Chapter Twenty-Five :]

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I can't believe it!

Tommy and his parents surprised me with a trip to Spain with them for a week!

Tommy was so happy to tell me, he was basically bouncing up and down, which personally I found quite cute.

We went to Spain together when we were 11 or 12, and we went with both our familys. It was the best holiday I think I've ever been on in my entire life. We went to Barcelona, it was a amazing but very hot place.

This time we are going to Valencia, I've heard a few things about it. it seems really nice there!

Anyways, I'm sitting on Tommy's bed, as he edits a video for his new vlog channel. He was so happy about it, and I'm happy he has found a passion which he doesn't despise, and loves doing with his friends.

I actually got myself my own job! I'm an artist, who sells her own art. I think it's a pretty cool job to get, and everyone was happy for me when I told them I got it.

I scroll through Instagram, causally liking some friends and idols posts, when I hear Tommy get up from his chair. He sits on the bed, in front of me and says "y/n. I love you but you need to sleep, number 1, you don't sleep as it is. Number 2, you have to pack tomorrow afternoon. Number 3, we have a flight to catch early, not tomorrow but the day after, morning. Number 4, it's 11:30pm soooo," He says.

"Okayyyy, but gimme a kiss before I head to bed please," I ask. "Of course, I do that every night y/n," he says, tilting my chin up and kissing me softly on the lips. "i love you," he says. "i love you too!" I reply, getting up and leaving.

Plan was, for the holiday. Tomorrow evening we would drive to the airport, which is a 2 hour drive, then stay in a hotel tomorrow night then the next morning we catch the flight to Valencia. It sounds complicated but honestly i don't know how to explain stuff


I wake up to being gently shook. I see the familiar golden blonde locks near my face. "Y/n it's 12:25. I know I said you need sleep but Jesus woman 13 hours?" Tommy says, causing me to laugh. "I was tired okay!?" I laugh, in my raspy voice.

"Mhm, now get up! You need to pack!" He protests. "Okay man! Calm your shit!" I say, getting up and grabbing clothes. He leaves and I take my clothes and change them, putting the dirty ones in my washing basket.

I was wearing a cropped white shirt and black shorts, as it was quite warm and I didn't want to roast to death.

Tommy is downstairs when I come down for food, his eyes widen slightly at my clothes and his cheeks flush a light pink. he doesn't care about what i wear and always tells me i was pretty no matter what i wear. He smiles slightly and turns his attention back to his food in front of him.

I take my food and run upstairs, beginning to pack my shit because I hadn't even started packing yet. I fold my clothes neatly into my suitcase, placing shoes on top of them. Then other random stuff were in ontop of that. My phone and shit like that were in a smaller bag I was gonna take with me onto the plane.

I actually had a bit of a fear of planes, but Tommy knew that, a bit too well from our last holiday. the turbulence on our flight home from our last holiday was awful, and i genuinely thought the plane was going to crash.

A few hours later I finish up everything and walk to Tommy's room where he is staring at the ceiling looking bored out of his mind. I couldn't blame him though.

His head whips around when he hears me step in. "Y/n it's so boring" he whines. "I know Toms, what could we do?" I ask him, sitting on his bed while he sits on his chair. "Hmmmm," he hums, showing he was thinking.

"We could always go to our old treehouse to see it again? It's been a good few months," I suggest. "Yes perfect!" Tommy replies, his eyes lighting up.

We slide on our shoes and head out the front door, walking down the street. Tommy was close to me, being protective like always.

We make it there and I run through the grassy field and to the special and sturdy tree that we used to call our own.

My finger traces down the wooden ladder as Tommy catches up to me. "Long time since we've been here," I say, exhaling before climbing up the wobbly ladder carefully.

I make it to the top and wait for Tommy to climb up. I look around the place, we used to sit here for hours on end, talking. Nothing else, just talking.

We were only 7-8 when we done this, so honestly we had no sense of time at that stage. Tommy sits beside me, against the wall we always say against. I sigh happily and rest my head on Tommy's shoulder. His head rests on mine and he says "it's one crazy world innit?". "Definitely," I reply, taking one of his hands and intertwining it with mine.

He rubs gentle circles on the back of my hand, and begins to chat to me, just about little stuff.

After a few hours we walk home, as we were leaving in an hour and a half. Tommy, again, walked close to me the way home being protective of me. He always did this, I suppose he just doesn't want anything to happen to me.

We make it back and bring our suitcases and bags down the stairs. I go to grab something to eat, so I grab an apple and eat it quickly. "Right everyone!! We need to go!" Riona yells.

Me and Tommy both make our way from wherever we were and take our bags. We bring them out to the car, where James piles them into the boot.

I open the back door and climb in, I was behind the driver. Tommy climbs in behind the passenger. He looks over to me and takes my hand, interlocking it with his. He lifts our hands up and kisses mine. I blush and look away, causing him to laugh. "You're cute y/n," he says. I hum in disagreement. "yes you are, i heard that." he says.

I scoff and roll my eyes at this, and he laughs even more. Riona and James gets into the car and begin to start it. Me and Tommy's hands were still holding each other. I was debating whether I switch the middle seat or not, but I wasn't going to for now.

We pull out of our driveway and begin our 2 hour drive to the airport, so we could sleep in the hotel beside it.

After 10 minutes I take off my seatbelt and slide over to the middle seat, putting my seatbelt on there. "Got bored over there?" He asks. "yeah because you weren't there," I say, with a pout. "I'm here now though," he leans over and kisses my forehead. I blush and he smiles even more.

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I realised I didn't upload this last night, oops! But here ya go!! <3 Credits for this idea go to MoccaOttowell

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