Part 7

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Steve's POV:

"We could do a skiing thing." I say as we walk through the tower.

"Steve, it's the middle of October. Where are we gonna ski?" Natasha asks me.

"We could go to the beach," I suggest right before pushing the button for the elevator.

"Isn't it hurricane season?" She ask me.

Thinking for a moment I reply, "Yes," We step into the elevator and she leans against me, "There's not very many options then, is there?"

"Guess not," She laughs lightly and the doors open to the common room which is currently much quieter then it would have been a half hour ago.

Checking the clock on the wall I see that it's only 8:18 and that no ones in the kitchen at the moment. "You want some breakfast?" I ask, walking around the counter I see a large mound of pancakes covered with tin foil to keep warm. Natasha nods and I grab two plates from the cupboard along with cutlery, maple syrup from the fridge and the can of whipped cream.

We eat our breakfast before Nat has a couple meetings to go to a few floors down and I'm supposed to stop by Shield for a few hours before picking up Lydie from school.

I kiss her cheek before heading into the elevator and down to the garage where I get into my pickup truck and head in the direction of the Shield building. On the way there I call Natasha and put her on bluetooth.

The phone rings 3 times before she picks up, "Hey, baby what's up?" She asks when she finally accepts the call.

"Nothing," I reply, "I'm stuck in traffic and wanted to hear your voice." She chuckles lightly on the other end of the line.

"How far are you from HQ?" She questions me, I honk the horn of my car as someone cuts me off.

"About 15 minutes without this idiot swerving between lanes." My voice slowly gets louder as the sentence drags on.

Nat laughs, "Who knew Captain America has road rage." I roll my eyes and she continues, "Besides, that's what you get for driving through New York at 8:30 on a Monday morning."

"Well, I didn't exactly have much a of a choice." I state and finally make a right hand turn.

"Pretty sure that's what everyone else is thinking right now." Tasha replies making a small smile appear on my face for half a second before someone cuts me off yet again. "Oh, guess who's trending on Twitter?"

"Who?" I ask nervously.

She pauses for a second, "You. And not in a good way." Her voice gets kind of quiet.

"What do you mean?" Now I'm just confused.

"Apparently, someone saw you at Central Park yesterday with..." She trails off for a second. "Sharon."

I slam on the breaks and pull over. "I'm sorry, what?" I yell into the air, my voice travelling into the phone.

"I'm sending you a screenshot." She says and a second later a text comes through with an article that has a picture from probably 3 and a half years ago on the front.

"Tasha, that picture is from over 3 years ago, from you know, before she went psycho. Besides, I was home with Lydie all day yesterday. And she's been dead for like 6 months." I reassure her.

"I know, Steve, I know. Now get to Shield before Fury calls and yells at you."

"Alright, I love you."

"I love you, too." And then we hang up and I continue making my way towards Shield.

Pulling into the parking garage I park my truck and walk through the halls of Shield and make my way up to Fury's office where he told me to meet him. I haven't been here in a hot minute so it takes me a bit to find the room with an entire wall of glass in the middle of a maze of hallways.

Tony's POV:

ACDC blasts in the background as I work on an upgrade for Clint's quiver, right now I'm trying to figure out how to make it automatically set arrows on fire when they are released. I also need to figure out how to make it so it doesn't happen every time Barton uses the bow. Jotting down another equation on a whiteboard, I run a hand down my face as I concentrate and re-read what I have just written down.

"Friday, run a simulation, please." I say and take a step back as a hologram comes up showing the most probable outcome to this equation.

I groan as it explodes and I crumple the simulation into a ball, I throw it behind me into the hologram trash can and start over for probably the third time this hour.

"Wait a second," I mumble to myself as there is no one else in the room. I walk back over to the whiteboard and a negative sign to the 6y-32xy(162z+3xy-87)+88zw/44xy-66+12/n (this hurts my brain just looking at it lol) part of the equation. "Are you kidding me? Run it again." I say as I figure out what I had been doing wrong.

The simulation goes smoothly so I start to work on actually building the device before birdbrain #1 decides to come bug me about it. Unfortunately I don't have much time to myself before I manage to send sparks flying around the room, of course one of them just has to land directly onto a very big, and very flammable box that is about a foot from a box of explosives. Great.

"Shit!" I yell out and go to grab the white cardboard box before realizing that isn't a good idea.  That's when I remember the fire extinguisher in the corner.

I quickly put out the fire and get back to work on the fire arrows. I manage to set 3 more things on fire before deciding that I should probably stop before I blow up the entire tower and everyone in it.

I head over to the elevator with a rag in my hands to clean off the small bit of leftover oil as I head to the common room for lunch and another cup of coffee.

Natasha's POV:

I log onto the holographic meeting, it's my second of the day but the first one that isn't in person. The first one was fine, it was basically just a bunch of old men in suits yelling at me for some reason, I'm not really sure what that reason was though. I wasn't listening.

I set up the hologram and sit back in my chair as I wait for the meeting to start and for holograms of important looking people to appear around me. I tap my fingers impatiently on the armrests of my chair as I sit there for another minute until 6 people form around me.

"Rogers," I smirk as I see his now blue tinted form across from me.

"Romanoff," He replies, a smirk of his own on his face before he turns to everyone else in the meeting and asks, "What's this about?"

"We need to have a talk," One of the counsel members says quite hesitantly.

"About what?" I ask, "If you want my notes on the WSG meeting, I was going to send them over later I-" I'm cut off by the same man that spoke earlier.

Steve and I share a brief look before turning back to face the old man dressed in a dark suit and has a thick, white moustache across his face, his words will haunt me forever.


Sorry for the late update:/ i wasn't home and i ran out of data lol

First slightly intentional cliffhanger:) Hope you enjoyed and have a great day


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