The hospital

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I slouch into a chair by the door and my eyes focus on reed. The slow steady beat of his heart does not do much to calm my nerves as I try to calm down. I can hear the wolf breathing outside, when finally he walks down the hall.

My breathing finally calms and I walk to Reed's side. He looks lifeless lying in the metal hospital bed, my body shakes my rage coming back. I should have been able to keep him safe, I always had looked out for Reed when ever we were in danger and would go to extreme measures to keep Reed safe. And now I focused on something else; someone else. Reed's safety has always been on my top focus, along with Magnus's.

Now I was to focused on Jace to keep him safe and it is tearing me to shreds. Reed was the closest thing I had as family for a long time, I can't just lose him. Before I even notice slow tears fall down my cheeks as I think of all the times we spent together.

It was the year 2003, Magnus is throwing a new years party for the up coming year. I was only 5 at the time and I was already close to one of the best shadow hunters  in the world. Magnus forced me to take a night off from demon hunting to enjoy a party.

I stood in the corner for most of the party finally about 10 minutes till midnight a boy approached me. He was a short boy who looked about my age, but I felt an energy coming off of him. This little boy was a warlock and was probably much, much older than he looked. He now stood in front of me watching me with curious eyes.

Finally the boy speaks "Are you Clarrisa?" My body freezes nobody knows me as Clary only my mother and .... Magnus. I look over at the warlock who is chatting it up with some weird fairy folk. He sends a glitterly wink in my direction and waves my attention away. The little warlock continues talking "I am Reed" I jsut shrug off the boy and walk away to the stairs.

I sit on the top of the steps and watch as everyone gets ready, the countdown starts in 2 minutes. I sit there waiting for the new year when Reed the warlock boy shows up again. "You don't like crowds do you?" He points out like it is fact, which it is. I just nod my head and focus my attention downstairs, finally I speak. " You don't have to talk to me just because Magnus told you to."  I brush the hair off my shoulder and stand up. 

The boy gives me a confused look, " I don't know what you mean, I grew up hearing about you from Magnus I just wanted to talk to you." I shake my head "Sure you do" I say sarcastically. I try to walk away but the boy grabs my hand. "Hey your are a hero not a monster" I stand in shock "Why would you think I am like that." He shakes his head. " I can see me in you"  And then I hear the countdown.


"Will you let me be your friend?"



I don't want to let anyone in.


No one ever wanted to be my friend



they all think I am a monster



I never thought I could have a friend


I nod my head slowly



And I had my first friend.

That was one of my first memories of Reed and I as children, I never did find out just how old he was but I know he is not older than Magnus. Reed made his body age with me so I wouldn't feel as thought I was a child and he was an adult. He was the only person I ever acted like a true child around and I always enjoyed our time together. Because I didn't have to be the perfect shadow hunter, I didn't have to hide the facts about my family.

I could be me with Reed, and I know I will never be able to share and be like the true me around anyone else. Even Jace.

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