Chapter Fourteen :]

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We had been around at the park with Freddie and Eryn for around an hour now and I wanted to go home so I spoke to Tommy. "Tom I'm gonna head back to yours, I'm pretty tired. You can stay on, but don't be too long pleasee! i love you," I say, giving him a small smile. "Okay, i love you. And I won't be too long," he says, kissing my forehead.

I wave goodbye to the other boys and walk home. I hated walking alone, but it was daylight so nothing bad could happen to me right?

I make it onto me and Tommy's street and I was quite nervous because I didn't like walking alone. A hand grabs my wrist and my breathing hitches, I turn around and see a hooded figure. Before I can register anything at all, I'm knocked unconscious, my body falling to ground..

[Riona POV]

i walk out the front, to pull in the bins, but i see y/n unconscious on the ground. a black figure was running away from her, they must have seen me and ran off. "HEY!" i shout after the person. i run over to y/n, she was completely bruised and bloody. where was tom? why wasn't he with her? i pick the girl up and bring her inside.

i clean up all the blood around her face and changed her t-shirt and shorts for her. i bring her up to tom's room and lay her on his bed. i would have went after the person who beat y/n up, but she was my main priority. i was kinda disappointed in tom, because he knows the dangers of women walking by themselves. though he didn't know it was gonna happen, but i'm still angry at him.

[Tommy POV]

It's been about half an hour since y/n went home and I'm laughing with my mates when my phone rings. I expected it to be y/n, but it was my mum. "Thomas you get home now!" She says, not too happy. "What happened?" I ask her, waving goodbye to my friends as I begin to walk home. "I'll let you see for yourself when you get home, I know it's not entirely your fault but I'm still fuming." She says, exhaling heavily.

I'm very confused and scared for what my mum might be about to show me. I open the door and my dad looks so worried. My mum is there, also looking worried but her eyes flicker up to me and she says "come upstairs," sternly, grabbing my wrist.

I'm alarmed by this, she never spoke to me like that. She opens my bedroom door and pulls me in, I give her a dirty look before looking to my bed, my heart stopped.

Y/n was there, her nose was bleeding and she had bruises all over her body. Mum must have changed her because she was wearing a loose t-shirt and loose shorts. "Is- is she going to be okay?" I stutter out after a few minutes. "She's just unconscious, but why let her walk home alone?" My mum asks me. "I didn't think she'd get hurt like that in broad daylight..." I say, my heart sinking.

My mum leaves and I begin to let hot tears roll down my face. i immediately regret letting her walk home by herself, if i walked with her she would be okay now.

my head lands in my hands as I sit beside the bed on a chair. I jump slightly at a soft hand being placed on my arm. I look up immediately, y/n is looking at me, her mouth curved slightly into a frown. "Y/n I'm so sorry.. I shouldn't have let you go home by yourself, i should have been there.." I begin to break down.

I head y/n sigh before saying "it's not your fault, I should've been more careful, don't blame yourself please..". She places a delicate hand on my cheek.

Despite her body being bruised all over, her face wasn't too bad, only a nose bleed which my mum had cleaned up as much as she could. "i'm still so sorry n/n.." I say, tears staining my face. "Toms.. I know I'm hurt, but i promise you i'll be okay, and it's not your fault," She says, sitting up and wincing in pain at her movement.

I sit up on the bed beside her, being careful with her body. She looks up to my face and wipes my tears away, before turning my gaze to her and kissing my lips, I don't bring my hands to her waist like I usually do because if I hurt her more i don't know what i'd do.

"Tom.." she says, hugging me and taking my arms and wrapping them loosely around herself. "Dont be afraid to touch me, it's okay! it's not like if I hurt a bit I die, please gimme a hug, I need one.." she says, with a sad sigh. I wraps my arms around her tighter, but still loose enough not to hurt her.

"I'm sorry.. my mum is fuming with me for this.." I say, pulling away and letting her climb on my lap as i shift into the middle of my bed. "I'll tell her it's alright, she shouldn't be mad with you. You couldn't have stopped it, plus I insisted I went by myself so I'm pretty sure it's my fault," she replies, playing with my hair. "it's not your fault either, darling," i whisper to her, and she snuggles into me.

I take one of her arms and look at the few bruises scattered across it. I gently run my finger over them, looking to her face often, I didn't want to hurt her in any way. My mum bursts in the room, making y/n jump, and she's quite obviously still fuming with me.


"Thomas Simons how dare you let your girlfriend get hurt like that!" Rionas says, just above her normal voice. "Mum I'm sorry I-" he tries to explain. "I don't want to hear anything from you! And I'd say y/n doesn't either! So I'm keeping you away from her for a few days, she would probably be happy to get away from you!" She says, this made me feel sick to the stomach.

"I can speak for myself..?" I say, looking at riona. riona looks to me and says "go on sweetie, yell at him,". I look to the boy who's eyes were filled with tears, his eyes meet mine and he looks guilty, he felt bad enough without being yelled at. "I don't want to separated from him Riona. That will make everything worse! And for gods sake don't speak on my behalf like that, I've forgave him. It wasn't even his fault," I explain, turning back to his mother. "Okay fine! But it was his fault!" She protests. "No it wasn't. It was mine, I wasn't looking carefully enough, he couldn't do anything and he didn't know it was going to happen," I say, Riona nods and leaves the room. "If you want to stay away from me for a few days you know it's fine y/n.." he says, looking forward at me. "No, you aren't going anywhere! I don't want you to leave.." I say, my voice trailing off at the end.

I look at my own arm, and I could tell Tommy was watching too. My lower arms weren't that bad, it was my upper arms that were bruised badly. My left hand sits on my leg, my fingers loose. Not tightly clenched together, when I feel a soft hand fit like a puzzle piece into mine.

I look over and Tommy's hand is on mine. I squeeze his hand gently and watch as a smile creeps onto his tear-stained face. I kiss his cheek and whisper "I'm gonna take a nap, remember that I love you so much, okay?". He nods and kisses my forehead gently. "i love you so much more y/n," he whispers back. I smile and rest my side carefully on his front, as I drifted off to sleep..

[1.2k words]

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