Chapter Twelve :]

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I woke up to yelling, my eyes flutter open and I see Tommy is awake on his gaming chair, simply just listening to the fighting.

"Tom-?" I say, the boy's gaze turns to me. "Morning y/n, sorry about them. They are arguing.. again," he says, as I rub my eyes. "Again?" I question. "Yeah, they did it a few days ago as well," he says, shrugging his shoulders like it wasn't anything.

"Why? sorry that sounds really rude of me," I ask him. "no no you're okay, I guess mum's starting to lose her temper with dad, and he's not having it," he says, throwing me a hoodie of his and a skirt. I nod in thanks and he spins around and faces the other way as I change.

He turns around when I tell him I'm done. The faint yells of his parents are still easy to make out. "YOU PROMISED!" Came a voice. I shake my head, running my fingers through my hair. "You're very quiet Tom? What's up?" I ask him, being quiet was not tom's thing.

"They said if I came out of my room they'd hurt you, but I think they were still drunk when they said that, and trust me y/n, they wouldn't get their hands anywhere near you," he says, looking over to me protectively.

My eyes widen and I bite my lip. "They said that?" I say, looking to the boy, who nods. "Am I allowed to go out..?" I ask, I was actually starving. "Unless you want me to get 'hurt' as such," he replies. "I'll stay in here then, i'd rather starve," I say.

I bury my face in my knees and Tommy says "I'm sorry about them y/n, it's just what you need in a time like this,". "It's okay, it'll get better.. at some point," I say.

Riona opens the door a few minutes later, and I'm covering my ears and hiding my face in my knees. Tommy also has his hands over his ears, his eyes gently closed. "Y/n..? Tom..?" She says. We both look up, Tommy looking pissed off and me looking upset. "You two okay?" She asks us. "Clearly not." Tommy says, an annoyed tone within his voice.

They both chat, and I listen, but not wanting to speak. They had made up again, and all was fine between his parents once more.

I just, wish I could mend my bond with my mum like that. I loved her, I really did but what Riona told me threw me off.

Riona leaves and Tommy comes and sits beside me. He takes my hand, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm sorry I didn't come over here earlier, I was scared they would hurt you," he says, tracing my jawline. "it's okay tom," i say.

I smile and wrap the collar of his shirt around my finger, pulling him slowly in. He grunts at how slow I was. I laugh at his impatience. Eventually our lips are hovering over each other and I let go and look away, knowing I annoyed the taller boy.

Both of his hands come to my cheeks and he gives me a fake angry look and pouts. "You can't pull away, you must give me a kiss," Tommy says, proud of himself.

I shake my head and refuse to kiss him. "Excuse me? Gimme my morning kiss or else you don't wanna be my girlfriend anymore," he threatens. I quickly lean in and give him multiple kisses, causing him to laugh, i couldn't risk that.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it!" I say, pouting also. "You're forgiven," he says, probably feeling bad. My face lights up and I smile again.

"I really can't be mad with you can I? Your adorable face would burn into my brain until I apologise to you for being mean," Tommy rants, crossing his arms. "I don't mean to I-" I say, trying to explain.

"Shush, it's cute." Tommy replies, pulling out his phone and taking a few pictures of us for his Instagram and Twitter. "And so are you," I say, with a smile. I knew Tommy hated me more and more every time I called him cute so I bite my lip jokingly. "Y/n Y/l/n I'm gonna throw you out the window. I'm not cute!" He says, looking at me with a death stare. I knew he wouldn't hold it for long, I'd give him puppy dog eyes and he'd soften up.

"But you are cute!" I protest. "Y/n, no." He replies. "haha very funny. yes." I say. "No." "I'm not giving you anymore kisses if you don't half agree with me," I threaten. And his eyes widen in fear and he says "okay okay! Maybe I might be a bit cute,". I giggle and lean forward, slightly to the side and let my lips softly press into his.

"You can't threaten kisses like that! That's not fair!" Tommy whines. "I'm sorryyyy!" I say, climbing into his lap and hugging him. "It's okay, don't do it again or I will cry," he says. "Mkayyy" I say, my face buried into his neck.

I feel his hands swiftly moving up and down my sides, he did this a lot, it was for comfort I'm pretty sure, and it did just that. "I.. never mind," Tommy starts. "No finish your sentence." I say, looking up to his face. He looked nervous and he shakes his head. "Please finish it! I'm not gonna be mad Toms," I say. "Okay.. I love you y/n," he says.

My eyes slightly widen but I smile and say "I love you more toms,". His nervous face turns into one of happiness. I lean in and kiss him, but this one lasts longer than before. When I pull away, he smiles like an idiot.

I smile at him being so happy with me, it showed how genuine his love for me was. I always hated seeing fake love, whether it was on TV or in public. I just always feel bad for the ones who believe it, because they don't know that their partner just doesn't care.

As me and Tommy chat, his front door opens. We both exchange confused looks, until we hear the familiar voices of his grandparents. His granny loved me to bits, as did his grandpa but, they always had another member of his family with them. And by the voice it was his aunt. Who, shocker, didn't like me. Tommy knew this so he says "let's go down, we need to let them know we are dating, If my aunt says anything I'll fucking give her a piece of my mind." I got off the boy and allowed him to get up. "oh she despises me doesn't she," i say. "hate to break it to you, but she really does," tom sighs. "ah well, it's not like i love her that much either," i roll my eyes, and tom laughs.

He leans down and gives me a quick peck on the lips, before taking my hand and leading me downstairs.

didn't write a chapter last night because I stayed up late and yeahh
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