Chapter Four :]

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[Tommy POV]

What was this weird feeling now when I talked to y/n? Maybe my parents knew, I should go ask them. i talk to them about everything anyway, i suppose this time it's a bit different.

I skip my way downstairs and into the living room. "Where's y/n?" My dad asks, as she usually isn't far away from me. "She's at her own house drawing, but I need help, and I was hoping you two have the right answers.." I say, awkwardly. "Okay?" My mum says, sitting up.

"How do you know if you have feelings for someone?" I say, looking down. "You like someone Tom?" My dad says. "Uhm yeah.." I reply. "Who are they? Do we know them?" My mum questions. "yeah, it's y/n.." I say. My mum gasps and my dad says "we knew you would like her at some point!".

"Tom, you really genuinely like her?" My mum asks. I nod and look up to her again, my face probably quite red. "Has she done anything remotely flirty recently?" My dad asks. "Well, I was streaming with her earlier and.. one of my mates said if she kissed my cheek he'd give me 1000 pounds and.." I start. "1000 pounds? holy shit! Keep going!" My mum says, obviously intrigued. "..and she did, without any hesitation at all. I felt like electricity was running through my body when she did," I finish. "Tom, you definitely like her, I bet she likes you back," my mum says, with a soft smile.

"I hope so..I'm going to head up before she realises I'm gone and begins to panic." I say, nodding at them. "See Tom? You care about her, she will appreciate that," my dad says, smiling also as I left the room.

I quickly get up the stairs and see that y/n is still drawing, her eyes focused on the paper. I smile and sit at my desk, logging into my pc and beginning to edit.

I really had feelings for her? My god that is gonna be fun. Especially when we are gonna be with each other everyday for god knows how long.

After around 20 minutes of editing I hear a soft knock on my window. My head turns and I see y/n standing there. I let her in as I had locked my window. "Hello!" She says, with a smile. "Hey, how did your drawing go?" I ask her and she shows me a realistic drawing of a girl.

It was perfect, it looked as if you took an actual picture of a girls face. "Y/n! This is amazing!" I say, my mouth agape in shock. "It's not that good but, I tried!" She says, shrugging and coming in. I sit down and edit again, with one side of my headphones off. The girl sits on my bed and scrolls through her phone. "Woah!" I hear her whisper under her breath. I shrug it off before she stand up and shows me a picture of fan art, it shows y/n kissing my cheek and my cheeks blushing, but animated. "Woah!" I say, examining it more before y/n pulls her phone away.

"It's so cool how people do that!" She says, happily. I smile and nod, shutting down my pc. "Tom! And if y/n is there too come down!" We exchange confused looks but go down nonetheless. We walk to the kitchen and see my parents in the backyard.

"Come on out and chill out with us!" My father yells. "Hold on!" Y/n says, running back into the house. It was quite warm but I had a white shirt that y/n bought for me on and sweatpants so I was alright. I go and sit down on the summer swing.

Y/n comes out in a grey t-shirt and black shorts. I smile at her and she runs and sits next to me. I build up a bit of confidence and bring my arm around her. She leans into my touch, her head resting on my chest. A light blush appears on my face and I rest my head on top of hers. My mum and dad smirk at me. I death glare them both, incase of y/n seeing, and they look away.

It suddenly begins to rain, heavily. typical fucking england. I quickly grab y/n's hand without thinking too much and run. We get in and I realise I was holding her her hand. "Oh shit sorry.." I say. "Shush! It's fine," she says, squeezing my hand lightly. I smile and shake my head at how stupid I was for falling for her like this.

We head up to my room, both quite wet from the rain. "Do you want a hoodie?" I ask y/n, her eyes light up. So I assume that's a yes. I throw her a baby blue one and she runs out with a pair of her own black sweatpants.

I chuckle at her excitement and change into a clean black t-shirt and white sweatpants. She comes back in as I sit with my back on the wall at my bed. She smiles at me and sits between my legs, which were slightly parted. She leans back and whispers to me "is this okay?". I nod, she had no right to be so attractive there. I move my legs more so she could get comfortable. She looks to me and smiles.

For fucks sake this girl knows exactly what she's doing to me, I swear she does. Imagine being her boyfriend, and whoever gets it in future is a lucky ass guy. She moves slightly, snapping me out of my thoughts and rests her head on my shoulder a bit more.

A loud bang of thunder came and the girl jumped. She loved thunder and lightning but it always made her jump. I laugh at her and she hits the side of my head lightly. "Stop making fun of me, that's not very nice Mr Simons," she says, acting twelve. "I'll do whatever I want Miss Y/L/N," I say, smirking at her and she goes a light pink colour and looks away, muttering a "mkay..".

I laugh quietly at her, but she blushed? Surely that meant something right? I hope so anyway. Her hand lands on mine on accident, and I blush and look to her face, she was looking out the window. I turn my hand around, letting her hand land in mine, they fit together almost perfectly. She looks at our hands then up to my face, I look back to her and we both smile.

I check the time, 3:41pm. It wasn't that late, y/n buries her face into my neck, I can feel her soft breath hitting my neck. It makes my whole body tingle and sends shivers down my spine. That's what a breath of hers could do. Imagine if she kissed me? My whole life would like, I don't fucking know, it would probably flash before my eyes.

I rest my head on hers and I hear her laugh a bit, it was a happy laugh so I could tell she didn't mind me resting my head on hers.

I've always hated the thought of love but, maybe y/n will make me change my mind on that one? I sure hope so anyways..

Another chapter because I'm bored as fuck and have nothing else to do.
[1.2k words]

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