Chapter Thirteen :]

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I'm not gonna lie I was nervous to go downstairs, because last time I was in the same room as his aunt she started having a go at me for.. i don't actually know. existing?

Tommy ended up telling her off and complaining to his mum about the situation, but his aunt was not one to be stopped easily.

Tommy pushes open the door of the living room, making sure I was beside him and okay before walking in. His gran smiles at me and says "hello y/n dear, how are you?". "Hello Mary, I'm good how are you?" I say, smiling slightly. "I'm good thank you dear," she replies, I loved his gran so much. She was a lovely woman. I see Tommy's aunt scrunching up her nose at me, particularly what i was wearing.

It wasn't even that bad of an outfit, I had a short-ish skirt on with Tommy's hoodie on top. Me and Tommy sit down on the sofa and his aunt, of course, had to say something about my outfit.

"Y/n, what the hell are you wearing?" She snorts, here we fucking go. I bite my lip and Tommy answers for me "clothes obviously,". He must have realised my skirt was sitting up because he placed his hand on it, making sure no one could look up it.

"Dont be snarky with me Thomas! It's not my fault she's a bitch!" She says. "my god! Kate!" Mary says, staring at her daughter in disbelief. I hide my face into Tommy's shoulder and he wraps an arm around me.

"Awh look, she's snuggling up to the boy she uses!" Kate snarks. "could you do me a massive favour and shut the fuck up?" I say, finally snapping, from the corner of my eye i can see tommy's mouth agape.

"Excuse me?" She says, taken aback. "I said could you shut the fuck up? i don't really understand why you're such a bitch to me, and i certainly I don't remember asking or giving two shits about your opinion!" I repeat.

"See! You're a fucking whore who belongs on the streets, my nephew doesn't even like you! He doesn't want to be friends with you!" She says. "Actually you're right, I don't wanna be friends with her." Tommy says, Kate's face holds a evil smirk. "Because I'm not her friend, I'm her boyfriend shitface." Tommy smiles sarcastically. His aunts mouth drops, while tommy takes my hand and squeezes it.

"It's not my fault I got a boyfriend before you." I say, pouting sarcastically. Tommy snickers at my remark. Kate crosses her arms and stays silent. "That was smart y/n, also congrats! You and my grandson deserve the world!" His grandpa says, smiling at me. "Thank you Liam," I say, nodding at the older man.

"He's right, congrats you pair!" His gran says. "And this one here," she continues, pointing to Kate. "Is a fucking bitch and will be taught a lesson!" She finishes, gritting her teeth at the end.

My eyes widen at her swearing and I smile, knowing they cared enough to do something. Tommy presses a kiss into the side of my head. I blush immensely and his grandparents both smile.

Tommy and I both head upstairs. "You know the way you handled that was badass," he says, looking to me. "I am badass," I say, biting my lip then bursting into laughter. He laughs along.

I open his window and walk into the bridge, sitting up on the ledge. He walks behind me and wraps an arm around my waist, resting his head on my shoulder. We watch the birds fly across the blue sky before I look to him. The sun was shining perfectly on his face. His golden blonde hair was glowing, and his ocean blue eyes were lighting up. He looks to me and smiles as well.

After a minute we began joking around then we heard "y/n! Tommy! What's up!" We look down and see Freddie and eryn. "Yo wassup losers!" I yell at them. "Come down and come to the park with us or else!" Eryn threatens. "Ohhkayyy!" I say, loud enough for only Tommy to hear. We both carefully climb down the bridge and went walking with the other pair. I talk to Freddie mostly, as we had always been closer than me and Eryn had been. We also had a load in common. He was going on about how I needed to get a boyfriend or girlfriend when I butt in.

"And what if I was to tell you, Freddie, that I have a boyfriend?" I answer, smirking at him. He looks to me in shock, Eryn and Tommy were listening in too. "WHAT?! ERYN? TOM? Did you know about this?!" He exclaims. "No?! give all the details!" Eryn replies. "Yeah I did," Tommy says casually. "Who! who!" Freddie chants. "Calm down! Tom you tell them," I say. The boy nods as the others turn to look at him.

"It's me bitchesss!" Tommy says, with a smile. "I don't believe you, y/n who actually is it?" Eryn says, turning to me. "He's right it is him," I say, with a smile. Both boys stop dead in their tracks as I walk over to the tall blonde. "I'm gonna need proof or I ain't believing your shit," Freddie says, crossing his arms. "Mkay!" I say, turning to Tommy.

He leans down and kisses my lips, for a few seconds then pulling away. "OH MY GOD!" Eryn says, happily. "I knew you two would fall in love with each other!" Freddie says, clapping his hands together.

We both smile and I blush. "I confronted the bitchface prick earlier." I say. We called Kate that, she didn't like freddie or eryn either. "Really? Bet she started yelling again," Freddie says. "Yeah she did but I won the argument, with help from the best of course," I say, pointing to Tommy, who looks very chuffed.

"You did not call him the best y/n, you're fuelling his ego," Eryn says. "No it's because he scares me and threatened to throw me out the window the other day," I say, with a 'help me' look on my face. "Tom you're very concerning sometimes, did you actually threaten to throw your poor girlfriend out the window?" Freddie asks. "Maybe I did? Maybe I didn't..?" He says, his hand grabbing mine and intertwining our fingers. I smile and shake my head, looking down.

another chapter might be out tonight, I don't know <3
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