Dreaming of Angels

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I am running in a field of flowers with a grand blue sky above me , I see golden gates and I know that leads to the land of angels. I have this instant pull toward the gates , but a figure comes in front of me blocking my path " It is not your time to join us Clarissa morgenstern Angel of all shadow hunters . You have a great power to face and once you have finally defeated this evil force you will have the choice to join us in the land of Angels." 

I realize this is the angel raziel speaking to me , " how will I defeat him?" I ask almost begging for an answer "It will all come in time Clarrisa now awaken." 

I wake in a instant to Jace shaking my shoulders "Clary are you ok , you started glowing?" asks a worried Jace. I curl in a ball and try to wrap my wings around myself , I dont feel them I blot up in the bed and stand up. I begin feeling for my wings but cant find them , I run out of the guest room and to Magnus's room. "MAGNUS!" I yell , he bolts awake. 

"what is it Clary " he ask alarmed , "my wings where are my wings." I demand he turns me around and feels my back and sighs in relief. " Clary they just folded up into your back since you are part shadow hunter you can hide you wings and take them out when needed." I now sigh in relief "ok thank the angel" I say . Magnus looks at me nervously "Clary be careful you know demons and your brother will be more likely to attack you now."he warns

"I know magnus I know." Just then JAce comes running into the room "Clary are you ok?" he asks , I nod and walk out of Magnus's room . I begin packing up my stuff and I see Jace doing the same across the room . Once I am done I go talk to Magnus "we are going to leave in a little we will be back in a week to talk about what to do next." I tell him , he nods and says be careful again. 

Then JAce and I walk out and toward the institute , When we arrive we are greeted my my mother Jocelyn  "Clary where have you been?" she asks angrily , but I already know what to say " I was at Magnus's for the weekend he needed help with a spell and I just stayed there. " she seems convenced and walks away , I go straight for the library dewr following me. 

I go and grab my special version of the codex that I have put my notes in , I begin studying all the different forms of demons. Everyday I can I study my codex cause you can never know enough about this shadow world. I was so focused on my codex I didn't hear the jingle of church's bell , then revealing Jace . 

"Clary , Are you ok?" he asks "NO Jace I am not " I addmit , he comes and sits next to me "Clary what were you dreaming about when you were glowing?" he asks only out of curiosity . I sigh and decide to tell him about raziel " I had a dream but I was in heavan by the land of the angels , and I was drawn to it then raziel appeared and told me " It is not your time to join us Clarissa morgenstern Angel of all shadow hunters . You have a great power to face and once you have finally defeated this evil force you will have the choice to join us in the land of Angels." 

he said I was angel of all shadow hunters and I know that means I am an angel , well I wont be until I destroy my brother." I can tell Jace is shocked by this news. "so your an angel." he asks in disbelief . I nod my head down , Jace grabs my head in his strong hands and makes me look at him .

"listen Clary this wont change anything , I will still love you even as a angel. Cause Clary your my angel."  I quickly wrap my hands around his neck and pull him in and kiss him , hard. His hands go to my hips , while mine play with his silky hair . We kiss for a long time only to have something scratch mine and jaces face , I pull away and see dewr looking furious .'

"man for a bird you sure get jealous " I say to my bird , Jace laughs at that . I scratch dewr's head as Jace looks nervous at the bird , "What is it Jace?" I ask " Nothing well its just  ... uh ..... how did Valentine give you that bird and why?"  Well that was random oh well .

" ok well you know how I knew my way around the safe house and knew everything he was talking about." Jace nods , I continue " so when I was 7 he made me forget my memory and I thought he was my father , a good father.  But after a month of living with him I got some memory back thats also when I learned about my rune powers and I escaped with a portal , I showed up in magnus's apartment cause I thought of some place safe.  Anyway I got the bird right before I left it came through the portal with me . I retrained it and it is only loyal to me now , and as you can tell very over protective." 

I am almost laughing at the end of my story I don't know why I included the part about Magnus I just did.  Jace looks a little confused by all I just said, its kinda funny. "uh wow that's a weird story." he comments finally , now I really am laughing at him. 

I finally get up and tell Jace I am going to get some food , he says he is coming to . As we pass the kitchen I  smell burning food , great maryse isn't cooking Izzy is . I turn to Jace a look of horror on my face as well as his "taki's?" I ask "Taki's" he confirms , we make a run before Isabelle sees us and makes us eat her awful food. 

As we arrive at taki's we both get the biggest meal on the menu and we just talk about demons , weapons , and fighting styles. When we finish eating Jace insists on paying and we start our walk back to the institute we decide on goling hunting tomorrow just the two of us to get our minds off things. 

For once I feel like I can be a little bit of a  normal shadowhunter maybe even a normal teenager. 

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