Demon Cave

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We walk in to the demon relem , Jace close by my side he looks around in wonder by all of the demons flying around. From hellhounds running around far ahead of us , to hydra and vetis demons flying above us . (Demon  names from codex )

I draw one of my short swords and see jace doing the same , " ok Jace we need to find a cave to stay the night we move in the morning we dont want to be out at night time . They get more active when it gets dark in our world . " I explain . " How would you know this Clary?" Jace asks looking around the releam

I look around for a little longer " I will tell you when we are safe for the night , lets go "  We walk straight out into the world only I have seen , I walk in the direction Magnus told me to go to get to the safe cave . Jace stay behind me looking around ready to fight any second .

We finally arrive at the cave and just a moment to soon , being in the demon releam drains my energy unless in a nuteral place like the cave . Jace is the first to walk into the cave and drops his pack on the ground and sits , I stand outside the cave opening looking around for any sign of movement of demons .

Normally they will attack anyone in there world but they must have not noticed the scale differnece in there minds yet. I can feel Jaces stare on my back but I ignore it , I turn and enter the cave . I draw a quick rune above the opening to keep whatever is out there out . I turn to Jace " I need to seal anyother opening stay here." I allow my wings to spread out and lift myself off the ground , I can move faster with my wings .

" I am coming to Clary " jace insits I turn to him " fine but i will not wait up for you just follow behind " WIth that I take off down the first tunel my wings lightly flapping by my sides .

I land at the end of the tunnel and draw the rune above the enterance ,  A gold light covers the opening and I turn around and fly back about half way back down the tunnel I see JAce running toward me . I keep going at my fast speed and when close enough I grab his arm . Liftling him up lightly his feet only a foot away from the ground and contine back to the main opening .

I set him down and he looks out of breath from that. " Ok you stay here thats the only other opening but I need to check down there." Pointing to the other tunnel toward the lake . Jace looks at me ann eyebrow raised " You know I am coming to right?" he questions . I look at him " No you are not , you will stay here and make a pie" with that I fly down the tunnel at full speed.

I land at the edge of the water , I unlace my boots and take off my clothes , I change into the suit I had in my bag and get in the water my wings still spread out . I crystal water helps with my energy in this demon place. I sink in the water to my neck and let it all soak in , until I hear this .

" I did not make you a pie for 3 reasons , 1 I dont know how to make a pie , 2 we dont have any pie ingredents ." " and 3 I am not your bitch." I quickly turn around my wings wrapping around my body . " why did you follow  jace ?" I question him . " you were gone for 30 minutes I wanted to check on you ." He says weirdly .

" well I am fine go back to main cave" i say then I turn my wings still around me and dive down . I follow the lake too the waterfall and go under it . i am now hidden from his view I let my wings drop I pull myself up on the edge and allow my wings to falp themselves dry. I sit under the falls for a few more minutes when something surfaces infront of me .


Of course I dont think that at first and punch it , then I see its Jace.  " oww clary " he whines pulling himself up quickly on the edge next to me . MY wings go around me again " really jace you had to follow." I complain to him , " Yes I had to  I thought you got pulled down by something when you didnt come up . " AT this he kisses me  , hard.

His hand is cupping my face while the other is on my waist , I tangle my hands in his hair and kiss back. I feel myself eaning back and Jace leaning forward , then my back hits the ground and a heated pain goes through my wings .

I break away and cry out in pain , Jace pulls away fast worried he did something " Clary , clary are you ok?" he asks . I turn myself over on my stomach.


Clary turns over onto her stomach and I see a jagged rock sticking through her right wing , I see no blood but I dont think the wings have blood . Clary noww has tears running down her face from pain " Clary there is a rock in youur wing " I see her trying to pull her wings into her back again " no clary leave them out let me get the rock out " I see her nod through sobs .

I grab hold of the rock and pull it out slowly so I dont tear anymore tissues , soon its out and the wing has a whole in it. All of the sudden Clary dives into the water , I do nothing but follow .

She goes into a cave under water , I get to the enterance and cant get through there a golden sheild blocking me . I catch a glimpse of Clary and its not her moving its the wings.

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