Part 15

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I've decided that for the sake of my mental heath that new parts are going to be uploaded on Wednesday's and Saturday's instead of every other day since I still love writing these and seeing all the comments really make me happy but it's taking its toll and I really just need to enjoy the summer. I really hope you understand and that you enjoy this chapter:)

Steve's POV:

"Tasha, what's going on?" I ask her through the phone. I doubt she would have called if it wasn't serious and just the tone of her voice is frightening. There's crunching on her end of the phone and I can't decide if she's eating something, crushing something, or fantasizing someones murder. It might be a bit of all three.

"Lydie's being bullied at school." Natasha replies through gritted teeth. I throw my head back in frustration as I walk towards the stairwell. I sigh before she continues, "Steve, what did she put on that slideshow?"

I furrow my eyebrows, why would what was on the slideshow matter? "She put the Russian flag and a picture of New York from the common room window. That's it." I keep walking up the stairs while trying to figure out what might have went wrong.

"Are you sure?" She asks me, more and more concern lacing each word.

I think back to the night before, "No, you called me over right after we added New York and figured out what she would say." I sigh knowing Lydie put something on the slideshow without my knowledge. I push open the door to the common room and walk towards the kitchen island where I sit on one of the many red bar stools.

Natasha mutters something in Russian that I don't understand, however it does sound extremely threatening. I use my knowledge of Natasha and her patterns with the people she loves to put together the pieces. "Nat, you can't kill a bunch of 8 year olds."

I can almost hear her roll her eyes, "I know that, Steven."

There's a chuckle from beside me, I look to my right and see Peter and Shuri who have clearly been listening in on our conversation. "Dude, you just got full named."

I roll my eyes at the pair and question, "When did you even get here?"

"It's 5 o'clock on a Thursday, Steve. Where else would I be?" I stare at Peter and Shuri for a while before they stand up and head to one of the labs.

I turn my focus back to Natasha, "Sorry, what were you saying?"

Natasha chuckles on her end of the phone call she sighs as she asks, "What do we do Steve? She's really upset about this."

I rest my forehead in the palm of my hand as I think, "I'll call the school. Get this sorted out and-" She cuts me off before I can finish.

"We don't even know who was picking on her, Steve." Natasha reminds me.

"Do you have a better idea?" I snap.

"Steve," Nat warns me. I mumble out a quick apology as she continues, "Just, do your thing and get back quickly."

"Alright," I say before we hang up and Morgan runs up to me. I pick her up so she's sitting on my lap. "Hey, Morgan! How've you been?" I ask enthusiastically as she hugs me tightly.

"Good." She replies before hopping off my lap and running out of the room as quickly as she came.

Natasha's POV:

I sit at the kitchen island debating what to do about all of this. So far I've come up with calling the school, hacking the school, breaking into the school, and getting Lydie to go full mini Black Widow on those kids because if I did I would go to prison for child abuse. I'm not a fan of any of the options.

I lean forward and rest my forehead on the counter as I let out a big sigh, knowing what it is I need to do.

"Mama?" Lydie walks into the room.

I put on a smile and sniffle slightly as I say, "Hey honey, you hungry?" I stand up and walk towards the fridge where I put the takeout from earlier. I put it onto separate plates and put one into the microwave for 50 seconds as Lydie makes her way to the counter. I place the food down in front of her and she starts eating while I contemplate how to start the conversation. "Lydie I need you to be honest with me here. Can you do that for me?"

She nods her head, clearly skeptical about what I'm going to ask her. "What happened? I know those kids wouldn't say those things without prompt. What did you say, monkey?" She pauses, clearly not wanting to answer and scared of what my reaction might be. I see this written all over her face so I take her hand in mine and rub circles on her palm to try to calm down her anxiety. "I promise I won't get upset, I just want to know what happened."

Her gaze shifts to her plate as she finally answers. "After my presentation the teacher said we should do a Q and A. One kid asked what languages I speak, I answered saying them in their own languages in the order I learnt them." She looks back up to me. "After that my classmates started yelling and it felt like the walls were falling on me. Like I was back in that bush. I think my teacher asked if I was okay, she sent me to the nurses office but I went to the bathroom and stayed there for the rest of class. Извини мама." (I'm sorry, Mama) Lydie looks back down to her plate, I hate it when she feels like this.

I sigh and bring her hand up to my lips and look directly into her eyes. "You did nothing wrong, Lydie."

I walk around the counter and give her a tight hug, Lydie wraps her arms around me and buries her head in my chest. I kiss the top of her head before Lydie pulls her head back and looks into my eyes. Whipping away the couple tears that have fallen I kiss her forehead and walk into the family room as I take my phone out of my pocket and make the phone call.

Tony's POV:

Cap and I sit at the kitchen island for a while, not saying anything and not looking at each other though I know he knows I'm here. He seems to be deep in thought so I try not to disturb him until I can't take the silence anymore.

"What are you thinking about?" I ask Steve, he doesn't answer so I bob my head up and down in a sarcastic way and say, "Cool," I clap his back as I stand up and head towards the elevator where I head to Peter's lab to make sure he and Shuri haven't blown the place up yet.

The elevator doors open with a small ding and I step out rather reluctantly into a very charred room and ash floating down from the ceiling. "What did you do?!" I yell at the teenagers in front of me.

"We didn't think you would come dow-" Peters starts but is cut off by an excited Shuri. If Pete's face was scared before it's terrified now.

"We recalibrated an electric pulse that when it went off just happened to go right into a lightsaber which then flew around the room and destroyed nearly everything it touched and-" This time she's cut off by Peter covering her mouth with his hand to get her to stop talking.

I raise an eyebrow at the pair making Peter laugh nervously and the hand that was previously covering Shuri's mouth goes behind his neck. Shuri has a wicked grin on her face, how these two are such good friends I will never know.

"I told you not to blow up the lab again." I tell Peter.

He looks sheepishly to the ground and plays with a stray piece of wood, "I know and I'm sorry we just got carried away and-" Wow this kid can ramble.

"Pete." He looks back up to me, Shuri's head has been going back and forth between us like we're at a tennis match. "You're not in trouble." Peter let's put a big sigh, "You will however be leading a tour group tomorrow."

Peter opens his mouth to say something but I've already turned around and am practically running towards the elevator so all I hear is him yelling "Tony why?!" I smirk as the doors close behind me.


Randomness is my specialty but cliffhangers are my passion.

How was this? Anything you want to see happen? Who do you want Nat to call cause I haven't decided yet

Thank you so much for reading I really hope you enjoyed and have an amazing day:)


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