Chapter Twenty-Eight :]

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I wake up to an alarm going off. I groan and snuggle into Tommy, who I was still laying beside. I sigh and sit up. He stirs at my movement and looks up. "We have a flight to catch in.. 2 hours.. wait. two hours?!" I gasp, me and Tommy both getting up. Riona and James weren't in bed so I assume they had got up earlier to pack their things away. why couldn't they have woke us up? I pack up all the shit I left around the room. I sigh and pick out a white crop top and black leggings to wear. I change in the bathroom and get everything I need.

Tommy looks quite panicked and is rapidly packing his stuff. He needed to calm down a bit so I place my hand on his cheek, his gaze turning to me. "Y/n! We are gonna be late for the flight!!" He panics. "Tom, we have over two hours and we are right next to the airport, you're okay. Calm down." I calm him.

He nods and continues to pack, but slowed down now. Riona and James walk through the door and smile at us. "Rise and shine! Excited for spain?" Riona says, cheerfully. I nod excitedly and Tommy does the same.

The older pair continue to pack up and I hear tommy saying "y/n..? Could you help me?". I look up and see Tommy struggling with his locket I got him for Christmas a few years back. "Here, lean down a bit.". He leans down and I click it in. I walk to my suitcase and take mine out aswell, letting him clip it on.

If you opened up my locket you got a picture of tommy. If you opened his you got a picture of me. It was cute, and I was glad I came up with that idea.

We both grab our shit and leave the hotel room. Letting his parents finish up and make sure no one had left anything. We wait in the reception and a few girls gush over tommy there. "Toms turn around.." I mutter, glaring at the girls.

He turns around and when he turns back to face me, he gives me a disgusted look. "Please tell me they aren't doing that over me.." he whispers to me, leaning in to me slightly.

"Yeah naw hate to break it to you but they kinda are?" I say, as if I was stating the obvious, which i kinda was.

Tommy bursts out laughing, causing the girls to glare at us. A smile tugs at my lips watching him double over in laughter. "You alright?" I ask him, patting his shoulder. "nooo.." he laughs again. The girls look disgusted at me.

"Heyyy!" A girl says, walking over to Tommy as he stood up again. "Hi?" He answers sounding a bit confused. "You're really cute! Your sister is pretty too." She says, looking disgustingly at me. She didn't mean that did she?

"Uh thanks? But that ain't my sister. That's my girlfriend and um, I don't care what you think about me. I don't know you and you don't know me." He says. "Well I bet you have only known her for like a month." The girl spits at Tommy. "Actually, I've known her all my life! And my first ever steps were to get to her!" Tommy says, getting protective and standing infront of me. i blush a little and cover my mouth with my hand.

The girl and Tommy continue to argue until she pisses off and shouts at me. "if it weren't for you bitch he'd be mine!". "in your wildest dreams love!" i shout after her.

"Ayo that was kinda scary though," Tommy says. "I thought you were gonna say 'ayo that shit was kinda hot tho' and I was gonna slap the shit out of you." I say.

"ahem, not sure if you know but i'm in a happy relationship? also i'm a minor!" He says. "I'm younger than you, you bastard." I say, stopping a good distance away from the girls. "Yeah I know, your height explains it." The taller boy says, smirking at me. "Eyyy! Just because I'm 5'9 and your like 6'1 doesn't mean I can't beat the shit out of you!" I protest.

"Yeah I know you would beat the shit out of me but you won't! Sooo!" Tommy says, a evil smirk on his face. "Yeah you don't know me too well do you.." I answer. "i know you better than anyone else does," he looks at me. "fuck off," i groan. He laughs and his parents call for us at the front door of the hotel and we leave, with our bags.

Short chapter because it's midnight here and I'm exhausted. I have exams all next week.
Uh oh I feel like I'm gonna fail. But!!! My mum and dad said If I do good on my exams I can get minecraft on my laptop!! <3
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