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( hey guys I just wanna say I can't believe how much this story has taken off in the last few months and I would just like to thank all the people who vote and comment on this story. It means a lot to me that y'all would comment such nice things for me, and I really will try to respond to y'all if you have any questions about the story. Also I just might have 30,000 reads on this story by New Year's Day night since latly I get a couple thousands reads a day even more since winter break has started for most. I just want to say thank you to all of you for reading and encouraging my writing. Love you lovelies ~noelle)

Magnus POV

It's been almost 2 days since clary and jace went into the demon realm to destroy Sebastian. I am getting worried , the next thing I know my door is slammed open. I quickly stand and prepare to fight , the person I see is Jocelyn followed by Isabelle , Alec and Reed. The boys look defeated and I know why Jocelyn must have dragged them to telling her where clary was.

"Jocelyn you have no business here" I state loudly " yes I do one of my children has died!" I step back shocked. "How would you know?" I snap " I am their mother I will always know what happens to them" she says proudly , " I don't think that's the case I think you saw them!" I could see through her phony face. Jocelyn could hide her emotion but not in her eyes, I can see right through her. "You set a trap there didn't you!" I yell

Just as Jocelyn steps back a bright light burst into the room , A portal opens up and out comes Clary and Jace . Clary's wings are out but are not like they were. Clary stares Jocelyn then looks at me " Clary. " I say breathless.

Clary POV

I can't believe it my mother is here I could have sworn I felt her presence in the demon realm. "Clary" I hear Magnus says , he sounds almost breathless. The next thing I know Magnus embraces me , "diolch I dduw Eich iwan"
' translation : welsh: thank god your okay.'

" I am fine " I say glaring at my mother " Clary why are your wings gold ?" Alec asks nervously . I look at everyone's faces stopping by staring at Jocelyn's " I am a full angel now. The Angel of Angels!" As I say this I see the fear flash in my mothers eyes , but it doesn't look like my mother? I look over at Reed and I see not only proudness but also fear. I always knew it would come to this, all my friends being afraid if me. Even Jace had flashes of fear of me while I was fighting.

I turn to Magnus , "I am now immortal" my mother gasps "now I have a question , why is she here?" I say nodding my head toward Jocelyn. "She barged in saying she knew one of her children had been killed , but I could tell she saw it happen." Magnus says madly. I turn to my Mother , and with one flap of my golden wings she is pushed against the wall. I march over to her she is breathless from impact. I stare at her straight in the eye , "your not my mother" I say calmly I keep her back on the wall with one are. "You are an imposter "

I can see the fear flash in her eyes "Tessa grey don't be so rude , you finished what you had to do today" a silent brother walks out from the door way. "Jem" says Tessa as she changes back to her normal self . "I am sorry for this children but I was only making sure what the stars said was true. Clary is now a full angel , and her body doesn't commit to the normal clock of life. " I stare at Tessa a friend, almost a mother to me , who just said all this made it real for me.

I feel my knees falling out from under me , reality is hitting me hard. I am no longer human . I feel someone touch my shoulder , but my body us going num "clary " I hear but not sure who it is "calm down clary , it's alright" This breaks me , "NO!" I scream and push my hand toward who was touching me. I hear a thud the person hit the wall , I finally look up and gasp .

It was Jace and now he is unconscious . I see Isabelle and Alec staring in horror at me , Tessa and Jem just look sad and Reed this look hurts me the most , the look of disappointment . Magnus is kneeling next to jace trying to wake him up , "clary he is burning hot did he by any chance touch the heavens sword?" He asks looking at the sword strapped to my side , it is not covered by a hilt and he could have touched it without me noticing anything. "I believe he did " I say softly .

Magnus sighs "then there's only one thing for us to do to save him "

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