Part 14

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Steve's POV:

Sitting on the quinjet is maybe the most stressful thing ever. Heading to the exact spot the government is most likely to find you, may be what actually kills me. And the fact that Natasha and Lydie are alone in a new town is not comforting at all, even if one of them is an assassin / spy / Avenger and the other is an exact replica (i really wanted to say copy and paste but that didn't seem like a very Steve thing to say:/) of her mother but with different eyes, hair, and genetics in general.

My knee bounces anxiously as the jet nears the tower. I drove Lydie to school today, told her I would see her in a couple of days. She wasn't very happy about that but seemed to completely forget about it when I promised to bring her back a chicken plushie because that's her favourite animal. A while ago when I asked her why her favourite animal is a chicken she said "They remind me of Tony. Cause he's a chicken." I gave her a high five at that.

I smile at the fond memory and stand up from my seat when I feel the quinjet is about to land. The jet docks in the hanger and I press the button allowing the ramp to release. I'm greeted by a couple of mid clearance level Shield agents.

"Captain Rogers," They greet with a respectful nod, I return it with a smile as we walk towards the elevator.

"If anyone asks, I was never here. You haven't heard from me. And there is no reason why you would." I say as we wait for the elevator to arrive. "Understood?" There's a chorus of 'Yes sir,' 's as the elevator arrives and we head down to the Shield floors. I walk straight to Fury's office, knocking politely on the door before entering.

"Didn't think you'd be back so soon." Nick says as he faces the window opposite me with his hands behind his back.

"And I thought you would have figured out a way out of this mess by now." I reply while closing the office door behind me.

The man in front of me turns around, "I'm not a miracle worker, Captain."

"Oh yeah?" I cross my arms over my chest, "Then why do you act like you are one?"

Fury walks right up to me now, "You're the one who decide to come back."

"I came back because the government needs to stop snooping around." I'm irritated, it's easy to tell.

"Well I'm not the one doing the snooping." He's right in my face now and I'm in his.

"Why is Ross showing up on missions?" I spit at him.

Fury's unfazed. Of course he is. "I don't know."

"Then what the hell do you know?" My voice gets louder before I control it again. When he doesn't respond I stare into his eye before turning around and slamming the door behind me so hard that the walls shake.

Everyone on the floor turns and watches me as I storm towards the elevator. Heading straight for the training rooms I immediately close the gallery and hook up a punching bag knowing it's the best way to get out my anger. Someone must have been notified that I'm in here as after around 15 strong punches my arm is caught right before my fist once again makes contact with the ruff fabric. Their metal fingers curl around my bicep pulling me away from the bag.

"Steve," Bucky says when I finally calm down. "What happened?" He moves his hand from my arm to my shoulder, effectively keeping me in place.

I run a hand through my hair with a sigh, "Fury," I wave it off like it's no big deal. Bucky lets go of me and I walk towards the bench. Sitting down I put my head in my hands, Bucky sits next me completely silent.

"You alright, man?" He asks me, I sit up straight and clear my throat before responding.

"Yeah, wanna spar?" He smiles and nods and we make our way to the mats.

Natasha's POV:

I spend the day finishing unpacking the last couple moving boxes and setting up a training area in the large backyard. It's nothing special, just a punching bag, training dummy, and a few mats sitting in the corner waiting to be brought out. After all, if we're going to be here for a while, we're going to need to stay at our peak physically. Also, Lydie's been bugging me about her needing to do something 'physical'. I offered to sign her up for soccer but that didn't make the cut.

Once the last box is unpacked I hop in my car and drive to Clint's farm so I can interact with someone who isn't 8. I pull up to the farmhouse and get out of the car, walking up to the front door I enter to see Laura doing something in the kitchen. "Hey, Laura." I say as I get closer.

I sit on a bar stool as Laura smiles at me, "Hey, Nat! What's up?" She asks pouring each of us a mug full of tea.

I thank her for the drink and shake my head slightly, "Just needed some adult interactions." She hums in understanding.

We talk for a while about anything and everything, eventually Clint walks in and tries to steals Laura from me. I roll my eyes and elbow him in the gut as he tries to pull me out of his house. He doubles over as I hit just the right spot, I use that to my advantage and flip him over my shoulder so now he's on the ground.

Groaning he starts to get up, "You couldn't have aimed me away from the lego's?" He complains as he slides a pile of lego from under his legs.

Smirking, I high five Laura and call over my shoulder as I'm walking to the door, "Nope!" I get back into my car and drive to the nearest town to buy groceries and get takeout for dinner before heading back to the rental house just in time for the bright yellow school bus to arrive at the end of the driveway. "Привет, Lydie!" (Hey, Lydie!) I give her a hug as she walks towards me. "Как дела в школе?" (How was school?)

She shrugs slightly as she walks past me and into the house she calls over her shoulder, "Отлично" (Fine) With 7 years of Red Room training you'd think she would be a better lier.

I follow her into the house, kicking my shoes off I follow her footsteps as she heads down the hallway to her bedroom, she starts to close the door but I stop it and walk into the room. Lydie sits on the edge of her bed and looks down to the floor. "Что случилось, обезьяна?" (What's wrong, monkey?) I kneel down so I'm at her level and push some hair out of her face.

Finally she looks up at me and she looks on the verge of tears. She tries to shrug it off again but one look has her backtracking to the truth. "Мой учитель попросил меня сделать слайд-шоу обо мне. Папа помог мне с этим вчера вечером." (My teacher had me make a slideshow all about me. Papa helped me with it last night) She starts, pausing before she continues. "Они думают, что я странный. Я слышал их в ванной после того, как они сказали, что мне нужно вернуться в Россию. Мама, не отправляйте меня туда. Пожалуйста! Мама, пожалуйста!" (They think I'm weird. I heard them in the bathroom after, they said I should go back to Russia. Mama, don't send me back there. Please! Mama, please!) She gets more and more distressed the longer she speaks. I pull her into my chest as she start to cry, stroking her hair I calmly shush her.

"You're not going anywhere, Lydie." I close my eyes as she continues to weep into my chest, "ты никуда не пойдешь" (You're not going anywhere) Eventually her tears subside and her body goes limp in my arms, I pull back from the hug already knowing she's fallen asleep. Laying her down on the bed I kiss her forehead and quietly close the door behind me, leaving it open just a crack.

I go to the backyard and hook up a punching bag as I already know it's the best way for me to let out my anger and emotions before they get the best of me. Once I determine that the poor punching bag should live to see another day I head into the kitchen and grab a water while also picking up my phone and calling the one person I really need to talk to right now.

"We need to talk."


This story needed a little more drama don't you think?

I dont really know what this is but i hope you liked it


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