum nods and y/n looks to Charlotte, her own mum, "I never understood why I wasn't loved by you two as much as Riona and James loved me, guess I know now.". I smirk slightly at her risky move there, she could have got a backhand across the face there. I wouldn't allow this though, so I'd like to see them try.

"I heard you and Tom got together," her father says, changing the subject. "Yeah," she says, leaning onto my shoulder and smiling, causing me to smile too. "You're very cute together, and I'm happy you found someone," her mum admits, a small smile on her face.


it's 8:21pm now, and I just finished a stream. Y/n has sat in the background, occasionally adding little things in to the conversation I was having with chat. I look back, she has been quiet for the past few minutes. She was half asleep, but her sleepy eyes were on me. I roll my eyes and smile, getting up and walking over to her. I lift her up slightly and lay her down with her head on my pillow now. "I love you, sleep well princess. I have a bit of editing to do then I'll be in bed too okay?" I say. She nods and leans up, kissing me before pulling away and laying back down. "i love you too," she smiles.

I go and get changed into a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. i sit on my chair and boot up my editing system, and sit editing a video I needed to publish soon. I didn't enjoy editing all that much, especially when my poor girlfriend is exhausted and wants me beside her. I turn around and y/n is on her phone, her brightness all the way down, she probably couldn't get to sleep and got bored. i finish off the last bit of editing quickly, before turning off my pc.

I get up and lay down beside her. She leans over me and puts her phone on the bedside table before turning her attention to me. "I couldn't get to sleep." She says, playing with my hair. "I figured," I say, with a smile.

She shuffles closer to me. I cup her face and smile, saying "you're so cute you know,". She smiles and says "you say that all the time Toms,". "I know! But did I lie? Nope," I reply.

I fiddle with my fingers, but y/n notices and takes my hands in hers. "What's wrong? You do that when your nervous Tom," she asks me. "I- I just..I-" I stutter, trying to get words to describe it. "It's okay, take your time," she comforts me, rubbing circles on the back of my hand. "I- Well I guess I just feel bad for you with your parents and how they just left you like that," I say, squeezing her hands. "I know, I know. But it's alright, it will all work out. Sure I'll be living here now, so it's gonna be all okay. Unless you don't want me to live here.." she says. "No no no no! I want you to live here! You're the best person I could ever imagine living here .." I reply, pulling her in closer for a hug. She hugs back rubbing circles on my back, she knew how much it comforted me.

"You know what? You're the best person full stop. I love you y/n," I say. I feel her smiling into my shoulder, she chuckles and says "that's adorable Tom, I love you too.". I hum happily and my eyes get heavy and my grip around y/n loosens. My eyes slowly close and I drift off into unconsciousness...


That was cute, but I think because he was tired he said that sappy stuff, he wouldn't say it if he was wide awake, either way it made me smile. Everything today was so overwhelming and how I didn't have a home, but Riona was gonna let me move in. I actually love that woman so much, god knows how many times she has saved my life, and she's been there all along.

Like another mother figure, but better than my biological one. I hate to say that honestly, but it's true. In my eyes, my mother shouldnt have done me like that, she should have told me. I would have took it better then instead of having it said to me like that, by another person. It's not like she cares though is it?

Heyyy:) morning chapter!

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