Chapter Ten :]

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[Tommy POV]

Me and Y/n ate our dinner in my room, with mums permission of course, because of Carly. Y/n hated her more than I did, because of how she treated her, y/n used to have bruises all over her body from Carly.

I look over to the girl, who had finished her food and looked upset again. I reach over and take her hand, rubbing circles on the back of her hand. She looks to me and begins to tear up. "Oh y/n, come here.." I say, opening up my arms for her. "I've got you, it's all gonna be okay.." I say, as she climbs into my arms on my gaming chair and sat on my lap.

"What she said, i don't why it's bothering me so much.." She sniffles. My heart filled with anger, knowing this stupid bitch hurt my girlfriend's feelings. Betty walks in and jumps up on y/n as she sits back on the other chair.

Y/n pets betty, and moves to sit on the floor beside the dog, playing with her. betty brought a bit of a smile back to my girlfriends face.

I smile and say "I'll be right back okay?". She looks to me and nods, continuing to play with Betty. I walk down the stairs and into the living room where Carly, Rachel and my mum were.

"Hey Tom Tom!" Carly says, innocently. "Shut the fuck up Carly." I spit back, going to lift my phone charger from the corner of the room. "THOMAS!" My mum yells my name. "What?! She told y/n to kill herself and that I only date her out of pity, which had caused y/n to cry, TWICE?! So no, I'm not fucking having it with her," I say, my voice filled with anger. "Carly Adams!" Rachel says, not happy at all. "stay away from me and y/n," I say, walking out and back up the stairs.

I find y/n, leaning against the bed with betty's head on her lap, her face is stained with hot tears and she weakly smiles at the dog on her lap. My heart aches at the fact she's been crying over something someone said, that involved me!

I sit on the bed, making it creak. Y/n's head whips up, she had obviously not noticed me walking in. Betty gets up, as does y/n. Y/n comes and wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. "I'm so sorry y/n, you do not deserve such a shitty person talking about you like that," I say, rubbing my hands up and down her back. "I shouldn't be crying over it, it's so stupid.." she whispers, sniffling. "No no no, it's perfectly fine y/n, don't think like that," I say, in attempt to comfort her. She nods and buries her face into my shoulder.

"What if I am ugly? What if I should die?" Y/n thinks aloud. "Y/n, you are far, far, far from ugly okay? you're drop dead gorgeous and men would kill to date someone as graceful, kind and beautiful. and you should not go and die, so many people couldn't live without you y/n, including me," I say, tilting her face so she's looking at me. She smiled weakly and hugs me again. "You're right.." she mutters. I smile and hug her again.

"I thought you hated physical touch Tom?" She asks me, running her fingers through my hair.  "I did, but you changed that. Being in your arms felt, very different to what I felt in my mum and dads. So I gave into you because you soften me up too much and well, I guess now I kinda just accepted that when I get it from you it's alright.." I admit, smiling slightly. She smiles and says "I'm glad I could change your mind.".

Me too y/n, me too.

Very short chapter, since you know I'm tired once again and I need sleep because I don't get much of it
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