Chapter Fifteen :]

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I wake up, still pressed softly up against the chest i fell asleep on. I look up and the blondes eyes are glued to his phone, which is in his right hand as his left hand, I find, is on my waist. I move my hand up to his face and he automatically looks down. He smiles and says "how are you feeling now?". "Better I guess, still very tired." I say, yawning and rubbing my eyes.

"I'm glad you're feeling better," Tommy says, a smile formed on his lips. "I'm sorry your mum shouted at you like that, she really lost her temper over something then spoke for me," I say, sitting up and rubbing my eyes again. "It's okay, you saved me from literal death," he says, chuckling and kissing my forehead. His other hand moves to my waist, and he looks to my face to check it was alright. I smile and nod, and he wraps his arms around my waist, smiling like the idiot he is.

I couldn't help but smile also, he was so pretty for what? I don't see how I didn't like him when I was younger. I guess I was too caught up in him being my best mate to even think about stuff like that. But here I am now, and dammit he's cute. And I'm not saying that out loud because he will actually throw me out the window, i don't think i'd appreciate that.

He takes one of his hands and connects it with mine, causing me to smile and look to his face. Where a smile plays on his lips too. I roll my eyes and press my lips into his, his hands feeling their way up my back. I pull away and say "I love you," brushing hair away from his eyes so I could see them. "I love you more y/n," he replies, his blue eyes enlightened.

I try to stand up but my legs are too weak from being punched, so I nearly fall, but Tommy was right behind me, knowing I couldn't walk very well. "Here," he says, leaning down slightly and letting me jump on his back. I wrap my legs around his waist tightly, not wanting to fall. My arms loosely positioned around his neck because I didn't wanna choke him. i gasp and laugh as i nearly hit my head on the doorframe as we walk out of his room. He carefully makes his way downstairs and to the kitchen where Riona was cooking food.

She turns around at the sound of footsteps and sees her son, with his girlfriend on his back. He sets me down on the counter and turns to his mum "hi mum, what ya cooking?" He asks. "Bacon and sausages," she replies with a small smile. He smile back and turns to me. I make a heart symbol with my hands and Tommy looks as if his heart has melted entirely.

"That was adorable and for what reason?" He asks me. "For you. That's the reason!" I reply, and he looks as if he is going melt. "You okay Toms? You've gone all quiet.." I hum, as he has just went silent. "Wondering how my girlfriend is so damn cute," he answers, and I smile brightly.

Riona is watching us, with a soft smile. Probably wondering how her son gets so soft around a girl, and how he treated her so, lovingly almost. Tommy kisses my cheek and, by the look in her face, i can tell she wondering when her son liked physical affection. I once wondered the same thing, as it has came upon him quite fast. But he has explained to me that it was fine when I gave him it, which I found pretty cute.


It's been a few hours and Tommy fell asleep on his bed, and I'm currently sitting on his gaming chair, it's only 7:30 at night so I assume he'll wake up again soon. Because Tom doesn't sleep this early, he sleeps at like 2am.

As if on cue, Tommy begins to stir, I turn down the music from TikTok on my phone. I watch him, and he sits up looking alarmed I'm not beside him, as that is where i was when he fell asleep. Until he looks over and sees me, then he smiles. I smile back and wave. "How long was I asleep for?" He asks me. "Uhm, only a few hours, but you were exhausted Tom, it was well needed," I reply, setting my phone down.

"How are your legs?" He asks again. "Yeah they're alright, I can walk again, just not very fast," I answer, getting up and walking over to him. He outstretches his arms and I crawl in, he sits up so his back is on the headboard. My body is facing him and I hug him. He hugs me back, still being very carefully of my body.

"I'm gonna remind you of this every day y/n okay?" Tommy says, out of the blue. I nod, not really knowing what he was going to say. "You are the most amazing and gorgeous girl on this planet, and you deserve every bit of love ever, and I hope you know that I love you so much and I always will, no matter what," he says. I blush a lot, but in all honesty, that was adorable, I hug him again and I hear him chuckle.

I never thought that soulmates actually existed, i thought it was just some made-up thing that everyone believed but, now I come to think about it. I hope soulmates are real, and I hope that I'm with mine.

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