Chapter Three :]

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As my phone beeps, I check it and sigh. A frown appearing on my face.

hey y/n, the Simons will take care of you for a week or so. I know it's the longest you'll be away from us but your father and I need a break. I love you honey.

Tommy walks up behind me, looking at my phone from over my shoulder. "I see what you mean now," he whispers to me. I text her back.

okay mum, love you too.

Tommy spins me around and hugs me. He knew how much I hated being without them, but he made me feel safe. I slowly hug back, taking it all in.

"Hey it's okay, my mum, dad and I will be here for you while they are gone, it's okay," He whispers softly. "Thank you Tommy.." I say, burying my face into his chest. "Anything for you.." The taller boy says, running his fingers through my hair.

For some reason, that sent what felt like electricity through my body. I've never felt this way with Tommy before, only with a stupid crush I had in year 5. Who should I mention, hit me and Tommy beat him up.

Do I have a crush on Tommy? Surely not, right? I mean, don't get me wrong he's a lovely and pretty man but.. agh! Maybe I do, but I'll put it aside. It's only a small thing.

"Come on y/n, let's get your things packed up," Tommy says, taking my wrist. I walk slightly behind him and he waits for me at the top of the stairs. We walk into my room and pack a few pairs of clothes, as I could just walk over the bridge for anything needed, but that takes a lot more effort than i am willing to give. Tommy slides up the window and looks around at me, with his bag on his back. He lets me through and closes my window behind me.

"I feel like I'm making this awfully sad you know?" I say, a slight giggle coming through. "You are sad y/n. your whole life is." Tommy says, rolling his eyes. "I know, there was no need to remind," I say, punching him lightly. He laughs and opens his window, both of us getting in.

Tommy's mum walks in, a sad look on her face. "Y/n honey, I've noticed a change in your parents recently too, I'm so sorry about them leaving you like that, you're more than welcome to come over here more often when they come back," Riona says to me, my smile fades. "Thank you Riona, yeah they've changed a lot, and not for the better.." I say, rubbing my arm. Tommy looks down to me, with a look which showed he felt bad for me.

"I'm glad our Tom here can cheer you up, like always," She says, smiling then leaving the room. I look to boy and he smiles and says "would you like to do a QnA stream with me? just to take your mind off everything,". I nod and he turns around.

he pulls over his spare chair and sits on it. "What are you doing man?" I question, usually I sat there if i was streaming with him.

"Sit." He says, pointing to his chair. "i'm not a fucking dog but okay," I say. "shut the fuck up y/n, i'm trying to be nice," he groans. He starts up his stream and I sit with my legs crossed on his chair. He hands me a coke which I take happily. Growing up with him had caused his coke addiction to pass onto me aswell. the drink, not anything else..

I watch as he sets up everything for his stream and he looks at me as his mouse hovers over the 'Start Stream' button. I look back at him and nod. He clicks it and waits for viewers to roll in.

"WHAT IS UP CHAT!" He yells, his online persona shining through. "We have y/n here again, we are doing a QnA stream today!" He says as I wave to the camera.

How did you two meet?

"We met at birth really, ever since we can remember," Tommy answers, looking at me and I nod at his statement. "Yeah, sadly I had to grow up with him." I say. He pretends to be offended by my comment, lightly hitting my shoulder and I just laugh.

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