Angel of Angels

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Clary POV

I fly through the air high and higher and when I reach the clouds I force myself to go to the land of angels. I see the golden gates once again but raziel is not their to greet me like it was in my dreams, I look toward the gates and know where to find them. I walk toward the golden gate and I hope.
I hope I can return to them just as before.

Jace POV
I usher all shadow hunters toward the hall, the demons are getting out of hand but we need to hold out until Clary gets back to us. All of the shadow hunters stare at me but none stop fighting to question why an angel would be here now. More and more demons surround us and we do our best to keep them at bay, a few teenagers who could only be a few months from fighting age end up going us after a few minutes of fighting near the hall, that gives us about 50 more hunters and right now we need all the help we can get. 

The silent brothers are doing a highly good job of holding off a majority of the demons, and I keep a large majority away from the younger hunters. I slice my blade through a demon and it falls to the ground in a heap, the air has begun to smell from all the demon corpses, it is still a mystery to us of why the demons bodies are not disappearing. 

 But we can not deal with it now, we have to hope that Clary can get back in time to save Idris from being destroyed. 

Clary POV

Everything is gold, gold is all I see then I see a city. A city made of golden bricks, then I see people on the streets but they are not just ordinary people. They are angels with wings patroding from their backs. Some are white, some silver, some gold. But not one single pair looks the same, there is always a difference, weather it be the color, size, or shape of the wings. While mine are a striking gold that can be a pure white if I wish, my wings also seem to be larger than the other angels. 

When I move closer to the town I notice angels staring at me, none speak, they only stare. Suddenly Raziel appears before me, "Hello Clarissa, what brings you here?" I bow my head slightly to the angel, "I am here to ask for your help, Idris is being attacked by demons all because I had to kill Sebastian. I beg of you please help us." 

"Oh my dear Clarissa, I have told you before of who you are. You are the angel of angels, and I have also said when ever you need us, we will follow your command. You are the one who is our ruler." I just stare at the angel in some what of a shock. "But I know you do not want to be our ruler, so lets say we shall follow you in what ever you must do." 

I look behind Raziel and see that the other angels are kneeling down. To me. 

I look up to Raziel and speak "I, Clarissa Morgenstern, am the angel of angels and when I need them, the angels will follow my command. So I speak now to all of you. Follow my Command!" 


Well I am back from vacation everyone, but the week we got back we lost all internet for a week so I was unable to post or write any on my computer. And now my laptop is broken so I quickly wrote this on my iPad for you all. 

Thank you for being so patient. I love you all.


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