Chapter Nineteen :]

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I wake up by myself on the sofa, tucked in carefully. I knew why though, so I wasn't that bothered about it.

Tommy's online friends, Niki, Wilbur and Toby were coming over. He'd been going on about for it for ages now. We hadn't told them that we were together or that I had moved in.

I was gonna stay out of their way, I didn't wanna bother them too much, tom had been looking forward to this for ages and i didnt ruin it for him.

I get up and walk up to my room, getting a black jumper and grey sweats on. I tie my hair back and walk downstairs to the kitchen, where Tommy was eating. His parents were out for the day, so it was just me, him and his friends.

He turns around as he hears footsteps, he sees me and smiles. "Morning love, how'd you sleep?" He says, giving me a hug. "Alright, I'm still quite tired," I say, shrugging it off and lifting a piece of toast he had made for me. "That's okay though, as long as you feel better," Tommy says, taking a bite of his toast. "I'm gonna stay out of your way today, I'll be in my room if you need me through," I say, going to leave the room.

A hand grabs my wrist and I turn my head back. "Y/n, you won't get in my way! My friends love you, despite only talking to you once or twice!" Tommy pleads. "Alright, as long as they are okay with it.." I say, in defeat. I hop up on the counter and eat my toast, when a knock comes to the door.

Tommy walks quite fast to the door and I head him say "eyyy!! Wilbur! Toby! Niki!". I continue to eat my toast and scroll through my phone, also being a bit nervous. i didn't really like new people.

"Hi y/n!!" Came a soft voice. I look up and Niki was there. "Hello Niki! How are you?" I say, smiling. "I'm good thank you, and you?" She replies. "I'm alright, I'm a bit tired but I'll be okay," I say, she nods and hugs me. I jump down off the counter and hug her back. I was slightly taller than her, but her hug was warm nonetheless.

More footsteps walk into the room as I part with Niki. I look up and see Wilbur and Toby standing on either side of Tom. "Hello y/n!" They say in sync. "hi Wilbur! Hi Toby!" I reply, giving a small smile.

"Guys I have something to confess.." Tommy says, stepping away from the other three and beside me slightly. i knew exactly what this was gonna be. "Go on!" Wilbur encourages. "Uh, I have a girlfriend," he admits nervously. All of their mouths drop. "Who! Who!" Niki says excitedly. He points to me and I blush slightly.

"Dont believe it," Toby says, Wilbur nodding in agreement. "Mkay then, y/n.. can I?" Tommy asks me. "don't ask stupid," I scoff, rolling my eyes. He leans down and kisses my lips before pulling away and smiling. "Awhhh!!" Niki says. "okay that is cute," wilbur admits, leaning against toby's shoulder slightly.

My phone buzzes and I raise an eyebrow, pulling it out. My eyes widen in fear, ohhhh shit. Tommy looks over my shoulder. "Oh shit." He says, literally the exact same thing i was thinking. Wilbur quickly walks over to see what it was. "Oh god y/n, doesn't sound too good," he says. Tommy pulls my phone away from me and places it on the counter, where Toby and Niki go to investigate why we were so shocked.

It was from this really obsessive boy called Adrian from our college. He had a massive crush on me, and hated Tommy's guts. He scared me, because he would do anything to have me to himself. The message read:

I'm coming for you, my sweet princess.
you'll be mine soon.

Tommy pulls me in close as i begin to panic. "Hey hey hey y/n it's all gonna be okay, he's not gonna get you.." Tommy reassures me, rubbing his hands up and down my back. "you know this guy y/n?" Toby says. "it's a really weird guy from our college, he has a creepy obsession with y/n," tommy explains, my face buried deep in his chest.

"y/n, it's all gonna be okay, alright? we won't let him near you.." Niki says, her hand on my shoulder. I nod and Tommy takes me to the living room, the others following.

"Toms, you know he's crazy right? He will do everything in his power to make me his," I say, worriedly to the boy. "I know y/n, but he won't get you, we have 5 of us and one of him, he won't stand a chance love.." Tommy says. I hear Wilbur say "awhh!" at Tommy calling me love. clearly tommy wasn't as nice and soft with them as he was with me.

A banging noise is heard at the front door, I snuggle into Tommy, my shaky but quiet breathing came back. the blinds were closed, he couldn't see in anyway. tommy had me wrapped up close in his arms, protecting me. wilbur was hiding in the corner with toby and niki.

My hand was interlocked with his, and I was squeezing his slightly shaking hand in my also trembling hand. And we hear "stupid Tom stole her from me!" And footsteps fading away from the house, before a car door slams.

We hear a car driving off, and I exhale heavily. "Everyone okay?" Wilbur checks. "Yeah," Tommy answers, playing with the rings on my fingers again. "that was scary.." I mumble, actually quite horrified at how obsessed people can be.

"y/n, has he ever done anything like that before?" toby asks. "oh yeah, he's done a lot of awful things to me and tom to try and get me to love him," i say, sighing out in fear. tom hugs me tightly from behind.

shit chapter but I'm tired, also no chapter tomorrow night bc I'm having a sleepover with my best friend and we are watching mcc together! <3

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