Alec finds out

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I am standing in a large room bigger than the accords hall , and at the back of the room is 2 golden thrones . Outside the windows is a city a city made of bones and a river of blood running straight through it.

I know this is what the world will be like if sebastain gets what he wants from me and the world. I look again at the thrones and see myself and my brother sitting in the thrones looking over at the chaos . I realize that if I don't stop this the world will be over as we know it.

I wake by someone shaking me out of that nightmare. It was Jace , I sigh and curl into a ball. "Clary what happened?" asks Jace. I shake my head and look down to the floor , I realize with a start when have I ever been this weak . Never that's when , and my brother will use that against me and that includes Jace.

I stand up quickly and Jace looks up at me confused "Clary are you ok?" he asks generally concerned about me. " I'm sorry Jace." I whisper and run out of my room.

I run to the roof I draw a portal rune on the roof just as Jace come through the hatch "CLARY! Wait" he yells "I'm Sorry " I say again then call out "DEWR! YN DOD" dewr only understands mainly Welsh . He appears seconds later

"ymosod yna dewch." I demand (translation: attack then come.) He nods and darts out at Jace , Jace closes the hatch fast . Dewr turns fast and heads through the portal the last thing I hear is Jace yelling for us to wait.


When Dewr and I arrive where I wanted I check to make sure I have my bag of gear I grabbed on the way out I do. Good, I walk toward the door my mother tried to take me when I was a child to forget the shadow world but even as a 4 year old I was stubborn . I knock and wait for him to answer .

When he finally does I am shocked to see Alec open the door " what are you doing here ?" I ask him confused ansd angry. "uhh I was --I ... UGH" he groans "ohh can it alexander " I hear none other than the magnus bane . "hello Clarrissa" I glare at him for using my real name.

Alec looks at me confused then to Magnus "I'll just be going" he says uncomfortable "No its fine Alec I just need to talk with Magnus for a little" He nods and goes back inside , "come on in clary" I nod and follow Magnus inside .

We sit down on the couch and alec comes in , I stop him there " Alec I need to talk to Magnus alone" I say in dead serious tone , he nods and turns around then walks away. "clarrisa you know there was no need to be mean to my boyfriends." says magnus , I raise an eyebrow at him " really magnus boyfriend?" he nods meikly

"magnus they day we have feared has come." thats all it takes for Magnus to become serious " he is back is'nt he" he asks "yes he is." I confirm , " Clary what are we going to do." he asks me " I am going to do what I should have done last time , I needed to find him. " I say with a defenate edge in my voice.

"Clary are you sure its bad to ask favors from your father ." Magnus speaks with athority in this voice ."Magnus I have to try sure Valentine isnt --" I am cut off my alec

"VALENTINE!" Alec yells " HE is dead !" Magnus stands up and places a hand on Alec's shoulder "alec please say nothing of this to the clave if you do I will never forgive you." he speaks softly but with a serious tone . Alec thinks then nods his head. "THank you Alec" I say greatful

"wait , I wont say anything but I want to know what this is all about." he demands , Magnus looks over at me for aprooval "NO magnus , I will tell him ." he nods and sits back down.

"ok ,ALec no telling anyone espcially the clave understand." he nods so I continue "my real father is valentine morgenstern and before I was born he injected my mothers womb with extra angel blood. So I am 7/8ths angel , I can create new runes and am more powerful than anyother shadowhunter. and my brother is -- is jonathan morgenstern or better known as sebastain ." Alec stares in shock at me .

I continue " and now jonathan is back and is after me again , my only way to find him is my father valentine ." I finish and Alec is speachless. He tries to speak but cannot bring himself to bring to speak. Finally he does " Is this all true?" he asks magnus , he nods slowly. "It is all true Alec." magnus says sadly.

"I have to tell Jace you know that , right." Alec demands , I sit up in my seat " No Alec NO you cannot tell him , he only knows about the angel blood and new runes . Tell him nothing , no matter what I cant have everyone getting into MY problem." I almost am yelling at the end , Magnus stays quiet and slumped in his seat.

"But Jace is my parabati , I have to tell him everything." Alec counters , "NO , you dont only if it puts you in danger or he asks which he wont and lets all hope you guys dont get dragged into this."

As I speak I see Alec nod to what I am saying , I know he wont say anything more to Jace.

I turn to Magnus , "Can I stay here for the night , I will be gone by tomorrow afternoon." I ask "Of course , Clary ."I nod and make my way toward the guest room . After about 5 minutes I hear a knock on my door. I get up and open it revealing Alec.

"Can I come in Clary?" he asks he seems worried about something so I nod and allow him to enter. I sit on my bed and he sits in the desk chair. "Clary , does Jace know where you are?" He asks nervous , Great so this is about Jace.

"No he doesnt and dont you dare tell him my plan ." I almost scream . "ok but I know he knows something else not just about your blood ." So thats whats this is about ok. "Fine he know about my family but doesnt know I am going after him or the main reason and neither will you." I decide

"Clary , Jace called magnus he wants him to track you so he can find you he is worried about you Clary." I have never seen Alec show this much emotion but when it comes to Jace , Alec does care about him. " I know he is Alec, but I also know I will get him hurt if he comes . Also I know Magnus wont help him since he owes me and would never beytray me ," As I speak I can hear the hurt in my voice.

"but Clary everyone needs help sometimes." Alec says softly

" I know Alec I know."


so how is my story so far , I have something cool planned for with Clary and sebastian . I will have clary and jace be a real couple soon . dont worry , it will happen.

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