Part 23

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Steve's POV:

*Day 31*

"Hey, Nat!" I call through the house. She walks around the corner with a confused expression on her face. "What would you say to going back to New York?" She opens her mouth to protest so I state the terms of arrival, "Quinjet would be in stealth mode the entire flight, none of us would be seen outside the tower, and it'd just be for a few days."

Natasha still seems hesitant as she bites her lip and sits down on the edge of the bed beside me.

"What's this about?" She asks suddenly as she looks over to me.

I furrow my eyebrows in response and look down into her shiny green eyes. "It's December 16, Nat." Realization covers her face before a small grin creeps it's way onto the corners of her lips. "You know what the towers like this time of year. Besides I have got to get out of a foot of snow before I go insane."

Natasha laughs lightly and grabs onto my arm as she scooches closer and rests her head on my shoulder. I feel her nod against my shoulder and her smile becoming bigger as she finally replies. "We can go back to New York for the holidays."

She turns her head and stares lovingly into my eyes, she leans up and connects our lips. I lightly hold her face in one hand and her waist with other as hers play with the ever growing hair on the base of my scull. Natasha pulls back slightly and mutters against my lips, "You need a haircut."

Tony's POV:

It's December 16. I hate December 16. Barnes hates December 16. Why is it December 16?

I sit in my lab, the screens show the same footage of James Buchanan Barnes running my parents off the road and into a tree. It shows him walking over to the drivers side of the car as my father stumbles out looking weak, and frail. The Winter Soldier grabs Howard by the chin and repeatedly slams with metal fist directly into my fathers skull, crushing it and killing him. The Soldier throws dads body into the car as mom looks over in horror. I see her mouth moving and I imagine her calling out my fathers name out of disbelief and terror of what is about to happen. Hydra controlled Barnes walks quickly over too moms side of the car and strangles her to death without even looking at her or caring about her slightly thrashing body. Once she goes limp he walks closer to the security camera and looks straight into the lens, pulling out a gun he shoots the camera and the footage turns too static.

I restart the video for the eighth time today. Just as the car hits the tree I feel 40 ish pounds climb their way onto my lap and wrap their arms around my neck while burying their face in my chest. I automatically wrap my arms around her small body and shut down the footage.

"Hey, Morguna." I whisper into her hair as I kiss her head and stand up from the wheely chair at my desk.

Morgan lifts her head off of my chest and I move a piece of hair from her eyes. "Are you okay, Daddy?" She tilts her head to the side as she asks this and I force a small smile for her sake.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I say with a wink that makes a small grin come onto her rosy cheeks.

I grab my travel coffee mug and hold it by the lid as Morgan continues to cling to me. We move to the elevator and Friday takes us to the common room, I grab us both a donut before settling us both down on the couch and turning on Cinderella.

Barnes and I ignore each other when he comes into the room initially, but he sits down on another couch to watch with us when Wanda refuses to leave because 'They just introduced the Fairy Godmother.' I roll my eyes at the pair and hold Morgan close as she licks the icing off of her fingers from her second donut and third cupcake. The only reason I realized Barnes entered the room in the first place was because he yelled not so quietly what I can only assume to be Russian curse words when his vibranium arm gets stuck to the fridge.

The normal cycle of Avengers watching movies/tv shows happens where everyone available fills the once empty living room. Except for Peter since Bucky drags him to a lab so he can fix his arm.

By the time the movie finishes, Morgan is just about asleep in my arms and almost everyone else is in a similar state. Unfortunately for all of us our phone all go off at the exact same time.

That can only mean one thing; mission. A big one.

Natasha's POV:

These guys really are useless without either Steve or myself. Without both of us they're a train wreck. Which is exactly why I find myself sitting on the quinjet, getting ready to drop onto the streets of Las Vegas on my motorcycle while Steve attempts to fly the quinjet and keep it steady while giving me directions to get to the rest of the team about 30 minutes after dropping Lydie off with Peter at the tower.

"Coming up on the drop, Nat!" Steve calls from the cockpit of the jet.

I give him a thumbs up when he turns his head back to look at me. I see the hesitation in his eyes as I climb onto the bike and crack my back to give me maximum movement. I give him a wink and kiss the air as his hand goes up to open the floor to drop me into the street.

"4, 3, give 'em hell." He counts down as he looks back at me. I smirk as he presses the button and suddenly I'm in a small break in traffic following Steve's directions through my ear piece. "Hard right... now."

I do as he says and turn into the alleyway, dodging people and everything in my way I turn left onto the main road and swiftly increase my speed. Steve informs me the target the others are chasing is right in front of me, he tells me to hang back and wait for the others to get there but of course I don't listen. I weave between the cars beside me and go just a touch faster so I'm now staring into the side of the head of the driver.

He looks over at me in surprise, I nod at him as he realizes who I am. I watch him very obviously and not discretely pull a gun out from beside him. I smirk as he pulls off the safety and aims it at my head.

"Natasha what the hell are you doing?" Steve yells in my ear. He doesn't realize my plan and it's obvious.

The driver is distracted by trying to aim and keep a steady hand on the steering wheel of the vehicle. Out of the corner of my eye I see the upcoming intersection, slamming on my breaks I slide to a stop as the driver pulls the trigger, the bullet goes through my shoulder but I barely feel it. Just my luck a huge semi speeds through the intersection and slams into the black van I was chasing. I hear the whirl of Starks repulsers coming down from the sky and his metal boots landing on the asphalt with a loud thud.

His mask retreats into the rest of the suit as he stares at the scene unfolding in front of us. "Huh," Tony says simply before looking over to me. "Hey, Natalie."

"Sup, Stark." I reply and let the motorcycle fall to the ground. He looks slightly offended since I'm 97% sure it was a new model that he made for me and 100% sure that it was extremely expensive.

"That was a lot easier than it should have been." Now he looks sceptical, we walk towards the now overturned vehicle and I charge my Widow Bites just in case.

Stepping closer I hear the quinjet land not far away and the others all arriving around us. The driver of the semi truck looks like they might have both a panic attack and a heart attack at the same time from the stress and the shock of what just happened. I go to the back of the van with Wanda trailing behind me while Tony and Rhodey go to the driver side window. The Maximoff girl throws open the back of the van with her telekinesis while I hold a defensive stance.

I take a step forward in confusion, Wanda does too while Sam walks around the outside of the van looking anxious. "He's gone."


I'm really bad at writing actiony stuff bare with me

There shall be holidays at the tower coming very soon my dudes it's gonna be fun:)

Thank you all so much for reading and for all your support, have an amazing day :D


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