Uhh hello .. Reed

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I stare in shock at my mother in the door way . " I thought you already left ." I manage to spit out coldly . "Oh no I was just about to but I wanted to see these wings of yours " I quick pull in my wings
ok now something is wrong , my mother would never show interest in anything to do with me no matter what .

I study the way my mother is standing and when she starts walking toward me I realize what wrong with her . This isn't the mother I yelled at earlier this is an imposter . " now is that any way to act near your cousin Reed " I point out . Reed smith is a shape shifter but is also a close friend of mine and my mother , he is also part warlock so yeah.

"Very good Clarissa , I was here getting rid of your mother and I wondered if I could get out from you why she is leaving ." Reed says as he changes back into himself , " really reed you know you could have just asked me . I would have told you " I point out , I trust reed almost as much as I trust Magnus . They both know all my secrets .

" that's true , now is my Claire bear going to give me a hug or did you not miss me . " I am going to kill that boy , he is one of the few people I show emotion to . " first off never call me that again or you will die , second of course I missed you you dope . And third fine ." I say and walk into his arms , " I missed you to Clarrissa " I nod

Then I hear someone clear there throat , I pull away from reed and see Jace standing in the door way with a pissed off look on his face . " hey nice to meet you I'm Reed ." Reed says always being nice around new people and sticks out his hand for a shake .

Jace ignores his hand and says " jace herondale " the way he speaks is very cold . Reed backs up a few steps to stand next to me . "So do you know Clarissa ." I mentally curse Reed he is the only one who refuses all the time to call me Clary . "yes I do. " jace says coldly again "and how do you know clary's real name ?" Jace snaps

Reed looks a little confused at his question " I have known her since she was 3 , thank you very much" now reed is getting defensive " Reed stop " I snap at him , I could see his finger tips start to spark . With in a second his fingers stop so does whatever Reed was going to say next .

I could tell I was getting angry but I didn't know my wings started coming out until I feel them brush my shoulders . "What is y'all's problem " I snap at both boys , they both say nothing " that's what I thought , now reed shut up and don't you dare try to zap him and jace , Reed is a close friend so stop acting like an ass!"

Both boys look a little shocked at me , " sorry " they both mumble . " good now , Reed I know you where here for another reason go to the library I will be there in a minute " Reed nods and walks out of the training room . " now what do you want ." I say turning to jace .

" what was that about earlier you were just about to walk out the door , you said go back to sleep then I was sleeping again . How did you do that and you just controlled Reed" he asks confused . I look down , Jace walks toward me and places a hand on my shoulder " You can tell me anything " he says softly.

" I had a dream , but I will not tell you in detail what happened in the dream. But I can now control people I just need to be careful of who I control ." I look down as I say This I dont want another thing making me more unnormal . Jace grabs both of my shoulders now , " then why did you do it to me ?" 

I look down again " I didn't mean to I had just had the dream before I woke up and I needed air . I'm sorry" I whisper . Jace grabs my chin and makes me look him in the eyes . We stare at eachother for a few seconds then his lips are on my mine. 

We kiss for what feels like hours but could only be a few minutes , then I hear someone laugh . "I knew this would happen if I left." Jace and I pull away fast but Jace looks confused cause he can't see anyone. Thanks to my angel blood I could always see Reed when he went invisible . 

I start laughing at reed's face is bright red , Jace still looks confused . " Reed seriously you need to remember I can still see you. " I say still laughing at his red face from seeing us kiss. , he finally is visible to Jace and he sighs in releaf " i thought I was hearing things " Now both Reed and I are laughing .

" Clary I really need to talk to you before Magnus gets back." I nod and follow Reed to the library . I sit down on one of the couches and Reed sits in an armchair. Jace comes in a few second later confused ,  " Can I listen in here or do I have to listen through the door" JAce says completely serious " at least he is honest " Reed says Lightly laughing . " Its fine he can hear if he knows " 

Reed says eyeing me , I nod slowly " I should tell him about you first , anyway i meet Reed when I was 3 he was the closet thing to a friend I had before Simon , he is part warlock , but is also a shapeshifter . Care to demonstrate ?" I say indicating to Reed . He nods and holds out his hand for something I pluck out one of my hairs and hand it to him . 

With in seconds he looks just like me , Jace looks confused if it wasnt for my wings being out he would really be confused . Reed drops the hair and turns back to normal , when reed comes to he says " Clarisa are you ever going to let down your mind walls " he wines 

" nope , there are thing I dont want even you to know Reed and you and Magnus know this." he nods meekly " anyway Reed what did you need to talk about." Reeds face turns serious , " yeah lets talk about that." once we are all sitting again he begins " I have been noticing the moons patterns changing and I needed to know . Did you kill Valentine?"

I look at him shocked , " I dont know , I just fought him and he passed out " 

" I am positive Valentine is dead " REed says" how do you know?" Jace asks

" I found his body."

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