The light of angels

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I wonder what Sebastian means by that and just then his hair turns a article white and his eyes blacker than ever. Clary takes a step back and now stands next to me , 'I don't know how he got that ' I hear clary think again , 'I don't know either clary ' . She looks a little shocked 'I didn't send you a message?' We both stare ahead at Sebastian .

"So which on of you if coming at me first ?" Sebastian asks dreadfully , "I will " I say stepping forward , 'No jace you will not !' I hear again . ' just met me distract him ok' at this she nods . I turn to Sebastian but he already has his sword drawn , "this won't be pretty " he whispers and black scared wing appear out of his back . I stare in shock , once again clary steps back " prepare for battle "

I prepare to strike but Sebastian lungs , not at me though . At an unset Clary , she stares in shock as the blade Pierces her side . With a groan she falls to the ground , "Clary!" I yell , I try to run to her but Sebastian blocks my path "your not going anywhere?"

He harmed my Clary he will regret this , I lunge and we begin fighting . I think if the pain her caused clary all her life and just now , it gives me strength .


I lay coldly on the floor I feel the blood pouring out of me , this is to serious I will go into shock. My body can't heal fast enough , soon my mind goes blank
I once again by the gates , why now ?
I look over at raziel he helps me to my feet . " you have been injured in battle clary " he says blankly looking at my side . "Well of course I did I was stupid enough to believe Sebastian's tricks ." I say stupidly "remember clary the time will come when all your power will be needed and I think that time is soon "

I nod , looking at my side it has healed completely."go fight Clarrisa and remember when needed angels will all follow you , you are there hope for a peaceful life "

I wake up , and watch a scene unfold before me , Jace and Sebastian in combat. I slowly stand making sure not to let either boy see me . My wings folded back inside , I slowly creep behind Sebastian and pull out my sword . "Die and the hands of our fathers sword!" I yell as I attack . I manage to get a clear blow on his arm , he holds it in pain. "So the angel awakens ". Jaces face fills with relief , Sebastian rises into the air with his dark wings . "Shall we fight ?" He taunts , I spread my wings "to bad your only part angel for now I am full demon " I smirk knowingly

"That's not true " at this I allow my wings to turn gold showing my turn identity.
"I am the angel of angels ! All angels follow my rule and now I command there power !" I yell toward the sky , Sebastian is knocked to the floor by a burst of light . Soon the light hits me I feel power flowing through me and I know this is the end of my brothers terror.

I float just above my brother a new weapon in my hand , the sword of angels . Heavens holy weapon , Sebastian has a look if pure terror one I have never seen before.

"Sebastian Jonathan Morgenstern , your rain of terror comes to an end today. No longer will I allow this madness , I shall strike you down with my own power! Rise Jonathan!" I yell loudly so the heavens may hear , Sebastian who didn't know of my commanding powers stands trying to fight it against all odds. "How ?" He asks in a horse voice , "how , I said before I am the angel of all angels. The reborn ruler of HEAVAN ! " I charge at Sebastian , he can no long move the light paralyzed him.

The heaven's sword pierces his chest , and he falls to the ground barely awake he looks at me . "Clary " he whispers , I fall to my knees beside him. For once I can see not demon in his eyes they are not black , but a golden brown. "Johnny , I am sorry" I whisper , " no thank you for freeing me from this prison of a life , also the only way to get back to your realm is inside you clary. It always was ." Jonathan closes his eyes for the final time .

I feel a tear slide down my cheek , but no I am not crying over killing my brother. I am crying over the brother I never got to know.

(Merry Christmas everyone!)

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