a story of blood

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What is wrong with Jace ?

I mean seriously I just agreedd to go out with him and he is still being a jerk . I mean , I am the best Shadowhunter since the I was 8 i mean really 8. I am not a normal shadowhunter I can never be a teenager EVER.

Why cant anyone see that , I cant be normal I just cant . I portaled straight to the roof of the insitute . No one ever comes up here or know how only me and its by portal or a hatch . " DEWR" I call , a few seconds later my hawk appears in the skyline. He lands on my knee , and bows his head.

"Dewr , go find HIM and give him this message . Tell him , If he wants me to call him father he must tell me where jonathan is . If he doesnt I will hunt him down again and this time he will die." I say with anger. Dewr nods his head and takes off into flight. I bow my head and hope this works.

"Clary what do you mean call him father , I thought valentine was dead." I hear Jace say. What how did he get up here oh man he probolly jumped through my potral before it closed. "what do you want Jace." I demand

"I want to know why you are sending a message to your 'father' when he is supposed to be dead." he demands back . great just great , "I can't tell you Jace." I look down , I can't let him see me like this.

" Clary tell me I wanna be there for you. Please tell me ." He beggs , I look up and see him kneeling in front of me practically begging me. I sigh when I realise I am going to tel him the truth. "Jace , this is very big no freaking out or telling the Clave no matter how big this is its my problem." i tell him " I promise clary , now tell me.'

I look down as I begin my story

" Before I was born my mother and valentine were in the cricle, they got married and had a child. A son. But when my mother saw him after he had been born she saw something none human , he didnt even cry when he was born . My fath- Valentine had inserted demon blood into my mother womb so he was part greater demon. When my mother found out about his true intentions for the circle , then she found out she was pregnant with me. She wanted to get away so she warned the Clave of the attack. And ran away with me and luke who already had changed into a werewolf and left the circle. But it was to late Valentine already inject Extra angel blood in me."

I stop and take a deep breath , "and my brother is jonathan morgenstern or as more people know him as sebastian ." I look up and see Jace is shock but I continue " and he is back again , and only I can take care of him . ONly I can rid him from this world , and the only way to find him is to find my father."

I finish and jace still looks shocked then he speas when he realises I am done." So your brother is Sebatsian , The Sebastian and your father is alive." Jace clarifies "yes thats what I said." I still dont tell him all my mother did and about the others in the circle like robert, and maryse. It would hurt jace to know and to know the truth about my enterance to the shadow world. Or about his real father and who really raised him.

"clary are you sure your telling me everything?" he asks , I nod my head even if its not the truth. Before I know what's happining Jace is pulling me in for a hug , I dont hug back cause I am still mad about earlier."Clary I am sorry , I know I shouldn't have doubted your stregnth and knodledge while fighting . It's just that a worry that if I'm not there to help you could get hurt cause I care about you Clary. I dont care about your past or your blood, I only care about who you are." He says lovingly

I look up at him , no one has ever cared about me this much not even my mother. If I could call her that. "Jace ,. Thank you" I say but he looks confused at me."For what Clary?" he asks

"For loving me" I say short and sweet thats all it takes his lips are on mine in a matter of seconds and I am kissing back with all I have. Each kiss we share is different loving , slow , fast , passonate , soft , harder , strong ,weak. But each time we touch we change eachother into something better , something better than ourselfs seperate .

Something where our world collide and its only us and the love we share for eachother.

WE pull apart gasping for air , "Clary , I will help you with your brother cause I know we need to stop him." I nod and I stare off into space while Jace looks deep in thought about something but, I decide to ignore it.

I have never felt so safe with someone else by my side.



i can tell Clary isnt tellling me something and I intend to find out what it is. Could she know of my past my father dying before my very eyes . Doing nothing about it or being the last wayland alive.

No , she wouldn't treat me differently cause of that when she has her own family problems. I see Clarys breathing slow and steady , she fell asleep. I pick her up and carry her to her room quietly so I dont wake her. I place her softly down on her bed and I am about to turn away when she grabs my hand.

"stay" she whispers , I nod and lay down gently next to her. She moves closer to me and I wrap my arms around her . She smells like strawberries and sweat , which I hate to say is a sexy smell.

I know I am such a teenaged boy , I just look at clary cause I cant sleep . I wonder what shes still hiding from me all I know is I need to find out.

I soon fall asleep with one thing on my mind my own secrets .

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