The new plan?

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Clary POV

I allow the once painful feeling to calm my muscles and let my wings come from my back, I almost instantly feel better. I close my eyes and allow the feeling to wash over me, my eyes shoot open when I hear a growl. A pack of demon hounds surround us and Jace tries to keep them back. I sit up Magnus watching as the cuts stop bleeding and close.

I fly up into the air and hold my sword tight in my hands, I fly down slicing through all of the demon hounds before they can attack me. They turn to dust and I land by Jace. Jace grips my hand and I grip his, we look at each other and I nod to him. Jace allows his wings to come out and we shoot up into the air. I call down to Magnus "Magnus tell the groups by the entrances to move in closer to the hall, we need to protect the children at all costs." Magnus nods and disappears in a cloud of glitter.

I look to Jace and we fly toward the hall ourselves, preparing for the shocked looks of the people.


Jace POV

The people can actually see us, some call out to us in joy while some jeer. When we finally land by the hall brother Zachariah or now known as Jem Carstairs walks up to us. "Clary we need to get rid of the demons closing in on the hall. The group you sent to the south can not hold them off for much longer." He says completely ignoring the fact that we both have wings on out backs and Clary is glowing.

"Alright, Jem tell the silent brothers to focus on keeping them away from the front door of the Hall the demons should be drawn towards me but they might go for the door still." Clary speaks with authority in her tone but I guess you should expect that from the angel of all angels.

Clary grabs my hand once again and we head off towards the south end. "Clary we need to get rid of all of the demons soon or else the town will be over run." I can feel Clary's grip on my hand tighten and she nods her head. "I know what I need to do"

With that we near the south end I call out "Everyone move back toward the hall, keep the children safe!" I hear gasps and shouts of shock from the shadow hunters below us. I would suspect that after seeing two angels above them.

Clary and I lower ourselves to the ground and make sure all shadow hunters have left the area.

I quickly pull Clary to my chest, she gasps then relaxes slightly in my arms. "Jace" She breathes out against my neck. "Clary, please be safe." She nods her head slowly before looking up at me. Our eyes lock and we close the space between out lips. We kiss for what feels like eternity, my hands resting on her waist  and hers running through my hair.

"Come back to me okay?" Clary says slightly pulling away. "As long as you come back to me" I whisper lightly. We pull away and Clary takes one last glance at me before running toward the south entrance. Leaving me to deal with the citizens.

' Just come back Clary, just come back to me.'


Short I know I have major writers block right now guys, I am probably going to re-read the last book before writing any more since I feel like I drifted to far away from how the characters originally were, so please be patient for the next update it shouldn't take longer than one month for me to get the next chapter posted.

Thank you my lovely readers for all the feed back and encouragement you all give me. I love all my readers and am so thankful for all of you for reading my story, I never thought I would get this far and I am beyond over joyed.

I love you all, thank you so much!

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