Chapter Eight :]

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As I'm sitting on Tommy's lap, he breaks the comfortable silence saying "should we tell my parents now?". I nod and get off him, allowing him to move again. He smiles and takes my hand, leading me down the stairs.

He pushes open his living room door, letting go of my hand so we didn't look suspicious. His mum raises an eyebrow at his extra bright smile. He walks over and sits on the sofa across from them. I walk in behind him and sit down beside him, also with a slightly smaller smile than his on my face.

"What's going on with you two? You smile like this when something happened.." Riona says, looking at us both. she knew us wayyy too well sometimes that it was scary. "Something did happen.. and I'm glad it did," I say, letting blush fill my cheeks. this was part of the plan, although i cringed a bit at myself on the inside. Riona must have caught on to us a bit and she says "Tom? What did you do to y/n?". "Something I've been meaning to do for ages.." he says, looking to me with a smile. god he is one fucking idiot.

"You two are worrying me, what have you done?" Riona says, looking between us. "Ask your son, i think he knows better." I say, shrugging it off. Riona's eyes dart to her son who smiles and says "maybe I kissed her, maybe I didn't,".

A smile creeps onto my face and I shake my head in disbelief that it actually happened. "Did he kiss you y/n?!" His dad asks, quite excited for some reason. "Yeah, he did." I say, looking to the blonde boy, who smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist, as i rest my head on his arm.

"Are you two dating?" Riona asked, a wide smile on her face. I nod and she squeals. "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" Riona chants. It was quite obvious she had wanted us together for awhile. I look to Tom and he smiles. i laugh a little and nod at him, giving him consent.

With that he leans in, our lips connecting, Riona squeals while clapping her hands, while James laughs at his wife. Tommy pulls away, looking into my e/c eyes and smiling. "beautiful girl," he whispers. i smile and blush. We both look to Riona and smile.

"You two are adorable!!" She says, very happy sounding. "He is, dont know about me though," I say, smirking, i knew it annoyed him. "Y/n I'm gonna kill you for the last time I'm not cute!" Tommy says, gripping my arm and punching it. "Mkay?" I say, quite confused because if he was trying to hurt me it really just wasn't working.

Everyone else laughs while Tommy pouts at me. "No im sorry," I say, cupping his face and kissing his cheek. He blushed immensely and I chuckle "If you blush that easily I'm gonna tease you so badly,". He rolls his eyes and says "you wouldn't.". "Yeah I would and you know that i would," i say. "okay do you know what that's fair," he nods. i laugh and he smiles at me. riona and james watch us, smiling too.

"Could I get you two anything?" Riona asks, standing up and walking to the kitchen. "No thank you Riona," I say, looking to Tommy who nods in agreement with me. He furrows his eyebrows, I'm not sure why until he pulls me up close to him. "Better," he says, proudly. I laugh and roll my eyes, resting my head on his shoulder. He rests his head on top of mine and I close my eyes, i felt really dizzy and quite tired for no reason.

"Y/n!" Riona calls from the kitchen. I look to Tommy who pouts, but I give him a short kiss before getting up and walking to Riona. I see her in the kitchen and I walk up to her, still feeling quite out of it, and she turns to me, smiling. "I'm really happy for you and Tom, who confessed?". "I did, I guess I couldn't hold it in any longer," I say. Riona begins to talk but everything in my head gets so loud it's hard to hear her.

A nauseous feeling rises in me and I say "Riona.. i don't feel good..". i grip onto her shoulder. But the last thing I remember is everything going black.

[Tommy POV]

"Y/n? Y/n?!" I hear my mums panicked voice say. I give my dad an alarmed look and we both get up and walk to the kitchen. We see a y/n in the floor, her eyes closed. Her lips were slightly parted, enough for her to breathe through. my mum was sitting beside her on the floor.

I panic, she has never fainted or passed out before. "y/n?!" I say, in a worried voice. My mums head turns to me and she says "I was just talking to her, and she told me she didn't feel great and then she collasped.".

i look at her worriedly and drop down beside her. "it's okay Tom, she's gonna be fine." my dad reassured me. I nod at him and my mum says "Tom, please lift her and bring her to your room,". I nod and lift her with ease, biting my lip slightly and beginning to climb the stairs with my girlfriend, passed out in my arms. I lay her down in my bed and step away as my mum gave her some medication of some description. I sit on my chair, hiding my face in my knees. My mum leaves and says "she'll wake up soon Tom, give it time,". I nod, uncertain.

Around 10 minutes later I'm scrolling through instagram and I hear a weak voice saying "tom?". My head whips around and I see y/n sitting up. "Y/n!" I say, getting up and quickly running over to her, gently hugging her.

"What happened?" She asks me, hugging me back. "You were talking to my mum and you fainted on her," I say, pulling away and tracing her jawline with my finger. "I'm exhausted," she adds. "Here," I say, gently lifting her up, and putting down where her heads rests on my chest. "Go to sleep if you want, I'll be here when you wake up, okay?" I say, she nods and leans up, pressing her lips into mine before pulling away and getting comfortable on my chest.

Sorry for the bad chapter I'm exhausted so imma go and sleep! <3
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