Chapter Twenty :]

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[Tommy POV]

We were hanging out in the living room, it was a few hours after Adrian had came. Me, Wilbur, Niki and Toby were laughing about some stuff, but I noticed y/n quite quiet.

I look around to her and she was straight faced looking at her phone, no sign of sadness, happiness or any emotion to be fair. I think she didn't want to annoy us, even after I told her she was alright.

I place my hand on hers, and she looked up at me. "You alright?" I ask, giving her hand a little squeeze. "yeah, unsettled I guess.." she replies, looking nervous now.

"Ey Tommy we are heading to the shop, do you want anything? Y/n?" Wilbur asks, they must have sensed that me and y/n wanted to be alone for a few minutes, to talk about the whole thing. "Can you get me a coke please?" I answer. "Me too, thanks Wilbur," y/n says after. The three nod and leave the house.

"Did Adrian make you nervous?" I ask the girl, pulling her over to me. "yeah.. i guess." She admits, sitting up on my lap and burying her face into my neck. y/n seemed quiet and calm, which was very unlike her so i knew it upset her. "I know, but he will never ever get you, okay y/n? I won't let him," I reassure her, rubbing circles on her thigh.

She nods and says "thank you so much Toms, you know how much I love and appreciate you right?". I nod and she says "I'm gonna remind you anyway.". i smile and listen intently.

"I love you so much, so so so much. More than infinity. You've always been there for me and my stupid problems all along and I don't know what I would do without you," she says, rubbing circles on my cheek. My heart melted as she spoke. "y/nnnn," i blushed immensely.

She kisses my cheek and plays with my hoodie strings. I chuckle and say "you're so so cute you know y/n?". "I'm not gonna say what I was gonna say because I don't wanna be thrown out the window.." she says. I laugh and say "I wouldn't, I would probably jump after you,".

"Wait, I shouldn't have been so rude earlier. Do you want to be around me and my friends?" I say, remembering I didn't really let her have a proper say in it. "Huh? Yeah of course. I'm just very tired," she nods. "Well they are only here for today, and I have a Minecraft tournament to be in tonight and it will last a few hours. I'm sorryyy I don't get to spend much time with you today.." I say, feeling kinda guilty now.

"It's okay Toms, you've gave me so much attention I'm going to look desperate, you deserve a break from my clingy ass," she replies. "No. yes you're clingy but it's cute y/n," I say. "But genuinely Tom, you need a bit of a break from me, it's alright. i cant be kissing and hugging at you all of the time. I'll be in my room probably and if you feel up to it after you can come in, okay?" She suggests. "Yes, of course I will, you better wait for me," I say, cupping her face and watching her smile widen. "of course i will," she whispers.

I kiss her and she leans in a bit more. I pull away, and her e/c eyes were lit up. She really did love me huh? She smiles like a idiot and her face grows quite red.

"I hate you." She says, shaking her head in denial. "That's the biggest lie I've ever heard y/n." I say, smirking. "Yeah I know, I don't hate you. I love you!" She says, making the heart symbol with her hands again.

"You're so cute whattt!" I say, taking both her hands in mine. "Says youuuu!" She replies, dragging it out. I smile and she kisses my forehead before rolling off my lap and sitting beside me as the front door opens. I shake my head at how the hell i have survived with this weird ass girl for 17 years.

It's depressing, but not at the same time. Our friendship is, according to my mum, 'precious' and we should keep it that way. We didn't exactly do that, we're together, but yet we did in a way, just change friendship to relationship.

The three others walk in and throw me and y/n our drinks. I knew this wasn't gonna end well because, you know if you fizz coke up it's gonna explode. Y/n must have noticed this too, because she leant forward and opened it. Hers didn't overflow, much to her relief. I opened mine aswell, but it was typical mine went flowing out and into the floor.

Y/n moves her feet away from the fizzy overload on the ground and says "of course it was you Tom, you have the worst luck,". "Oh shut it y/n your the one who fell down the stairs!" I retort, knowing fully well it was a lie and i was about to get absolutely slaughtered.

The other three sat watching us bicker. "Ahem? fell down the stairs? You fucking pushed me! I broke my wrist that day, and you laughed and laughed. Until you realised I was actually badly hurt then you apologised for weeks and weeks after." Y/n exposes, no sympathy. "You really just said that?" I say, throwing my hands in the air.

Wilbur shakes his head in disbelief. "You pair bicker like a married couple!" Toby says, trying to get us to shut up. It worked, y/n and I didn't speak. "Genuinely y/n did he push you down the stairs?" Niki asks.

"Yeah, he did and it bloody hurt!" She says, looking to the me who looked guilty. "I'm still sorry yo-" i start. "Thomas Simons I swear to Jesus if you apologise one more time for that I'll throw YOU out the window," She says. "Okay okay!" I surrender, putting my hands up.


It's now 8:30pm, I'm laying on top of my bed, scrolling through my phone. Wilbur, Toby and Niki had left a few hours ago, and Tommy was competing in some tournament that I'm pretty sure the other three were in as well.

I was humming to jealousy jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo. I really like that song though, it's  catchy you could say.

I was exhausted but yet determined to stay up to see Tommy after him being in his room since 6pm. So around 2 and a half hours, i just wanted to see him before i went to sleep. he also said to wait for him so, that's what i'm doing.

As I look through Instagram my door creaks open and I see Tommy. "Hii.." he says, sleepily but happily. "hellooo, come sit down," I offer and he nods, walking over to my side and sitting there. He pulls me onto his lap and buries his face into my shoulder.

"How was your game..?" I ask, softly rubbing circles on his back. "It was okay and fun! My team came 2nd!" He announces. "I'm proud of you," I say, brushing his hair away from his eyes. "I'm always proud of you, because you deserve everything," he states. He kisses my lips and I lean back and rest my hands in the blanket.

He pulls away and smiles saying "can I sleep in here tonight?". "Yeah of course!" I reply. He lays down on my bed, and I lay on his chest.

"Night love," Tommy whispers. "Goodnight pretty boy," I whisper back. My eyes give in and i fall into a deep sleep, calmed by his comforting smell.

Hey guys! As you know I did not update yesterday at all; the because my best friend was over for a sleepover and we were watching mcc and we were exhausted entirely!!

[1.2k words]

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