Chapter Twenty-One :]

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[Tommy POV]

I wake up and y/n is no longer beside me, but i can hear my mum talking to her about something.

I get up and walk to my room, changing into a clean hoodie and joggers before heading downstairs.

Y/n looked very excited for some reason, and my mum was giving her a warm smile back at the younger girls arms flapping in excitement.

My mum notices me. "Hello Tom, good morning!" She says. Y/n turns around and smiles at me too. "Morning mum, y/n. You seem very excited y/n, what's up?" I ask the girl. "Your parents booked a fancy restaurant for us all tonight!" She replies, quite happily.

I knew how much she loved going out to restaurants, so I smile and say "that will be fun, I take it I have to dress up nice then?".
Y/n nods and hugs me. I chuckle and pick her up, her legs wrapping around my waist and our faces very close.

My mum leaves the room and y/n looks to the door before kissing me. I smile against her lips and she shakes her head, pulling away. "You're such a simp, SimpInnit." She says. "I am no simp! Only for you.." I admit, shrugging my shoulders slightly. She hums in response, a smile appearing on her face.


I went to go on discord with Jack and Tubbo for awhile and y/n was in her room. I left the boys after awhile, suppose it got kinda boring.

I walk up to the girl's bedroom door but instead of her voice talking, she was singing.

Mum and Daddy aren't in love
That's fine, I'll settle for two birthdays.
Devil Town is colder is the summer time.
I'll loose my mind at least another thousand times.
Hold my hand tight,
We'll make it another night.
I still get a little scared of something new,
But I feel a little safer when I'm with you.
Falling doesn't feel so bad when I know you've fallen this way too.

I stand in awe at her soothing voice, she was strumming her guitar along. I hear her giggle and put her guitar away. I open the door and she looks around, smiling. "Your voice is amazing y/n." I say, walking in and closing the door behind me.

"You always say that.." she says, looking doubtful. "Because it's true!" I say, trying to convince her. "Not having this today," y/n glares at me

"okay then? y/n y/l/n, you have a gorgeous singing voice and although you will disagree with me, it won't change my mind," i say, pinching her cheek and shaking his a little. "stop making me blush," she hides her face. "never ever," i tease, sitting on the bed beside her.

"Tommy? Serious question." She says. "Right?" I say, kinda confused. "Me or the Queen." She asks me. I pretend to think and watch as her face turns fake offended. "I'm joking of course it's you mi amor." I say. "spanish?" She says, look at me with a confused look, cause i didn't learn spanish in school.

"yeah, one of my online friends is mexican so i kinda learned it from him," I say. "that's cool!" she smiles at me. I chuckle and smile at the beautiful girl, her eyes were shimmering in the sunlight from her window. "can you like.. not be so handsome?" she says to me, causing me to blush a ton. "shut up y/n!" i hide my face. i take my hands away and y/n is smiling at me with a genuine smile.

"Would you like to stream with me later, before we go to the restaurant, like a few hours before?" I ask the girl who was looking at my face. "Yeah of course, what will we do?" She says. "I could teach you to play minecraft? I know you don't play it very much any more," I suggest. "That sounds fun, sure!" She says, happily. She kisses my cheek and I smile stupidly, like always when I'm around her, but still.

I didn't even think for a second that I would ever be together with her but, I guess here I am, and this is something I don't think either of our 10 year old selves thought would happen 7 years in the future.

short chapter bc I'm tired 👍
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