I only love you

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" What are you sure ?" I demand , I know I did'nt kill him but if someone did then who. " yes I am postive it was Valentine , I also transformed into him to see his fimal thoughts . I saw you two fighting and then he woke up and walked into an alley and just dyed." Reed exclaims 

I stae in shock at him " your sure right Reed" I demand again. " I'm sorry Clarrisa" I look down at put my head in my hands . The curse came true, it came true . I look up and Reed looks sad and Jace looks homestly confused. 

I know my angelic powers will act up soon and I can't get to distracted , " Reed come outside with me for a minute." Reed nods quickly and gets up , I am already at the door . Jace starts to stand but Reed holds up a hand  and holds him back.  I make my way to the corrider and out to the yard , breathing in the fresh air. Reed appears a few minutes later , he know I need to calm down so he places his hands on my shoulders .

We both stare into eachothers eyes and my breathing begins to slow down from its high pace, Reed now pulss me into his arms " just breath Clarisa calm down ." Soon I can feel my tempurature dropping from its fire high. I lay my head on Reed's chest and reed strokes my hair. I hear light footsteps walking away and I pull away from Reed. I look around and see a flash of blond by the gateway.

" we should go Magnus is probably here now." Reed nods and we go back inside the institute , we go in the library and we don't see jace there. That confirmed that it was him outside , "
 I should probally go get Jace stay here Reed." He nods and I walk off to find Jace. 

The first place I check is the weapons room , I dont see him so I go to his room. I knock but get no answer so I open the door and walk in . Just as I close the door Jace comes out of the bathroom ,  I can see the small look of guilt on his face . " I knew it you did come spy on Reed and I."

Jace face almost has rage on it " Yeah you wouldnt want me to see you two lovebirds." he snaps , " your'e jealous of Reed." I say a little amused . " Of course not , he was just holding you in his arms . You looked perfectly happy in his arms as well." ha who would have thought Jace would be jealous . 

I start laughing " your an idiot" I say inbetween laughs . Jace looks hurt by this " I am not I saw it with my own eyes .": He snaps , I continue laughing at his behavior . " Jace." I say softly " Reed is the closest thing to family I ever had , you have to understand at least that. He's like a brother , Jace I only care about you."

I look down as I say the last bit " I only love you ." At this Jace's head shoots up , " Really" I nod my hand yes. In seconds his arms are around me " and that better mean a lot to you I dont love many people . " At this Jace laughs " Really who else have you loved?" he asks kidda seriously  .

"well lets see there Luke , Magnus , Reed like a brother , and Simon. everyone else I talk to just annoy me or I kinda like." I say jokingly. Jace holds me tighter until my phone rings , its Magnus . I answer it " hello" i say " Clary get to the library its ready." Magnus says I can hear his nervousness through the phone. 

" ok give us a few minutes we need to grab our stuff." I say back " OK Clarisa I will open it when you get here." With that he hangs up . I push my phone back into my pocket , Jace looks expectant . " its time , go get your bags" He nods and I walk out to my room , I grab my bag and jacket . I quickly run to the corrider to meet simon before I leave.

" hey Si" I say and give him a hug when I arrive , " Hey clary" he sniffs the air and says " Is reed here" "YEah he is listen I need your ring " he looks confused " Why ?" he asks " Listen I can comunicate with JAce through a rune but I need to be able to talk to magnus and Reed." 

He looks hiurt so I continue " so they can reopen the portal" Now Simon nods and takes off the riung " here and one mor ething , be careful" I nod and run to the library. I see Jace , Magnus and Reed waiting " here" I hand Magnus the ring. He nods and puts it on 'hello Clary' I hear in my head 

" dont abuse this Magnus" I demand out loud. He laughs and nods , " you ready Clary" Magnus asks , I nod " Yes but magnus, hand it over." Magnus looks confused then digs in his pocket for the item. He pulls out my stele which he infused with heavenly fire to make sure it works where we are heading . 

"Thanks" He nods again " alright Clary Reed open it " I nod and see reed do the same. Reed walks up to me , magnus and Reed join hands . I stand in the middle , RTeed and magnus place there free hands on the sides of the open portal , I start letting my heavenly angel blood flow through my finger tips to theirs. They both jump at the shock , I close my eyes as I see my body begin to glow.

I have to hold back the full power so I dont hurt the two boys , I open my eyes andsee the portal turning a bright red instead of a blue. I quickly pull away from the boys as they keep there hands on the sides , getting all the power out of their veins . I pick up my bag again and jace and I stand infront of the portal . 

"magnus listen close it as soon as we get through and dont open it until I say understand." I tell him " but calry we cant change it back without you " Reed says " If you dont demons will start coming through keep it closed." I demand and they nod. 

" ready?" I ask jace , he nods and we step through and enter the demon relm.

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