Chapter Twenty-Nine :]

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It's been a while and me and Tommy are sitting at a table waiting for our gate to be called. I was drinking Fanta, and tapping my fingers on the table anxiously.

I feel Tommy's hand creeps on top of mine. "Y/n, it's okay, the plane isn't gonna be that bad, I'm here alright?" He reassures me, squeezing my hand.

"Okay.. we are sitting beside each other right?" I ask. "Yes, in a row by ourselves, so no awkward stranger interactions!" He confirms, squeezing my hand, and I nod.

We hear our gate being called and we pick up our small bags and head with his parents who sat nearby. He takes my hand and I walk close to him, seeking comfort and safety.

We walk along a few hallways before we can see the plane we are boarding, it was very fancy. And apparently the rows were like rooms, so there was a sliding door, two seats which could turn into a bed and a mini tv. that's what tom told me anyway.

Tommy had insisted we went with a bit of class, you know what he's like. When he said 'a bit' I didn't think he meant this!

We begin to board the plane, Tommy's hand not leaving mine. We leave out onto the runway and to the door of the plane. We climb the stairs to the plane and thank the girl who was at the top.

We find our seats and walk in, waving bye to Riona and James, who were a few rows down. I sit down by the window and Tommy sits beside me.

The air hostesses begin to through all the safety rules, incase of a plane crash. That really set me off mood, my leg began bouncing. I was biting my lip also. Tommy places his hand on my thigh and his other under my chin, turning my gaze to him. "It's all okay," he whispers to me.

I nod, taking his hand and calming down as he rubbed circles on the back of mine. He plants a kiss into the side of my head as we begin to take off, which was my least favourite part of the whole experience. once we were in the air i was okay, just not the landing and taking off.

I closed my eyes and breathed steadily to calm myself, and succeeding by just doing that. Once we are in the air tommy takes off his seat belt and mine and pulls gently me onto his lap.

"You did a great job there, okay?" He comforts me as I bury my face into his neck. "Mhm.." I hum. "I'm serious y/n, well done." He says, a more serious tone in his voice. "Thank you.." I say, quietly. he is the best, and i'm so glad he was here by my side.

I rest my head against his chest and his arm wraps around my waist, he kissed my forehead and my eyes feel heavy suddenly. i close them and i feel myself drifting off.

Very very short chapter because I have exams today- anyways gtg!
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