Arguments and training

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When we finally arrive at the institute we see Church . "Church where is Jocelyn " I ask "why are you talking to a cat " jace asks as we follow Church down towards the library " because Church know where everyone is in the institute all the time but he really only listens to me , everyone else he will scratch and attack. "

"Cool cat " the rest of the way we are silent the rest of the way. When we arrive at the library my mother is sitting in the tall arm chair sipping tea. "Welcome home Clari- Clary , I see you already met Jace Wayland he is the best boy shadow hunter the clave has trained . I figured you would work well together . " my mother says " well you both know the mission I heard you got 5 demons after school good job Clary . I will leave you to get to know eachother ." My mother says then leaves.

" listen Wayland I work alone and you may the best boy shadow hunter but I am the best shadow hunter they have to offer boy or girl . I wouldn't have that title if I didn't work at it so just stay out of my way so you don't get killed . "

I say pissed a little. " ok I respect that but let's go train and see just how good you are. " Jace counters " ok prepare for pain. "

I go change into tight black spandex short shorts and a black tank top then go to the training room. You can now see all my runes on my arms and legs . When I walk in I see Jace in dark brown shirts and a black t-shirt , I can see all his runes and muscles .

"Ready" I ask . Jace turns around in surprise he stares at me for a second too long , then his eye are on my mine . "Always". We practice with knifes , hand to hand combat , then agility . "Watch this " says Jace . He stands up on the table does 2 flips then lands easily . " not impressed wanna see something cooler " I ask he nods .

I climb up the runs of the wall them I flip and land on the middle beam and stand up on it . Jace is already staring in awe , then I do something he doesn't expect . I jump of the run spin 8 times the land easily . He stares in shock "by the ang-" before he can finish what he was saying my moms scream cuts him off.

" Clarissa Morgenstern I have told you before quit jumping off the runs in the training room "

Oh no she said it Morgenstern and I know jace heard it . Valentine Morgenstern is the most hated shadow hunter that ever lived . And he dishonors me if people know he is my father . I turn and run out of the training room tears threating to spill . Even though I don't care about jace I don't want him to treat me differently because of my father .

He ruins everything for me . Everyone thinks he is dead but I know the truth my mother even thinks he is dead .

I run and hide in my rooms closet and let my walls come down as I cry.

Updated 10/9/15

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