Chapter Twenty-Six :]

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I'm scrolling through Instagram, me and Tom had moved, so his head was resting on my lap, his legs rested across the other two seats, while i was sitting in the seat he was before.

i know thats illegal and wrong or whatever, but we weren't far away and no one was gonna see us. He was looking at my face, his eyes not moving away once. I pretend not to notice him, because i knew he was admiring me.

I eventually put my phone down and my eyes lock with the blonde's. I smile and lean down, kissing his forehead and running my fingers through his hair. He was smiling now, back in reality.

It has been around an hour and a half since we left, and it's over halfway. Tommy's parents were in deep conversation.

I felt a hand on my cheek, I look back down and Tommy is playing with my hair. I chuckle and smile. He did this quite often, I think it comforted him quite a bit.

He gasps, which I get confused by, and he takes my left hand. I think he remembered I had rings on. He sits up beside me and continues to examine the rings, playing with them.

"Y/n? Could you tell me the story behind this ring? It looks pretty," he says, making my heart melt with one sentence. "Okay, yeah sure," I say, looking to the ring he was pointing at.

It was one with a white pearl and a silver base. "Ah yeah. Its one of my favourites. Okay so I was around 7 or 8 and I was in a jewellers store. My mum wouldn't let me get any rings, despite me begging for one. And well, one of the employees saw me upset and gave me a ring for free. I still thank her every time I see her in public," I explain to the boy who nods.

"That's cute," he smiles. "what about this one?" He asks, sounding genuinely interested. He point a to a gold patterned one. "Your mum bought me that for my 13th birthday, I remember that very clearly," I say. He points to another one and I say "well actually I think I found that one on the streets, I picked it up, cleaned and fixed it.".

"I would ask more but I feel like I'm bugging you, but those stories are cool! I like them, can I play with them?" He asks me. "Of course you can, also you could never bug me Tom," I say, watching as the boy continued to play with you the rings on my finger.

His head rests on my shoulder and I rest my head on his. I sigh happily and run my free hand through his hair. I hear something which I'm pretty sure i wasn't supposed to from Tommy. "Hopefully one day I'll slide a ring onto this finger.." he mutters, under his breath, looking at and raising my ring finger.

I smile and blush, but look away so the tall blonde doesn't see. holy shit am i dreaming or did he really say that? oh my god that was cute. Fucks sake tommy you've made me a stupid simp. But I love you for it.

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Very short chapter because I'm exhausted and I'm having a party tomorrow <3

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