Chapter Thirty-One :]

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The plane lands soon enough and we take our bags and leave the plane.

The hot Spanish air hits my face and I smile, knowing this was my home for a week. "It's gorgeous around here," Tommy says, looking around. "It is, isnt it?" I say, walking beside the boy.

We meet up with his parents at baggage reclaim and get our suitcases. Riona and James were leading us to where they had rented a car for us. Me and Tommy, to say the least, were confused at his parents babbling to each other about directions and shit like that.

The sun was burning my skin, I guess I wasn't used to this heat, it's not this warm in england i can tell you that. "C'mon kiddos!" James gestures, me and Tommy look over and see him and Riona beside a car. "When did they- oh never mind. Gods knows." Tommy says, completely defeated at this stage. I laugh at him, taking his hand and dragging him over to the car.

We both get in the back, and Tommy sat in the middle. I was looking out the window when I look over to the boy and see him just admiring me. He notices me looking back at him and his cheeks heat up.

I give him a soft smile and he brushes hair out of his eyes, looking away. He always got awkward when I caught him staring. "It's okay to stare you know?" I say, tilting his gaze back to me and pouting slightly. He nods and I smile, letting go of his face.

He buries his face in my neck and I can't help myself but smile. What a stupid simp he had made of me.

He pulls away and goes on his phone, I do the same. I scroll through TikTok and I get a notification, I check it and it said

@y/nwasnthere for you <3

I look over to the boy who didn't look concerned at all. I click onto it and the video showed someone writing the words "I love you stupid.". My smile, my heart melting entirely. I reply to his comment saying "I love you too dummy.".

His face lights up and he smiles like an idiot again. He looks over to me and we make eye contact. He smiles wider, looking like a idiot. "I love you way more stupid." Tommy says. "Impossible dummy." I say back.

"Quit the bickering you pair!" Riona says from the passenger seat. Tommy slowly turns his head and gives his mum a pissed off look before turning back to me, who was shaking my head. "we weren't even arguing, what's she mad for," he scoffs. i laugh quietly at him and he smiles.

I look closer to his face, and laugh. "Tom, you have chocolate on your face," I say. He flushed red in embarrassment. I lean over and wipe it with my thumb, and while I'm there, I give him a kiss.

As I go to pull away, Tommy's hands come behind my neck and head, pulling me in more. As he lets go we both look into the other's glistening eyes.

I crack a smile and he smiles back. I rub gentle circles on his cheek, cussing him to melt in my touch. "Stop it you're too cute for me." He complains. "What if I was a girlfriend who didn't give you any love or attention at all?" I say. "No no no no no!!" He replies quickly. "I'm joking, I love you I couldn't do that." I say, drawing him in again, but pausing and hesitating before pressing my lips slightly against his, giving a small and light kiss.

"Love yah," I say, smirking. "Luv yah more babez," Tommy says. I burst out laughing and he does the same. "Babes.." I say before pissing myself again. "I- I can't..." he says, laughing more. "Breathe.." tommy says, not even able to breathe himself.

real shitty chapters recently I'm sorry, once this week is over I should get back to normal longer chapters, it's just with exams and everything going on I need sleep more than ever and I don't really get enough as it is so yeah. Thank you all for being patient with me though. I love you, don't forget to eat, drink and sleep!!
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