Chapter Thirty :]

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[Tommy POV]

I lay back in the plane with the pretty girl sleeping on my lap, running my hands through her h/c hair. She was just perfect in every way humanly possible.

Her phone pings and out of curiosity I pick it up and look at it. she has always said she didn't care if i looked at her phone. There were a bunch of Instagram dms. I saw a few..

stay away from Tommy you whore.

we know you're using tommy bitch.

acc just die. Tommy doesn't care about u.

My heart completely stopped, y/n got these types of horrible messages? She never told me anything about these, or maybe they were recent and she didn't even know. I log into her phone and see there was hundreds of these.

I think quick and turn off her dms, I couldn't let her see them. She didn't deserve to be sad for our holidays, we booked it to get her mind off everything happening. I open Twitter on my own phone and tweet out.

hey boys. I wanted to say that I've seen the horrible shit you've said to y/n. You guys realise she is having a tough time as it is right now and your unkind words aren't welcome in her or my lives. I'll be taking a break from streaming and content for a week for different reasons, stay safe guys.

I nod in content at my wording and tweet it out, it getting just thousands of likes within minutes. I put down both phones on y/n's seat beside me and lay back with y/n, her face moving so it was buried in my neck. I smile and hold her close.

She means the world to me, and I mean that. She was always there for me in rough times, and when I was upset. So it's my turn for her, and she really needs it right now.

Out of curiosity I pick up her phone and check her Snapchat. I knew there was a memory from 3 years ago today, but it was taken on her phone. i accidentally swipe over to her recents.

She has me pinned and we have the two pink hearts, showing we've been at the top of each others best friends lists for over 2 months. We have a 726 day streak and she has me saved as "@hubbytoms💍".

I smile, I have her saved as "@wifeyn/n💍" too. We laughed and laughed the day we changed the names because it was just so funny in the moment.

She begins to stir and I quickly go out of Snapchat and turn off her phone, placing it beside mine. Her eyes look up and meet mine. She automatically smiles and I smile back. "How long was I asleep for?• she asks me, rubbing her eyes.

"Uh maybe around 20 or 30 minutes." I answer, picking up her delicate hand and playing with her rings. "Does this annoy you..?" I ask the girl, incase it did. "Of course not, listen Tom. If you ever need to, feel free to play with them." She says, pressing a soft kiss into my cheek. "okay.." I say, my voice quieter now.

She laughs at me going quiet but honestly I don't know how to yell at her. I mean I did yesterday but I regretted it immediately after I did because i cannot be genuinely mean to her without feeling like shit afterwards

I play with her rings, lost in thought when she says "would you ever leave me for another girl?". "Not a chance! What girl is better than you?" I say. "A lot.." She replies, looking a bit upset. "Wrong answer, correct answer is none and should've been the answer you said." I reply, cupping her face.

She nods and I smile. I lightly kiss her lips. I hear her hum happily after I do so. "That made you so happy?" I say, with a small laugh. "Yeah of course it did!" She replies.

I smile and I let my cheeks fill with blush. She smiles and running her finger down my cheek and to my jawline. She pulls me in and presses her lips softly up against mine.

Again short chapter because so have exams all this week except for Wednesday. And I'm exhausted from today's two.
[0.7k words]

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