The final ending

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Clary POV

To be completely honest with you, my plan is just a shot in the dark. 

There is a chance that we will fail and then its over. 

I grip one of my hands tightly at my side as I fly with the other angels. My body shakes in fear, if we fail we fail all of the world. 

We must not fail. 

Finally we float above the majority of the demons, I glance back to see Jace quickly pushing the last shadow hunters inside. 


I shut my eyes and take a deep breath, when my eyes open they are a glowing gold. 

I feel the energy run from the tips of my toes to my head, as I look around I see all the other angels basking in their strength. I take one last glance at Jace, just before he closes the door he flashes a smile at me and shuts the door closed. 

I relax my shoulders, tilting my chin up to face the stars. 

'I will not fail, I will not fail for you Jace.' 

I glance at the other angels, motioning for them to form a circle. I fly to the center. 

When the circle is closed I let out a shuttered breath. 

Bright golden light begins connecting all the angels in the circle, slowly they all glow brighter than the sun. I squint my eyes at the light all around me, the heat engulfing me. 

Slowly every angel lifts their arms pointed toward me and the light slowly travels toward me. 

The closer it gets the hot it gets around me, I spread my wings wide, reaching my hands up to the sky then, the light touches me. 

My body burns, shakes and twitches from the energy entering my body, My eyes closes tightly at this feeling. It is worse than any pain I ever had but some how I welcome it because this pain will save them all. 

I feel as if my body will exploded but instead my eyes snap open and I chant. 

"I am Clarrisa Morgenstern, I am an angel, the angel of angels. I am the protecter of them all and we are the protecters of the people of this world. You are monsters, you threaten the peace. And with my power, I will cast you out!" 

"ἱδρῶτα et ardeat ad cinereum vergeret. "

"Relinquat et requiescet in infernum"

"Non nobis minantur in sanctuario sunt"

"Statim decederet!"

(Translation: Sweat and burn to ash/ Leave and rest in hell/ Do not threaten us in our holy land/ Leave at once!) 

And sudden, I couldn't breath. All the energy left my body in a burst of hot light, My body shakes as I fall to the ground. My eye open shakily as I fall, the other angels fall and disappear. 

 But I shall not disappear to heaven, I will not go their yet to stay. 

I have work to do here. 

And with that I let the gravity slam me into the ground, and before I black out to the darkness. 

I see the demons turn to ash. 


Well my lovely readers, that is the ending of my story. I will post a epilogue in about two weeks, I can't believe how far this story has come and I thank all who have stuck with me through this story. 

Its so hard to believe I have finally finished a story but I am so proud of how far this story have come. 

This story was really a game charger for my writing carrier, I finally figured out my style and type of writing and even entered a couple pieces in competitions online. 

I realize that this story may not be that good but it is my baby. I am incredible grateful to all of my wonderful readers and I love you all!

I will be back with an epilogue. 

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