Part 1

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Steve and Natasha have been dating for about 7 months now (got together in March it is now October) We left them at the 4 month mark of dating (this was beginning of July) after spending almost 3 months apart from comas and missions. Steve and Nat's relationship was recently accidentally revealed to the public resulting in a huge outburst of #romanogers online along with a lot of hate. Enjoy the book:)

Natasha's POV:

"Babe, can you do up my zipper?" I call out to Steve as I turn to the side so I can see the back of my off the shoulder black blouse easier in the mirror. Steve walks up behind me and wraps his arms around my middle while sending shivers down my spine with each gentle kiss along my neck and across my shoulder. I swat playfully at his face when he goes to lower the sides of my shirt farther down my arms. Steve pouts and I smirk as he does what I asked and turns me around to face him.

"You look gorgeous, darling." Steve says to me making me blush slightly as he lightly runs a finger down my cheek before leaning down and kissing my lips. We break apart too soon as Steve starts to drag me to the door so we can head to the dreaded press conference.

"Why do we have to go to this thing again?" I ask Steve as we stand in the elevator.

"Because Tony's an idiot who can't keep his mouth shut." Steve replies with a small smile on his face.

"I'm surprised he lasted this long to be honest." Steve makes an agreeing sound, he pecks my lips before the elevator doors open and we are surrounded by press and paparazzi as we attempt to make our way through the halls which proves to be more difficult than anticipated as there is barely room to breath in here.

Eventually we manage to make it through the crowd without answering questions and only getting minimal shots of our faces before we get to the currently unoccupied conference room which is being used as a form of staging area before we go back out there.

"I feel like I'm going to puke." I tell Steve and start pacing as I put a hand on my forehead and my other goes to my stomach.

"From what we're about to do or from that bad chicken we had last night?" He asks walking over to me, a worried expression on his face.

I pause for a second, "Bit of both," I look up to him and bite my lip slightly as Steve places a hand on my waist as the other goes to my cheek.

"Let's not forget why we're here, love." Steve whispers softy as he leans down and kisses my cheek.

"Freaking, Stark." I grumble making Steve laugh and a light smile come to my face before another wave of nausea hits making me close my eyes and lean against his chest until it subsides enough for me to pull myself together and suffer through the next hour.

Steve's POV:

*2 and a half months earlier*

There are several reasons why Tasha hasn't been doing well lately. Between the guilt about Lydie being on the verge of death on that hospital bed eating her alive, and the miscarriage the day we got back from the base, she's been struggling.

I walk up behind her and place a hand on her shoulder as she watches Lydie like she will die if she take her eyes off of her. "Tasha?" I ask, trying to pull her out of her thoughts, I shake her shoulder lightly, "Come get some sleep, babe." Natasha turns her head towards me at those words, her face is covered in different emotions. Hurt, longing, fear. But the clearest and the one that breaks me to pieces the most is the guilt. Her eyes are puffy and her cheeks are a bright pink yet the rest of her face is pale, it breaks my heart seeing her like this. I force a small smile onto my face for Nat's sake before speaking again, "Please?" I hold out my hand for her and she reluctantly takes it and stands up, sending one more glance to Lydie before leaning most of her weight against me as we walk through the halls.

We step into the elevator and Nat wraps her arms around my waist and hides her face in my chest. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her hair before resting my chin on the top of her head and swaying slightly until the doors ding open revealing us floor 78. We walk towards my room and Natasha still hasn't said anything, I open the door and Nat walks straight to the bed taking off her shoes and pants she climbs under the duvet as I take off my shirt and join her. Tasha faces away from me but I wrap my arms around her and hold her close to my body.

I kiss her temple and whisper next to her ear, "It's not your fault Nat, I love you."

A smile comes to my lips as she whispers back, barely audible, "I love you too." And then her breathing slows into an even rhythm indicating sleep has taken her, I'm not far behind.

We spend the next 3 days binging Grey's Anatomy and Friends in bed.

*Present Day*

There's a pause before Nat answers, "I don't see how that's your concern." She crosses her arms and leans back in her chair as I give a death stare to the reporter.

"Look, Ms Romanoff, let's be honest here. You don't exactly have the best track record so I find it is a valid question. How did you get a guy like Steve Rogers to go out with you?" I crack my knuckles under the table as Nat sends me a look telling me to stand down.

"Look, 'Gregory Reams, Global Main' that is really none of your concern." He opens his mouth to say something else but Nat speaks before he can, "I find it interesting that you decided to ask me this and not anyone else in the room. Why you didn't ask Rogers this but decided to ask me insteaed. What about Stark over there? He's famously naïve and stupid. He created an army of robots that wanted to destroy the world. And he lights his lab on fire at least twice a week." There's a couple light chuckles from different reporters.

Tony speaks up, "That's on a good week too. Three things caught on fire yesterday and 2 days ago I helped my intern almost blow up an entire floor." There's small laughs from around the room at his answer which just irritates me more.

Gregory opens his mouth to say something else but I cut him off before he has the chance, "Let's move on, shall we?" I'm irritated and Nat knows it, the press might not be able to tell but anyone who lives at the tower can. Nat squeezes my knee to try to calm me down as I continue to stare daggers at the reporter.

Half an hour later we all stand up to leave the room, Nat grabs my hand right before we get through the door and then I hear the quick clicks of cameras as we turn the corner and out of sight. I bring Tasha's hand up to my lips and kiss it as we all file into the elevator to see what Stark has planned for us next.

Bucky's POV:

*20 minutes earlier*

"Yeah, I want a cat." I lean forwards in my seat and look down the table to Stark, "When can I get my cat?"

"Aren't you allergic to cats?" Tony asks me, I continue to stare at him.

"That doesn't answer my question, Tony." I lean further and raise an eyebrow at him, out of the corner of my eye I see Nat and Steve's hands interwind under the table and have to force back the small smile that comes to my face at the sight of the couple.

Eventually we leave to room and I wrap an arm around Wanda's shoulders and she holds that hand as our large group steps into the elevator. We all get a notification on our phones at once, half of us groan while the other half curses softly.

Steve sighs and talks to the elevator, "Floor 19." He sounds slightly dejected like this is the last thing he wants to do, I don't blame him.

"So what's the mission exactly?" I ask looking at my phone confused.

The elevator stops right when Nat replies, "Nothing good."


In honour of the 1 day a year my brother isn't allowed to annoy me or my sister to death, I decided to put this first part out:) Feedback?

I hope this wasn't too terrible, anyways hope you enjoyed and have a great day!
Side note, if anything doesn't make a ton of sense it's because I re-wrote parts of this like 30 times lol ok I'll go now


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