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I arrive at pandemonium at 9 oclock , I see Isabele , Alec , and Jace waiting outside . When Jace sees me his face lightens up , " hey Clary ready." he asks I nod , I had changed into a short , skintight black dress that stopped right on my thigh . I also had on my knee high heeled boots , my gear belt with multiple serphant blades , throwing knifes , and a few extra blades in my boots.

I brang my morgenstein sword but since I hunting with others today I can't let them see me fighting with it . Only Jace knows I am a morgenstern still , Isabelle and Alec still dont know of my true background. "Finally " says Izabelle "The bouncer wont let us in. The noraml guy isn't here today." She complains. "Dont worry I got this." I say walking toward the bouncer , I look him straight in the eyes .

Then I look around and only see Jace , Alec , and Izzy watching me curiously , good I think . I grab my stele and draw a sleeping rune on his arm faster than light and he falls to the ground , then turns to ash at my feet.

They stare at me in awe "okay , how did you do that Clary ? " asks Alec . I shrug and say " I put a rune on him." "WHAT Clary you know you cant do that ." Isabelle demands . I look at Jace giving him a look , "Izzy it does'nt matter he was already a demon anyway." he says

She nods and we head into the club, I can see the other 3 signaling to eachother in a code . But I dont know there special littl codes so I ignore it . I am about to walk away to look around when Jace grabs my arm . "Clary we stick together while hunting in here ok . sometimes it gets really dangerous." he says . I look him dead in the eyes " Oh really jace , tell me how long have you been hunting in this club?" i ask " Since I was 16 so 2 years why?" he asks again.

"Because I have been hunting in this club for over 8 years so I dont wanna hear you saying I need to watch myself because I have been since I was 9 ." I say getting annoyed , I can watch after myself. Jace looks a little hurt but ignores it . I walk off toward the edge of the club , everyone following me. Once we get to the wall I look around , cause of my extra angel blood I can tell who is a demon and who is not fairly easily.

It looks like tonight there is a lot of demons more than mundanes , perfect. "Guys over there-" I say pointing to the right side "2 demons you all can handle them right." The three nod and head over there. I smile , good I dont want them seeing me fight demons cause sometimes my angel blood acts up . Then I start glowing I dont want themm to see that.

I walk over to the back swaying my hips , I see 9 demons following me . Great. Once I am against the back wall I turn around. They circle me , I nod " so are you going to stand there or you going to come closer?" I ask , The demons take the one step closer I needed and I grab my morenstern sword 'herosphoros' It was one of my fathers sword (Its in CoHF) .

I attack fast as lighting before the demons know whats happening I have killed 5 of them , the others finally realise whats going on and try to attcak me. But I am ready for it , one lunges at me before I can duck it grabs my shoulders . I grab a throwing knife from my belt and cut his throat , then I slice 2 others on half . I have 1 left to deal with and it looks very angry at me for killing his brothers.

Jace realises I have a demon near me and breaks away from Isabelle and Alec who still have a demon to kill . Even though they only had 2 to kill and I killed 8 by my self. Just as Jace arrives near me and the demon I throw a serpant blade straight at the demon and its gone.

Jace looks at me in disbeielf "Did you really take on a demon by your self when you could have called for help." he demands "Ohh please , I killed 8 of them before you realised what was happeneing . So I killed 9 demopns by myself thank you very much." I say before walking toward thedemon Izzy and Alec are fighting . In one swift motion I cut off its head. "Thanks Clary ." says Alec " No problem so now that I have killed 10 demons thats all I had to do for the night so bye." I say waving them off.

"wait Clary why are you leaving now , Now we can have some fun." Says Jace "I dont have fun." I say still mad at JAce for not beileveing I am strong enough to take care of my self. "I live the life of a true shadowhunter , not a teenager." with that I walk toward the wall , not careing if they see and draw a portal rune . I step through but not without seeing the looks of shock on Izzy's and Alec's faces .

And Jace's in confusion.

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