Chapter Twenty-Two :]

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I was sitting beside Tommy on his chair, we were quite squished so I stood up and let them set up the stream shit that I don't know how to work.

He sets up minecraft before turning to me and saying "they won't be able to see you if you stand up woman, sit your ass down somewhere,". I roll my eyes and say "well no shit sherlock holmes!". I sit on his lap. "technically i am sitting down, where's your smart remark for that one blondie," I say, teasing him a little.

He sighs and shakes his head, before saying "If you're gonna on my lap y/n, it's gonna look suspicious but I guess we could confuse chat.". He looks proud of himself for that idea. "Yeah okayyy! But I'll sit on it while I'm playing, not for the start, god you'll be dead by the end of the stream," I say, shaking my head and sitting on the arm of his chair.

"you're light as fuck y/n but like sure that works," he shrugs. He starts stream and waits for viewers to come in. They soon do and he yells "WHATS UP CHAT!" While popping open his coke to the beat of the music. "So today boys, as you can clearly see we have y/n here with us and she's gonna be trying to play minecraft again since it's been like 6 months since she's played it." He explains to chat and I nod.

He turns to me and says "you're so quiet woman, say something!". "yeah well maybe I like being quiet dickhead!" I retort. "okay then.." he continues, holding back laughter. I burst out laughing and he follows suit. "Okay everyone, shall we get started?" He says, recovering as I cough. "You alright there mate?" He says turning to me. "do I look alright?" I say.

He rolls his eyes and opens minecraft. He nods at me secretly and I sit on his lap, facing the screen. I could see chat going crazy from the corner of my eye. Tommy joins a new world because if I joined one of his I would probably just mess it all up. I look down at the keyboard, trying to remember the controls. I press W and I walk forward. "Ahah!" I say, some knowledge was coming back to me now. Tommy starts laughing. "Y/n you literally just walked forward," he taunts.

I turn around and glare at him. "Okay okay! Chill!" He says. I laugh and turn back to the screen, slowly learning most controls. I feel Tommy's arms wrap slowly around my waist and his chin rests on my shoulder. I smile and continue on. When I took a glance at chat I see:


they never did this on stream before!!!

are they together?? Omg y/ninnit!!

the way tommy looks at y/n is so adorable!

I smile and shake my head, and continue to mine a tree with a pick axe. "Okay y/n that's what an axe is for you dumb bitch." Tommy snorts from my shoulder. "Speaking of dumb bitches who walked clean into the door frame before stream?" I say, matter-of-factly as i switch to an axe. "fuck you." He replies after a minute. "That's what I thought, Mr Innit." I say, smirking.

I play for an hour or so, me and tom talking about random things with chat, before I lean back and whisper to Tommy. "We should tell chat now, the people are gonna lose their marbles." I whisper. He nods and puts the facecam on big screen. "Alright chat, we have big news and I do not want anyone being attacked for this okay?" Tommy says, parting his legs so I was sitting inbetween them and the stream could see him better.

"Okay guys, me and y/n are dating. I don't want you attacking me or her over it because it's been going on for only a short period of time." He says, and I nod. he hugs me from behind and we both smile at the stream.

Chat was going crazy, with things like;


You guys are so cute! Congrats 🎉

We saw this coming one day, big man has a girlfriend!

We talk to chat before we have a dono:

DreamWasTaken £15:
Knew it. I started this and I'm so proud of myself I'm gonna go tell George.

"Yeah dream you did start our relationship really, thank you." I say, smiling at the camera. "Oh of course your away to tell your boyfriend, all he does is tell people he's colourblind!" Tommy says, ignoring the fact i was being nice and just being mean instead.

I start laughing at this and lean back on the boy's chest. He wraps his arms around me tightly. "Let me go!" I whine, he was crushing me completely, his grip was so strong. "No, get to fuck I ain't letting go." He says, acting all big. "I hate you.". i knew those words would soften him up. "No no no no I'm sorry!!" He begs, letting go. I kiss his cheek, covering it from the stream, and he smiles proudly.

"Right chat, media share time!" Tommy says, enabling it. He wrapped his arms gently around me as a media share came up.

It was Ranboo dancing. I widen my eyes at chat as I knew exactly how Tommy was going to react. "HE STOLE TUBBO FROM ME?!" He yells. "Your mum is going to kill you she says," I say, looking at his phone and seeing a message from his mum:

Thomas I'm gonna kill you when your off stream. Y/n can watch, and laugh but she does that anyway.

"She didn't really lie did she?" I say, giggling. "Nope." Tommy replies. Our heads turn back and we see a message on discord from Niki.

"Chat Niki messaged us." I say. "She literally said 'Tommy watch out I'm coming to steal your girl, she's cute'," Tommy says. "I'd go with you Niki," I admit. "GUESS WHAT CHAT? YOU KNOW WHAT IS POGGERS?" Tommy says, rather loud. "I have a bisexual woman!!" He says, with a proud smile on his face.

"He's not wrong, I'm bi." I say, my ears ringing from Tommy being so loud, so I rub them. "Oh shit did I hurt your ears? Sorry..." he says, much quieter now. "Yeah, but it's alright!" I say.

Out of nowhere a loud ass media share comes on and Tommy's quick thinking brought his hands to my ears. He hushed me as it continued to play and looked up to try and turn it off. "Chat. Please don't send loud videos, it can hurt y/n's ears sometimes and it's annoying for her to have ringing in her ears for hours after, so please don't send us those," Tommy asks, kindly to chat on my behalf.

A video comes on of Tommy saying "oh! Just killed a woman, feeling good.". I smile at it, it made me laugh or smile every time it came on. "chat no, the woman i killed was not y/n," he says, reading chat and shaking his head. i laugh at this and turn to look at tom, but he's already looking to me lovingly.

After a few hours of streaming, Tommy ends it. It was roughly an hour before we had to go to the restaurant and Tommy was rubbing circles on the back of my hand. He was so comforting to me if I was ever nervous or something, or just ever when I was quiet and didn't want to talk, which was one of those moments right now. He was editing and I was watching intently as he clicked on different icons and typed in.

"You alright princess?" He asks me, leaning down to beside my ear, which was pressed into his chest. "yeah I'm fine, excited for the dinner tonight," I say, smiling a little. "Yeah, we would need to get ready soon for it," he replies. He shuts off his pc saying "but we have to cuddle first,". I smile slightly again and sit facing him and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling my body closer to his. I hear him chuckle and wrap his arms around my waist. "I love youuu!" He hums softly into my ear. "I love you tooooo!" I hum back. I pull away from the hug to look at his face, I smile and roll my eyes before my lips press softly up against his, my hand moving to his face, while his are on my face too.

Next chapter out later!!

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