Part 3

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Natasha's POV:

Since the grenades went off I have diagnosed myself with at least 3 broken ribs, a sprained ankle, fractured wrist, and a mild concussion. Basically the upcoming fight isn't going to go very well. At least it looks like Steve's doing okay. We push through the doors of the building and I have to hold in a grunt as I pull the doors open to reveal a large, dark, dirty, empty space.

"If I just got blown up 4 times for nothing I'm going to be pissed." I mumble without realizing my comms are still on.

"Don't worry, Natalie. There's something in there." Tony quickly responds, causing Steve to look back at me with a cocked eyebrow and a slightly confused expression on his face. I mouth a 'later' to him and nods slightly before turning back around allowing me to both hold my side and rub my wrist for a second.

I draw my pistol from its holster and quickly make sure the magazine is full before raising it and checking a doorway for signs of life. After clearing that room I move onto the one to its right as Steve checks the ones opposite of me. Once I've gone through all 4 rooms on my side I head back to the middle to meet Steve as I've come up short on anything helpful.

"Steve, how's it going?" I call out after standing there a minute without him coming out, "Steve?" I ask before mutter a couple of silent curses about what could have happened.

I cautiously walk towards the door, pausing a moment to listen for movements before fully walking in with my gun drawn and my finger on the trigger, ready to shoot anyone who isn't in the red, white, and blue. I inhale a sharp breath at the sight in front of me, Steve with a knife held to his throat with his hands up in surrender as his captor holds him in a head lock.

"Let him go." I growl in my most deadly voice with the stare that would make any sane person run in terror, for this guy though, it just makes him smirk.

"It's not that easy, Romanoff," He has a thick german accent that cuts through his words as he speaks, "Why should it be?"

"Maybe because I was planning on spending the rest of the day watching Disney movies with my kid." Knife guy raises an eyebrow at me, "Him too, but he just eats all our food." A smile twitches on Steve's face for half a second as he realizes what I'm doing before the germans grip is fastened tighter around his neck and the knife is pressed harder into his throat making Steve gulp as a drop of blood is released.

He goes to open his mouth to say something but before he can, his body tenses before falling limp and falling onto Steve. The unexpected extra weight added to Steve makes him fall forwards slightly before catching himself and shaking off the body. I run as quickly as possible as my sprained ankle and throbbing side will allow towards Steve who now has a small trickle of blood flowing out of his neck.

"Baby, are you alright?" Steve asks me cupping my face with both hands as I reach him, he must have noticed my slight limp and the way I am slightly leaning to the left at the constant protest of breathing happening inside my chest.

I pause for a moment looking into his eyes, "I'm better now." I give him a small smile and he pulls me into a tight hug making me wince at the added pressure on my side. Steve sends me another worried glance before looking over his shoulder to the very bored looking group behind him.

"Let's wrap this up, Peter's cooking right now so we have about an hour until the tower is burnt to the ground." Tony says bringing back his helmet so we can see the expression on his face.

I roll my eyes before answering, "We haven't even gotten in yet, Tony." He makes an annoyed noise before making his way back outside to finish his part of the mission.

Tony's POV:

These two are so stupid sometimes. They do realize there are other people who can go down into a dark, creepy basement of a warehouse to collect some roboty scientist that wants to blow up half of Canada. And with doing that he'll blow up most of the States. God these guys just keep getting stupider and stupider. You'd think they'd learn that you can't just plot to blow up half a continent and expect your plan to go through. Besides, what did Canada ever do to some German folk? Excluding the whole, World War II fiasco.

When Nat sent the signal I blasted down the wall and laser beamed the back of this german guys head while Natasha talked about having a movie marathon at the tower. I motion towards the basement entrance before flying back out to help with extraction.

"James, Clinton, how's it going?" I ask over comms using their full names as I land just outside the entrance.

"Well, Anthony, it's going just swimmingly. Right, James?" Clint uses as much sarcasm as possible and gives me a death glare that would make Natalie proud.

"Swimmingly," Barnes replies, glaring at me as he lifts a metal crate that weighs at least 3 tons. He doesn't even blink as the entire metal box is in his grasp. As soon as the crate is covering his face a round of bullets hits him, I hear him mutter something I assume is in Russian before he calls out, "Sam!"

"On it!" He replies and a second later the metal bullets stop hurtling towards his face. "No thank you? Wow, I'm unappreciated, huh-" Sam starts to ramble but I block him out as I go into the lab to find what I'm looking for.

Basically it's just an advanced robot guy that keeps trying to hack his way into the tower and take over the security measures. He should also have some form of weapon that can destroy large amounts of land. I scan the room and don't see anything so I get Friday to open the suit and do a more comprehensive scan as I walk towards the 1970's computer in the middle of the room.

"You got anything, Fri?" I ask as I start to get into the computers security features.

"Far east side, I'm getting a re-enforced wall, and an air current." I get a small flashback from Sokovia before Ultron, back when Wanda was barely her witchy self and more giving people nightmares.

I walk over to the wall and study certain bricks. "Please be a secret door, please be a secret door, please be a secret door." I whisper as I push on a brick that's sticking out slightly more then all the others. "Yay!" I say as it slides back to reveal a dark hallway barely lit by a single lantern on the wall.

"Hey, Wanda? I got something." I say quietly as I poke my head around the corner to see how far the hallway goes.

"I'm on my way." She replies before I hear the light patter of her footsteps on the old wooden floor. "Well this is familiar." Her Sokovian accent cuts back through her words as she looks past me and down the hallway.

"This is probably the stupidest robot. He broke into the tower and then just put his plans in a ghost folder on my computer. It wasn't even a trap." Wanda looks over to me and then takes a step forwards, throwing a ball of energy down the hallway she checks for traps and anything out of the ordinary.

Once we determine it is safe we walk down the hallway and turn into the first room on the left where we think is the rest of this guys technology is.

Steve's POV:

"You know if we go back like this..." I trail off as Nat and I make our way down yet another staircase.

"I know." She looks up at me with sad eyes as she uses the railing to support her body weight, I hold the shield out in front of us to block any attacks coming our way. "You should call Sam down now," Natasha keeps looking forward as she harshly bites the corner of her bottom lip. And so after a minute I do, I call Sam down as we reach the bottom of the stairs, to where this robot has been hiding out, sending in soldiers to blow us up just because it wants to destroy Canada and take us out in the process.

We walk towards the doorway but I hold my arm out to stop Nat from going any farther. At the last second I pull her down and behind the shield.


this chapter was a mix of me having 2 different ideas and forgetting that I had already started it as one lol

hope it wasn't to confusing or hard to follow, thanks for reading and have a great day:)


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