The fight to end it all

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Clary POV

I stare at my brother his pitch black eyes piercing into my bright green ones . " hello Clarrisa " he speaks then casts a look of disgust at jace . "Jonathan " Jace's grip tightens around his blade , "what have you for ?" He asks with a sneer . "You know why " I say glaring at Jace to stay quiet , he gets the message .

"You have come for my life so you can finally be free from our control "

I nod solemnly so he understands " was it you who killed out father ?" He questions , " our fathers greed and selfishness drove him to death only his greed kept him alive for years I only inflicted pain in combat , no I was not the one to kill him but it was himself."

" if that's so you won't be leaving here so easily , you know that right " Sebastian mocks me , " of course I do " I take a step forward challenging him . "After all these years still stubborn than ever " " may be I just have a little more moxie " I sneer . Jace steps forward as well , " well well the pretty kitty returns "Sebastian jokes , " watch your tongue before I cut it out . " jace replies

' jace don't let you temper win with him you have to hand this with a cool head ' I warn him ' I know that but he is asking for it ' just then demon appear around Sebastian . " well calling reinforcements afraid I will beat the crap out of you again . " I ask laughing " quite the opposite , ATTACK !"

"Alright jace now you can do some damage " at that Jace and I charge at the demons slicing and stabbing away. I know if I spread my wings I could get harmed so I keep them at bay , even if I can feel then scratching the inside if my skin . No matter how many we kill more appear . ' clary !' I hear in my brain ' go get Sebastian I will deal with these low life's ' I nod and charge forward to Sebastian who is watching jace he doesn't see me come up .

I swimg and hit his arm , he glares at me ." My little baby princess has returned , why momma to mean ." I grit my teeth trying to I goner the wound he is hitting , never again will he cause me this much pain .

" you life has just run out " at that I spread my wings out wide and tall . Sebastian steps back in shock , " I see you blood finally ran it's course , to bad your not a real angel ." He mocks , " you'd be surprised " I allow my wings to glow bright golden , time for him to pay . I rise 20 feet and release my power , my whole body starts glowing from toes to head .

All demons fall to the ground in ashes , I float lower down facing Sebastian." It seems your powers have finally come " " "they have , you'll have a problem trying to defeat me " I say , jace coming up to my side " so will you " Sebastian say evilly .

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