Come back to me

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Jace POV

 The sun has now gone officially down and the demons now seem to have a lot more energy than what we have left. Clary has yet to return and I am getting worried. A few shadow hunters have gone down from exhaustion, we had to send some inside the hall with the children to rest. 

I try to focus on the task at hand but my mind keep going back to Clary. I know she went to ask the angels for help, but I worry she will be turned down and Idris will be taken over by demons. Suddenly a demon jumps on me and I fall to the ground. The demon snarls and a string of drool starts falling from the corner of the dog like demon's mouth. 

I try to grab my sword that fell out of my grip when I was knocked down. Just as my finger tips graze the handle and the string of drool hits my face. A bright light flashes across the sky, the demon above me disappears. I sit up and look around, the majority of the demons that surround us have disappeared. I look up at the sky and see bright lights coming down to the ground. 

I stare at the bright lights and notice a figure at the front go the lights. The first thing I see is the fiery red hair of the girl I love. I let my wings out and fly up to meet her. 

"Clary!" I exclaim, I see a smile appear on her face and she flies faster towards me. When I reach her I hold on to her tight. "I did" she says breathlessly, "They are here to help!" We pull away and she looks back at the angels behind her. 

I can now see individual angels come out from the bright golden light. I recognize Raziel at the front of the group of angels, I tilt my head toward him and turn back to Clary. "Should we have the shadow hunters go back in the hall?" I ask her, still wondering what the angels will do to get rid of all of the demons that have over run the town.

"They wont need to go inside but they need to stand near the hall just incase." Clary responds, we fly down together toward the group of wide eyed, staring shadow hunters. "Attention every one, you must all stay near the hall so no one gets hurt, we shall deal with the demons." Clary calls out. Every one stays still for a while before some one calls out. "Are you real angels?"

I glance behind us at the golden light that surrounds the other angels. Raziel comes and floats near us, "I am the angel Raziel, the one who made the first of you. Clarissa is the angel of angels, we follow her command and that means you should as well." I hear gasps coming from the crowd.

The shadow hunters then move not asking any more questions, I turn myself to Clary and Raziel. "What is the plan to deal with all of the demons?" I ask, Clary looks back at the group of angels still behind us. "I have a plan but don't have time to explain it to, plus you are still not a full angel. You won't be able to preform the plan." Clary says looking down ashamed. I stare at her for a few seconds, "Clary I will not leave your side, I won't let you get hurt again." I place my hand on her chin making her look me in the eyes.

Clary grabs both of my hands and she looks at me. "Jace, I promise you, I will come back in one piece. Now please just go and keep the other shadow hunters out of the way. Please." She begs me. I pull her to my chest and hold on to her tight, I feel her hands gripping the back of my shirt and I press my lips to hers. We pull apart after a few moments and I take one more moments before pulling myself away from her. 

I hope she comes back. 

I really hope she comes back to me.


Hey guys I finally got my laptop fixed and was apply to write this quickly for yall. I am sorry it is short, Its not even 1000 words. But yay my laptop is back which means I will be posting again. Thank you all for being so patient with me this past month.


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