The Clave

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Clary POV

I wait out side of the Clave's meeting room. We are where they hold large meetings with the public so anyone is aloud to come inside at listen to what I have to say. Which I can not say is a good thing. This is why so many Shadow hunters panic when they hear of attacks, they hear it from the people being attacked who always think that what happened is worse than it was. If they hear it from a third party, they could explain it calmer than someone who saw it themselves.

But this what they made our rules to be. I may not agree but I can not seem as though I am a rebel. Magnus is on the group that will be hearing what all the information on what I have to say. And will back up my word if needed. Although I shall be stretching the truth pretty far, Magnus knows that it is what needs to be said for the Clave not to go into a rampage.

The doors are opened by two silent brothers. There is a much large crowd than I had thought before. I can tell almost all of the shadow hunters that live in Idris have shown up to hear me speak, as well as ones who live around the world. I hear whispers as I walk toward the stand, "That's the girl, the one who is known as the best shadowhunter in the world" "That's her the one who shunned her mother away" "That's a morgenstern" The last one is the one I hear the most of as I finally reach the marble flooring I must stand upon.

The air is thick, and I feel as though if I don't calm down, my wings will explode from my back. The members of the Clave all watch me with cold eyes. I wait calmly for them to speak but after a few minutes I am about to break the silence. But Magnus does it for me. "We are here today to discuss the matters that took a few days ago at the New York Insitiute. Miss Fairchild will you please speak."

Thank the angel Magnus did not say Morgenstern, no need to get the public of shadow hunters more suspicious of me. I calm myself and speak almost as if someone else is controlling me, I speak in monotone like a robot and do not pause if I hear a gasp or comment from the people listening behind me. I keep my eyes focused on the Clave's Council.

"Demon's attacked the insititute a few days ago as said. Some how they were able to get past the protection that is placed around all Insitutes. The demon's were not attacking in any normal fighting pattern giving away the allusion that it was only a random attack. But if you look at the facts that demon's have been attacking many insittutes around the world, there is some sort of plan."

I pause and wait for the council to speak, a werewolf is the one who speaks, "Are you suggesting that demon's made a plan of attack on their own?" I look him straight in the eyes. "What do you think I am saying. I do not beileve they are working on their own, there must be something or someone making all the demons work together in sync. But I highly doubt it is a human or shadow hunter, neither of them would have the power to control so many demons. If it is anything or anyone it must be a very high class demon out for revenge for its kind."

Magnus stays still as I speak but when a member looks at him, he nods confiming my story. I hear a laugh come from the council, it comes from the Consul. The inquisitor joining in soon after. I just stand still and wait for them to speak. The inquisitor speaks first "Are you suggesting that, demons, actually care for their own kind and are not just stupid monster."

Now the entire hall is laughing. But my face remains impassive, I cross my arms in front of my chest. When the laughter dies down I speak venom working its way into my voice. " Why yes I am inquisitor, the demons have control over everything they do. Just as humans and shadow hunters do, never underestimate you opponent. " The hall falls silent.

"Thank you for the information miss fairchild." Magnus speaks again. I nod my head and turn to walk off the stand when someone runs into the hall slamming the doors open. "what is the meaning of this!" The council yells, "demons...... Their attacking"

And with this I run outside.
I apologize to my followers for having to wait 2 weeks for me to post. don't worry I am working on writing more this weekend so I can post more often for you all. Can't wait to finish up this story, I have a great idea on how to end this

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